Racism 1, The Nomad 0

Oh aiite. :lol:

I would imagine that an interracial couple in Bushwick is an everyday sight.

In any case...

" Don't let anybody take your manhood... "

As long as you got away with it you're good $. But I'm sure that your high priced lawyer would have easily beat that case in the event of your arrest.

You're just lucky that van of extremely loud, unusually rude and easily identifiable Polish plumbers stayed inside the vehicle; while you beat their 65 year old comrade senseless. The winds of fortune were also at your back...seeing as how they sent a young Polish translator and her melananted companion to your assistance at the perfect moment.

Things could've gotten really ugly, had Bane not been so pie. Know what I mean?...

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If a person has to lie on NT....that's them, but I'll take most folks on here for their word unless there is a reason not to. If you have to lie to a bunch of strangers on a sneaker forum, you got bigger problems to deal with than racism.

Folks on here quick to call duck tales must not live life or get out there and experience things.....s*** happens everyday, you would be amazed.
This was handled wrong OP. Not only did you put yourself at risk by assaulting one one of these jerks, but in NY of all places where arrest are made first and questions asked later it's not smart. I'll give a story relative to yours:

A old coworker of mine had been on the waiting list for MTA Conductor for like 5 years. Earlier this year, he finally got the call and they began his training to be a conductor on the Staten Island train line. My boy couldnt have been with MTA for more then 2 months when a passenger on the train spat on my boy and called him "THE N WORD." My boy did what any of us would want to do on fist instinct, so he punched the guy in his face. Make a long story short, the MTA asked him to resign. Although in moral and out of disrespect it felt like the right thing for my boy to do at the time. One bad decision ended up ******g up one of my boys potential long term careers, all because a heat of the moment type of situation.
Oh aiite.

I would imagine that an interracial couple in Bushwick is an everyday sight.
In any case...[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]" Don't let anybody take your manhood... "
As long as you got away with it you're good $. But I'm sure that your high priced lawyer would have easily beat that case in the event of your arrest.
You're just lucky that van of unusually rude, yet easily identifiable Polish plumbers stayed inside the vehicle; while you beat their 65 year old comrade senseless. The winds of fortune were also at your back...seeing as how they sent a young Polish translator and her melananted companion to your assistance at the perfect moment.
Things could've gotten really ugly, had Bane not been so pie. Know what I mean?...
...if any of you are over 18, trying WAY TOO HARD. Like serious just go find another thread to be MVP of lols in...PLEASE

  • East Williamsburg- Centered around the Morgan Ave stop on the L train. Seemingly a desolate industrial area, this neighborhood has surprises around every corner. Try out Roberta's Pizza, which gets its ingredients for its fabulous pizza's from its own rooftop farm, and from befriended urban farms in the area. For a drink, head to The Narrows or King's County. Many of New York's underground warehouse parties are thrown in this area as well. Scour the internet to find where they are exactly.
  • Greenpoint- At the northwestern tip of Brooklyn, Greenpoint is the second largest Polish enclave in the United States (after Chicago), but is also home to a sizable Latino population (north of Huron St.) and a growing number of hipsters (see Franklin St.). L Magazine recently called Greenpoint the best neighborhood in all of Brooklyn.
The part that quickly is getting gentrified centers around the Nassau stop on the G train. The traditional Polish part is further up Manhattan Ave and its side streets.

Get Polish food at Karczma (136 Greenpoint Av.), coffee at Ashbox (Manhattan Av. between Ash & Box), brunch at Brooklyn Label (Franklin & Java), Mexican at Acapulco's (Manhattan & Clay). 5 Leaves, on the north-west corner of McCarren park, is one of the best restaurants of the entire city, build up with the estate that Heath Ledger left behind after he passed away.

There are lots of good Polish meat markets along Manhattan and Nassau Avs, too. For some industrial chic, walk down Java Street to its dead end at the East River for great views of Midtown. Nearest subway: G train to Nassau Av. and Greenpoint Av. stations.
  • Bushwick- Rich in its own history, Bushwick is home to many brownstones, mansions, and projects alike. As a low-income neighborhood, shopping can be done on Knickerbocker Avenue, whether for clothes, appliances, or food. The newly restored Maria Hernandez Park on Knickerbocker Ave. and Suydam St. is a nice spot to bring the kids and relax in the shade of the trees. While it's not like neighboring "East Williamsburg", Williamsburg, or Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick has its own sense of community, not to be confused with anything else. However violent crime is a still a concern along with the other social problems in the community associated with the high poverty rate.
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You made a spectacle of yourself. Onlookers considered to be nothing more than a black guy enraged. The fact that you ran just to catch up with them made you look like a lunatic in front of your girl. You should have addressed them at the initial insult. Your girl would have tried to hold you back and you should have allowed her to do so. That way, you'd have gotten the point across that you're not a punk and you're willing to stand up for yourself. Fighting them made you look ridiculous and I wouldn't be surprised if you lose her because of it

