Racism and the internet... (White people = main focus)

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Well 1. There aren't as many racists as you think & a lot of white people voted for Obama so that's how he got elected....

I hate when people use that as an argument. Don't you think that it's quite possible that some white people who may be racist, is getting hit just ashard as everyone else with this recession. So they knew that they had to vote for something new, even if it is against their beliefs, because they werestruggling as well.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AJChick23

You're one of the closet racists on youtube huh?

Ive been banned from youtube so many times (from posting music videos or mtv shows not racism) that I dont care to make a new acct
but those racist comments are hilarious

they keep the day going.


Honestly, i can't even mess with you no more chunk after that. disgusting.
I don't even let that %$$@ affect me anymore most of the time.

I mean when is the last time anybody made a good racist joke, that wasn't redundant as hell. Black jokes are like the trump cards of 'joking.'
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Words are just words.. it's actions that matter.
I disagree. I think you can clearly cross the line. And there are many such words that I won't utter whether I'm just joking or not.
Anyways, I know what you're getting at but I'm just saying.

I disagree, the lines are very blurry when it comes to joking on the internet. When you use the internet you should take some things as nothing more than a comment, laugh if you find it funny and if you dont then just ignore it. For example, that dude that posted the comment about having an Xbox because of affirmative action, thats pretty funny. We will never know if he is truly a racist or if he isnt, but we cant just be overly sensitive about things.

Keep in mind we laugh at things like "pedo bears", that can be very offensive to someone that has gone through certain experiences as a child and many times something that has been an unfortunate situation for one person becomes an "epic thread".

In instances like that, words can and often times should be taken as nothing more than just words.
IMO its not that hard to tell when someone exposes their card and goes on a racist rant or when someone is just trying to provide the lulz.

No, I get it. I get that the line is very blurry. There was wit to the XBox line. I'd laugh.
But where's the joke in calling a black dude a monkey, for example? I don't know. It really is hard to tell but some reckless/ridiculous stuff justcomes off as absurd and funny. And sometimes, things just come across as really venomous.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by bryanne2210

It's easy to say words are just words, but a completely different story when those words are directed directly at you...Jokes or no jokes certain things shouldn't be said or done, and the no censorship is a crazy idea because, personally, I think that would cause a massive racial war...
So then it should be done across the board.
Im not saying people should say any and every ignorant comment that pops up in their head.
But once we get into censoring one thing then it opens up the floodgates for all types of things to start getting censored.

I get what you're saying, but then that's a very difficult thing to do. When the country is all about "freedom of speech". Besides, Idon't think there will ever be a way around racism, just because of the media, they fuel way too much things to keep everybody hating each other. And attimes, it's even used as a source of entertainment which is really sad !!!
Originally Posted by bryanne2210

It's easy to say words are just words, but a completely different story when those words are directed directly at you...Jokes or no jokes certain things shouldn't be said or done, and the no censorship is a crazy idea because, personally, I think that would cause a massive racial war...
No - it's not. While the harshest words that could be used against me probably don't have the same connotations and hurtful impact assome towards other races and people would - I don't sit here and try to take away somebody's right to say what they feel or think.

Ever heard that saying about, not liking what you have to say but willing to die to protect your right to say it? Free speech isn't about making everyonehappy - it's literally about protecting everyone's right to speak as they see fit, whether you agree or not with what they're saying. So thatsomeday, when you have something to say that nobody wants you to be saying, that right is protected.

It's also just the most basic idea of a free society - if you can't speak freely, you aren't free at all.

I disagree. I think you can clearly cross the line.
And who gets to decide where the line is, and when it's crossed? That's a whole can of worms you don't want to open in a freesociety.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

[h3](White people = main focus)[/h3]*insert facepalm.gif here*

There's no denying the fact. There's no irony in that statement.

Originally Posted by sn00pee

[insert simpsons gif here]

Wus good with that? I saw you in the 4chan thread. Speak up.
sometimes even i spam the N word in 4chan threads. Why? i dunno, trolling.
And thats probably 90% of the reasons you see so much "racism" on the internet. Trolls.

Would love to see you spam the "N" word to me. Seriously.. Would love it.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by bryanne2210

It's easy to say words are just words, but a completely different story when those words are directed directly at you...Jokes or no jokes certain things shouldn't be said or done, and the no censorship is a crazy idea because, personally, I think that would cause a massive racial war...
No - it's not. While the harshest words that could be used against me probably don't have the same connotations and hurtful impact as some towards other races and people would - I don't sit here and try to take away somebody's right to say what they feel or think.

Ever heard that saying about, not liking what you have to say but willing to die to protect your right to say it? Free speech isn't about making everyone happy - it's literally about protecting everyone's right to speak as they see fit, whether you agree or not with what they're saying. So that someday, when you have something to say that nobody wants you to be saying, that right is protected.

It's also just the most basic idea of a free society - if you can't speak freely, you aren't free at all.

I disagree. I think you can clearly cross the line.
And who gets to decide where the line is, and when it's crossed? That's a whole can of worms you don't want to open in a free society.

That's true, but it's unfortunate that not everybody shares the same views and beliefs like yourself. A lot of people, live life full of insecurities.

Free society, that's good!!! Honestly, though, how free are we talking ?
When I was young I would get heated. But now it doesn't bother me. On my xbox profile it says, "Hey what's up, I'm the Black guy. Ifyou're going to be racist, at least be entertaining."

