Racism and the internet... (White people = main focus)

yall think you got itbad dontcha..... yo in my school.... there is like 3 black lunch tables and lik 17 all whitetables.... in my shop all i hear is "yoyou watch the hockey game last week...","yo u ballin up today","yo u like watermelon'"yo who stole histools......."....i've gotten use to eat cuz they know ill give em the hands quick.... but they they think they mighty or something because im the onlyblack one out of 20 kids..... mosta the kids im maad cool with though
It's a Gotdamn shame racism will never ever end...
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

i dont do it myself, but i know alot of people who say racist @#$% online, even against their own race, just to get a rise out of people. not saying that thats the case for all racist behavior on the net but alot of youtube comments for example are obviously made just to start huge arguments
this will be over their heads
they just want to be mad
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

but really... some of my best friends are black!
lol, i hate how everybody thinks its "cool" now to walk around talkin bout N this N that all the damn time too!

I am no way racist, bu racist jokes are hilarious, and i will joke about every damn race in existence
Everyone wanna call out everyone on racism. Truth is blacks are just as racist as whites. Period.
My old neighbors (not next door, down a coupld houses) were racist, and they were black. I tried to be as friendly as can be because why start problems rightat home, you know? I couldn't even count how many times they told me to speak english or go back to Mexico (im not even mexican).

XBL was the same but it mostly did come from what I assumed were white kids/teens.
Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT



I once saw a thread on there where the more educated white supremacists were telling the rest of them about how humanity started in africa. One dude said something to the effect of. "If were all from Africa, then what's the point of white supremacy?" I was dyin.
Post election was awesome
Originally Posted by BTK

Everyone wanna call out everyone on racism. Truth is blacks are just as racist as whites. Period.
you're crazy as hell...i've seen many blacks embrace white people....its just that blacks dont trust white people like that because of thehistory involving both races....
this occurs especially online and specifically on xbox live. these little white kids annoy the hell out of me.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

Originally Posted by BTK

Everyone wanna call out everyone on racism. Truth is blacks are just as racist as whites. Period.

but biggest racists are asians

That's a pretty sad way to make slick remark about Asians, too bad I'm not Asian. I'm actually African American & Italian. Try harder.
Originally Posted by Russoull

I know what you mean, when I USED to play 2K Online...all I'd hear were Mexican/Asian/Black jokes when I wouldn't even USE my mic. I remember playin this white kid who had to be at least 12 years old...ended up winnin by 10+ and as soon as the game was bout to end I hear him say "GET BACK IN YOUR SHACKLES N(er)"...mind you I didn't even talk on the mic ONCE , dude didn't even know WHO the hell OR WHAT I was.
To me its all funny cause I know in real life they wouldn't dare say it in my face. Im black and Dominican so I get it from everywhere I used to get reallymad at whte people for the stuff they saod but I just stop caring cause they can be ignorant at time actually we all can be. I read that stuff online and shrugit off because I know when You see these kids in the streets they rock J's got fitteds on and wanna be black so bad they sleep with a Picture of DonCornelius under there pillows wishing they could have soul like us. Wont use swagger because that aint what its about. But I really think its jealousy causethey women love us and they want to look like us. That is the younger Racist white kids. But the Older ones they mean what they say they dispise us.. now Idont have no beef with White Folks I got smoe white Friends but thats only bc they came from the same broke @ss projects I grew up in so they where raised justlike me
Everyone is racist, that's a given.

...What really gets me is the closet/ candid racist. I love White comedians who keep it real - Bill Burr, & Louis C.K., they're not racist, they justkeep it real overall. When you go behind closed doors, and blow your top off on the computer about Blacks, or whatever race ITS A COWARDLY ACT! Point BlankPeriod.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Everyone is racist, that's a given.

...What really gets me is the closet/ candid racist. I love White comedians who keep it real - Bill Burr, & Louis C.K., they're not racist, they just keep it real overall. When you go behind closed doors, and blow your top off on the computer about Blacks, or whatever race ITS A COWARDLY ACT! Point Blank Period.
My thoughts exactly you hit that dead on my man
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

its exactly why you shouldn't get angry...
some people are just "trolling"

and its also "exactly" that you're not supposed to assume its a white person on the other end... proving that the title is prejudice

how did you take 1 word and adapt it to something totally different? the exactly went to the other point I made.
some people go too hard in these posts...
this guy gets it. As soon as you take the power away from the word, then it becomes useless.

Just like the way the N word with a "a" was transformed into something that is used in a totally differentword,
So is the actually N word, everyone black or white, can be a N word. Once you acknowledge this, it because more useless againts you.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

people always go too hard in threads like this, as if they don't make "white jokes" as if they don't make jokes like this with their friends...

Wow... You serious? The fact is, I DON'T make "white jokes" or any kind of racist jokes with my friends. I dont understand where it comesfrom. What's the point? Where would my animosity for a whole entire race come from to just start making jokes like that?

Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

If you believe in "race", you're racist.

You're right. And I've stated numerous times on here that there's really no such thing as races. But to make it easy, I use terms and describethings so most people can relate. And if you really want to get technical with it, there are only three races. The caucasoids, mongoloids and negroids. Noneof this Black/White/Asian/Hispanic bull people throw around. That's why I always go into threads like "what race do people most often mistake youfor?" and try to drop knowledge because people just dont understand that someone sat down and created race clasifications. Imagine how much more we couldget done and how much further we could progress if people just realized that we are of one race, that is the human race. Just think about that for a minute...
Originally Posted by toast1985

Everyone is racist, that's a given.

When you go behind closed doors, and blow your top off on the computer about Blacks, or whatever race ITS A COWARDLY ACT! Point Blank Period.
I need you to explain that a little more.

You're right about that.
To me and my friends, jokes are jokes. Be it black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. We say some things to eachother I would never in a million years say tocomplete strangers because most people aren't able to laugh at themselves. Only thing that doesn't fly with me is the N word, I don't like it and Idon't feel like I'm entitled to use it no matter what race thinks I may be allowed.

I know what you mean about youtube comments and @%*% tho...makes me sick to know people really think like that and are serious about it.
people eagerly embrace the opportunity to release their inner filth in anonymity. esp. when theyre sick and broken.
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