Doesn't matter if you had on $500 clothing, or are majoring in psychology in college. Today, you still came off as a crazy black savage. Don't be surprised if some of the people watching, the ones you accosted, or even your girl called you a N.
i believe/believed you fam i just thought that the comment i quoted was funny, jeez 
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If a person has to lie on NT....that's them, but I'll take most folks on here for their word unless there is a reason not to. If you have to lie to a bunch of strangers on a sneaker forum, you got bigger problems to deal with than racism.
Folks on here quick to call duck tales must not live life or get out there and experience things.....s*** happens everyday, you would be amazed.
 You'd be surprised by the fairy tales people concoct starting with a little nugget of truth. Happens in real life all the time. But i'm sure you already know that.

OP probably got dissed by the Polish and the rest was what he imagined himself doing if he was Hancock
Oh ok.

I'm a Black native New Yorker myself but those Wikipedia entries definitely verified the authenticity of your story for me.

Let me fall back...

Wouldn't wanna look like I'm trying way too hard to get props on an internet message board.

That would akin to running over a police officers foot in a fake Ferrari.
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So today I'm going for a stroll with a lady friend and we're holding hands. A plumber van filled with Polish men are in a traffic jam, and see us walking hand and hand. They say something in Polish "kurwa", someone says "do you know what that means, she's a ***** who makes mutt babies ...that wasn't necessary at all". I ask what? He says something vulgar and gives me the finger. So maybe 30 seconds go by of me keeping my cool and trying to downplay it, but there was a BIG elephant in the room like I went out like a loser.

So I tell her, I'm gonna catch them at the light, they are like 4 blocks away. She says "no way", I'm in a pair of Hart Schaffner Marx with slip on Oxfords. I'm looking like Usain Bolt late for a meeting, I caught them at the light and there's a HUGE Bane looking character in the back seat I didn't see.

The rage made me not care, "Aye, what you say to me and my girl?" ..."Yeah don't look surprised some of the stereotype are true, we're very fast". "Why don't you get out the car and say it to me like a man so I can punch you dead in your ****?"

Still looking like he seen a ghost and was astonished I made it 4 blocks that fast to beat his ***. He's now switching into "my friends are watching mode so I can't punk out". The driver is maybe 65, "we don't want trouble",

"You should've thought about that before you disrespected an interracial couple, it's 2012 and you're in AMERICA your homeland customs were compromised when you decided to move to MY country for a better life. Round here that will get you ****** up"

He tried to take off his seat belt, BOW, it's off but he's in the days, BOW, BAP BAP BAM. Bane in the backseat tries to pull me in, my hand gets free BOW. I drag mister mouth in the middle of the street, and people are yelling "what's he doing", "call the police", ..."I yell this what happens when you call my girl a *****, THIS IS AMERICA, you people can't come here and spend our money, reap our benefits and try to carve out a piece you call you own. THIS IS AMERICA either you accept ALL PEOPLE IN IT, including BLACKS who built this country in BLOOD or you GO HOME"

He takes a swing, I duck BOW, PAP PAP, BAM BOOM...he's out of there. I'm sweating like a beast in $500 worth of casual attire. She's now on the scene crying, people are looking at me like a trouble maker in disgust, those who heard my little manifesto understood but and were explaining it to others.

I felt trapped, like my strength, masculinity, RESPECT AS A HUMAN being was forfeited if I didn't give this guy the business. But I looked like a lunatic to those who didn't understand. Is this the price I pay for being black? Having nice looking women?  

I've let things like that slide, 3 times this month already and tried to be the bigger person. One guy did it again because I ALLOWED him to by being passive. I'd rather earn his respect and understanding with my mind, but sometimes people have to learn through physical pain. I felt what I did was a public service, my day is ruined and I feel like all my accomplishments are bruised and tarnished because of how I acted.

Blacks and minorities you're welcome to share stories or leave feedback on how I could have handled it better.

Caucasians check in too, I'd like to know if you know someone who feels like this about interracial couples.

But I'm a psych major and I seen no other means to make this guy understand his behavior isn't acceptable. 

Sorry for no cliffs, certain things have be understood in it's entirety introspectively.

OP probably got dissed by the Polish and the rest was what he imagined himself doing if he was Hancock  You mean to tell me this guy actually logged off Niketalk, took a shower, cashed his check, AND went on a lunch date with a WOMAN that has a real VAGINA ?...C'mon who actually leaves their house or has gotten into a fist fight? (said with saliva filled lisp)
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Caught me off guard. :lol:

To the OP...I was gonna say you were in the wrong for letting him get to you (even though you technically still are), but three times in a month is just ridiculous. :smh: I can understand having that tension built up.

It's like what do I do? I understand if you don't like me because the color of my skin. THAT'S YOU RIGHT, a stupid right to be entitled to but I'm understanding enough to RESPECT your right. But to disrespect a beautiful woman that doesn't share your beliefs isn't your right, THEN to verbalize your hate in my proximity is even worse.

