Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

What does sws stand for?

With respect to the house mother video, that doesn't bother me nearly as much as the frat video. Especially when given the context of the house mother vine.
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Sooper hooper... I'll take a stab

Black artists that rap about killing other people don't have a history of controlling a subset of people

With music it's generally based off ones location or affiliation or because of some drugs

It's never because someone's inherited physical traits

It's also a form of entertainment. Kinda like those rap battles. They trying to come with the most aggressive and thought provoking rhyme that "bodies" their opponent

The history and actual imagery of the two have totally different paths we onterpret

This might be a bad comparison but I'll ise men hitting women and vice versa... Society doesn't frown upon women hitting men because the history isn't as deep rooted . Men can do FAR more damage to a woman than a woman can do to a man when it comes to standing there and trading blows

Same with this

A black rapper talking about trapping effects the people in that neighborhood and the drug dealers he interacts with

These white dudes will have the ability to change LAWS and effect millions of black peoples lives if they get into certain positions
You do this in EVERY race related thread.


I'm assuming you're referring to me. It's just odd that the same action/words are celebrated when performed by a certain group, and shunned when performed by another group... Yet we are striving for equality which means all actions should be received equally. But apparently it's not black and white. No pun.

That's why.
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It's 2015...who's still making "mistakes" like this on video? Especially an entire bus full of people. 

Considering that, and the looks on those 2 dudes faces while moving out...they simply didn't and don't give a ****. I'll go as far as to say some of them are probably enjoying the attention. Their way of living won't be compromised and they know it. They'll enroll in different schools...graduate...and live the same lives they were going to live anyway. A large contingent of the people in public office and private sectors of the workforce...have instilled these qualities in their own children. These are the people that's going to hire these dudes one day.

They pick and choose what they want to show you in the news and it's for a reason. Just like all this other ****...it's a big deal for a hot second....and then boom...everyone forgets about it...and life moves on. Then the situations repeat themselves again and again. If an icon like Justin Bieber can be "forgiven" for what he did...what makes any of us think that if one of these OU clowns ends up being a police chief in 30 years...that this incident would even be a blip on anyones radar by that time? 
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I have a feeling one of the sorority girls on the bus leaked the video.

Bet she got tired of these lil penised boys slandering the brothas after she experienced the black mamba for herself :lol:
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji] at the grandma saying she was shocked at the video then her video comes out. These kinds of people would probably lie about their mommas deaths I tell ya.
Yes, there are a lot of Asian/Latino frats here in Cali. The difference is that these frats, along with black frats, are typically much more welcoming to all types of people than the typical white frat.

I used to think it was weird to have these frats with 90% of one ethnicity. But from experience, these guys really don't care what you are, it's just something that happens because people are comfortable joining frats with people that look like them and are accepting of them, compared to frats like SAE where you have to be a tank top/vans/snapback wearing meathead bro to fit in.

People self segregate themselves....
grandma saying she was shocked at the video then her video comes out
The confederacy is still much alive.That chant they were caught saying "we can't hang them but we can stop them..."That's some pre-civil rights era and it's 2015.They may can stop some of us from attending that school but what should be asked is what else could they stop???remember these are students who will one day be a judge,police officer,an government official,a prison warden and god forbid a teacher.

White people+alcohol + a mob mentality(all accordance)=Nothing good comes of it,most times.
boy if you dont lmao, obviously them dudes is racist
actions speak louder than words, it was a stupid song/chant or whatever you wanna call it, it was ignorant and dumb but I can't call em racist just how i feel.
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why are dumb and ignorant always the first thing when it comes to white people being racist?

like white ppl are some standard of virtue that only a few of them fail to achieve?
Yo real talk.

Why is CNN interviewing Waka on this subject?

White media damn shore know who to get to represent us.

Next is Charles Barkley :smh:
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