Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

Who cares about their names? These are some college frat boys who are pretty much worthless. Just a bunch of drunk idiots. Why focus your energy on them, kids with no power over you?

The real racism that oppresses minorities are those folks in a position of power. The upper management folks at corporations who don't promote people of color. The people who keep the power, and most importantly, the money, with the white. Focus our energy in that demographic. 

I could care less about a drunk frat kid. 
They will be the future Darren wilson Daneil Pentaleo's and Sherrifs Chiefs Judges who will then have the power wealth and influence that backs up their chant..
They will be the future Darren wilson Daneil Pentaleo's and Sherrifs Chiefs Judges who will then have the power wealth and influence that backs up their chant..
I don't get why people don't get this, and play it off by saying "they are just stupid 19yo frat kids".

Where do you think they go after they graduate?

What sucks is that 99% of the people that take part on this are skating..

That includes

- All the dudes/chicks that were chanting on the bus
- the dudes that taught it to them
- the dudes who taught it the the guys that taught it to them.

There's a large group of further SAE member that are literally wiping their foreheads because they didn't get caught...
I don't get why people don't get this, and play it off by saying "they are just stupid 19yo frat kids".

Where do you think they go after they graduate?

exactly.. but people use that statement to deflect now when the black teacher spoke about fergusion they got her fired a couple days later.. these guys not only had their faces bleeped out and names protected for the most part.. they got cops protecting them as well.. if they were AA the cops would be aiming guns at them, their whole life background checks criminal records would be exposed.. names dropped.. etc
Even if this doesn't change the way some of theses a**holes think, you know they will definitely think twice knowing that there are finally consequences to the racist sh*t they do and say.
I'm ignorant to frat life....what exactly do they bring to schools? Will we ever get to the point when there are no more frats in schools?

Can what they do be replaced by certain on-campus student organizations?
Frats aren't going anywhere. These are age old organizations w/ powerful alumni.
Again... I keep reiterating this...

People think racist people are white skinheads and 70+ year old men...

Like... Come on, famb... You think parents didn't pass down the ****** mindset to their kids and their kids?

Jim crow ended in the 60s... Which means ALL of these kids' parents were at least born in the decade where black people couldn't use the same bathroom...

Let that sink in, man... Its getting better, no doubt... But you'd be a fool to think the bigoted and viscous behavior is ending with the baby boomers...

Just like they're teaching kids ABCs and 123s... They're teaching them other stuff too.

Son, I've BEEN saying this.

You are... SPOT... ON.

People think racism/racists/racist personalities are gone, like we're TOTALLY past that.

Because MLK.

Because Obama in office.

Because Jordan and Michael Jackson ruled the world at one time.

Because "My best friend is black."


Growing up in SoCal, I didn't really realize it. Not until I moved to the south (Tennessee), and since then I've lived in OH, KY, WV, and now IL.

It is ROUGH here in the 'Bible Belt'. :\
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Do you think there is any chance that the two guys who were expelled can actually learn/grow from this? At the end of the day, they are 19/20. I think most people can say that at that age, you are prone to stupidity and making mistakes.

FWIW, I think no matter how contrite they are, this is something that will certainly **** them going forward. It's not like getting expelled for an alcohol/drug related incident...this is on a completely different level. They will always be those guys. A quick background search for whatever prospective company they are applying to will most certainly uncover their past. It's obviously something that they should have thought about, but they're the ones who have to live with this mistake.
Do you think there is any chance that the two guys who were expelled can actually learn/grow from this? At the end of the day, they are 19/20. I think most people can say that at that age, you are prone to stupidity and making mistakes.

Whether they learn/grow from it, idk. These are kids that have probably gone through their entire lives not meeting a black person who wasn't "help" or on their socio economic level. One things for sure they'll definitely think before they speak about anything that's even remotely racial.
Do you think there is any chance that the two guys who were expelled can actually learn/grow from this? At the end of the day, they are 19/20. I think most people can say that at that age, you are prone to stupidity and making mistakes.

FWIW, I think no matter how contrite they are, this is something that will certainly **** them going forward. It's not like getting expelled for an alcohol/drug related incident...this is on a completely different level. They will always be those guys. A quick background search for whatever prospective company they are applying to will most certainly uncover their past. It's obviously something that they should have thought about, but they're the ones who have to live with this mistake.
Answering your initial question, I seriously doubt it.

They'll be coddled. "Oh what's the big deal? It's not like you hung anyone," their mothers will say.

"I told you to keep your damn mouth shut, always saying the stupidest things," their fathers will say.

"People can't even joke anymore," their girlfriends and friends will say.

"I'm disgusted. It's 2015. As long as people like you think it's ok to say things like that, then 'they' are not equal to 'us'. That ****... wasn't funny," no one important to them will say.
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One things for sure they'll definitely think before they speak about anything that's even remotely racial.
I'm positive that what they are processing as their mistake was recording it and posting it. I doubt that they are processing their words and inner-thoughts as needing correction.
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I'm positive that what they are processing as their mistake was recording it and posting it. I doubt that they are processing their words and inner-thoughts as needing correction.

I agree, but the Nword has gotta leave a bad taste in their mouths
One things for sure they'll definitely think before they speak about anything that's even remotely racial.
I'm positive that what they are processing as their mistake was recording it and posting it. I doubt that they are processing their words and inner-thoughts as needing correction.

If I remember the details correctly, the person who recorded it gave it to Unheard, which is a part of the BSU (I think). That person should be commended.
Do you think there is any chance that the two guys who were expelled can actually learn/grow from this? At the end of the day, they are 19/20. I think most people can say that at that age, you are prone to stupidity and making mistakes.

FWIW, I think no matter how contrite they are, this is something that will certainly **** them going forward. It's not like getting expelled for an alcohol/drug related incident...this is on a completely different level. They will always be those guys. A quick background search for whatever prospective company they are applying to will most certainly uncover their past. It's obviously something that they should have thought about, but they're the ones who have to live with this mistake.
To be frank their lives are over really.
Yeah their done. Too much bad press to hire the guys. Not to mention everywhere they go they have their faces stomped in. No problems here
You seen this crowd funder for the black cook.. you see the goal is met already..

i hate these. the "mom" had one pop up too saying she couldn't believe they were saying these things... until the video of her saying n**** over and over and over again popped up. who is howard anyways? does anyone know he really exists? people are always so willing to just fork over money once their heartstrings are pulled. people are just stupid....
While I think both guys would have eventually withdrawn from OU, can you imagine if they weren't expelled and actually stayed on campus???
i hate these. the "mom" had one pop up too saying she couldn't believe they were saying these things... until the video of her saying n**** over and over and over again popped up. who is howard anyways? does anyone know he really exists? people are always so willing to just fork over money once their heartstrings are pulled. people are just stupid....
To be fair she was singing along to a rap song. 
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