Imagine being a nice looking female with a guy who's VERY muscular, and every time you're out people are calling you names because of who you're with?

First time was a crazy guy, called me a "mongrel" while we're on a stroll. THEN some wise cracking guy says "you can't find a white guy with a **** big enough?"

Same guy two weeks later see me in my car, it was very nice. "Oh that's how you got her, is it bulletproof you know rappers are doing that now?"

Each time I walked away and downplayed it like I was better than their petty grievances, but you could tell it was frustrating her.

It was to the point where she was shocked I was gonna walk away today.


BRAAAAAA where do you live? i swear i havent had anyone ever come at me so sideways

most of all tho is that i dont feel what you did was necessary, she shouldve spoke up and defended you because they are only talking down on her because of you, if they get too close, thats when you step in with them paws, but in all of these instances your girl was in the wrong
I'm not pulling a damn near senior citizen out of a car in the middle of the street to beat his ***, over something i'm not sure if he even said or not because it was in totally different language.

When you let people's words make you act that far out of character they've already won

3 times in ONE MONTH this has happened though..everyone has boiling points where logic just doesn't compute

3 times in the last month?!

Where do you live?

No need to get defensive, some random person's opinion shouldn't bother you so much
it could have gotton ugly real fast had they had guns or one dude hit u really good. but it went well and u got lucky. applaudes for backing ya girl. i would not take dat ish from an old man ever. as a young man u shud be reddy to KO these old racist white dudes all day. :smokin
3 times in the last month?!
Where do you live?

The Bronx Aug 17th
A Parks Department worker who found a black doll hanging from a noose at the agency’s Bronx headquarters has filed a $15 million lawsuit against the city and his bosses — who are accused of covering up the incident and the suspected perpetrator.

Earlier this year, West Indian Parade
The annual celebration — believed to be the largest parade in the city — was described as “Savage Day,” “this coconut parade” and “pure savagery” in the worst of the Facebook page post

Brooklyn May 2012

Cops stopped and questioned nearly one-third of Brownsville’s residents last year - the highest out of the city’s 76 police precincts.

Six miles away in Borough Park only 2 % of the neighborhood’s population was quizzed by cops in 2011 - the lowest number in the New York Civil Liberties Union citywide ranking analyzing “stop-and-frisk” NYPD data.

“There is a set of rules for people of color; and a set of rules for whites,” said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the NYCLU. “Policing in New York is a tale of two cities.”

Earlier this year Brooklyn

Police and education officials are investigating a series of racist hate mail sent to the controversial black principal of a Brooklyn elementary school, the Daily News has learned.

“You are a filthy, dirty, ugly subhuman gorilla,” reads one of the vicious letters sent to Greta Hawkins, the leader of PS 90 in Coney Island.
“Let’s hope that AIDS will do what sickle cell anemia failed to do, exterminate your whole simian race,” reads one of three horrifying letters sent to Hawkins at the A-rated school.
“N----- and their Jew commie bosses are the scum of the earth.”

It was the culmination of what the family called a campaign of hazing against Private Chen, 19, who was born in Chinatown in Manhattan, the son of Chinese immigrants. Hours later, he was found dead in a guard tower, from what a military statement on Wednesday called “an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound” to the head.
Kid blew his head off dealing with a FRACTION of what the African American male endures EVERY DAY OF HIS LIFE. Not saying what they did to him wasn't cruel but it's NOTHING compared to the atrocities black males face EVERYDAY and its make national attention as if his tribulations were ANY more severe than the black males of this country...even in MY PLEADING on a sneaker forum to regain some mental footing I'm presented with Pinochio GIFS and accusations of ducktales.

...Just saying.
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I thought NYC was melting pot of all races and cultures. I always have received love from New Yorkers.
I'm a Black native New Yorker myself but those Wikipedia entries definitely verified the authenticity of your story for me.


And OP, you made yourself look like a fool, if the story is based on fact. Not only do you look like the typical angry black guy who wants to beat up on any and everybody because they are mad at the world, you may have messed things up with your girl with your chivalrous display of heroism. That may turn her off. Not to say your girl is shallow minded but who really wants to be seen with someone who is a loose cannon?

You just have to let it roll of your skin fam. I know how it is to hear the same **** all the time, but I also know how it is to take the higher road. Remember, people talk because of their own insecurities and ignorance - don't be caught in that web of tomfoolery.
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Hard to believe the story, since I've been using the internet, I've seen a lot of pathetic stuff and random lies. I'll go with it though.

You looked ******g crazy. You're telling me you beat up a 65 year old man? What? That's not okay. If I saw that, I don't care what he said about your interracial relationship, you don't do that. It doesn't prove anything and makes you look like a irrational jackass. You should have approached one of the younger men in the car who were also saying stuff, not the damn 65 year old. Bane had you shook so you went after his damn grandfather.
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