I do get pissed on xbox when 1 kid says the word and 10 other people start cracking up like they've heard thefunniest joke in the world. Come on man. You can do better than that.
I had no idea so many people were so racist in the 21st century before I started reading the comments for videos on youtube.
Free society? Then can I respond in kind with a swift kick to your face?

Look. Free speech =/= hate speech. I draw the line when it's clearly hate speech. But you know what? Maybe I'm overly sensitive and insecure. Or maybeI just don't think that the right to free speech is the same thing as the right to be reckless and hateful. Please make offhanded offensive remarks in theoffice and tell HR that you were just exercising your right to free speech. Good one.

Should the Internet be censored? I say no. But maybe some of these kids' moms need to be emailed that their children are being hateful/ignorant. And I knowit could just be a phase; vulgarity is fun when you're young.

If you're okay with the consequences from the words that you spew, you can say whatever it is you want. But come on, people hide behind keyboards becausethey would not dare to say most of that crap in real life. Some people represent themselves authentically online and some are bada$$ alter-egos of themselves.
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Hell yeah. I see this on basically every website. I see it so much, it almost seems normal.
And that where the problem is !!! IT SEEMS NORMAL !!!
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Free society? Then can I respond in kind with a swift kick to your face?

Look. Free speech =/= hate speech. I draw the line when it's clearly hate speech. But you know what? Maybe I'm overly sensitive and insecure. Or maybe I just don't think that the right to free speech is the same thing as the right to be reckless and hateful. Please make offhanded offensive remarks in the office and tell HR that you were just exercising your right to free speech. Good one.

Should the Internet be censored? I say no. But maybe some of these kids' moms need to be emailed that their children are being hateful/ignorant. And I know it could just be a phase; vulgarity is fun when you're young.

If you're okay with the consequences from the words that you spew, you can say whatever it is you want. But come on, people hide behind keyboards because they would not dare to say most of that crap in real life. Some people represent themselves authentically online and some are bada$$ alter-egos of themselves.

Obviously the laws of free speech aren't necessary to protect in private businesses and the like... and as i said, there is a time and a place where mostthings are appropriate... and yes, if you want to kick me for what i say that's your prerogative - there are consequences for every action.

I don't agree with hate speech either - but again, when you begin picking and choosing what is acceptable and what's not, you walk a fine line ofcensorship. if hate speech is out today, are racist jokes out tomorrow... then you can't speak bad about the government next?

Words are just words - people give them power, and so it's people who need to be legislated against.. not the words they use.
I agree there is far too much racism in the world, and especially on the net where people don't have to be accountable for what they say. but what aboutall you dudes and your homophobia comments? I don't see you saying anything about that. how is demeaning gays any different than demeaning blacks? and ismaking fun of white peoples dancing racist? or are those things ok because they are not directed towards black people? so while I can def see what you aresaying, I think the picture is a bit bigger then you are considering
"Racism's still alive, they just be concealing it"

...and I don't even @+%! with Kanye like that anymore.

The truth is, people vent all sots of taboo thoughts just as ling as they don't have to take responsibility for them. That's life. Look at all thesefoul mouth "game spitters" on NT that spew the wildest *%@* to the 3 and a half women on this board, knowing damn well they couldn't evenproperly approach a chick in reality. C'est la vie...
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

"Racism's still alive, they just be concealing it"

...and I don't even @+%! with Kanye like that anymore.

The truth is, people vent all sots of taboo thoughts just as ling as they don't have to take responsibility for them. That's life. Look at all these foul mouth "game spitters" on NT that spew the wildest *%@* to the 3 and a half women on this board, knowing damn well they couldn't even properly approach a chick in reality. C'est la vie...
Good point

I see it
i wouldnt label myself as racist.

i just HIGHLY have a problem with white people.

but being a black man, thats 'expected' anyways right?
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

[h3](White people = main focus)[/h3]*insert facepalm.gif here*

There's no denying the fact. There's no irony in that statement.

Originally Posted by sn00pee

[insert simpsons gif here]

Wus good with that? I saw you in the 4chan thread. Speak up.
sometimes even i spam the N word in 4chan threads. Why? i dunno, trolling.
And thats probably 90% of the reasons you see so much "racism" on the internet. Trolls.

Would love to see you spam the "N" word to me. Seriously.. Would love it.
im black
my white roommate uses that word allllll the time likes it nothin...

i'm white myself, but it still just disgusts me that he drops it
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

my white roommate uses that word allllll the time likes it nothin...

i'm white myself, but it still just disgusts me that he drops it
There really should be a service where you can hire a big hulking black dude (think lineman size) to scare the crap out of your dumb friends whodon't know that it ain't cool throwing the N word around like that. At worst, it could make for good YouTube vids.
Originally Posted by reeeem0

i wouldnt label myself as racist.

i just HIGHLY have a problem with white people.

but being a black man, thats 'expected' anyways right?
but i think this is a dumb statement. why does it even matter what the person's skin color is? being white doesn't mean a person isgoing to be a loser and a racist southerner. you may not think you are, but if you have a "HIGH" problem with white people, that makes you a racistdude.

bottom line is, people shouldn't worry about skin color...it'll make for a better world.
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