Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

frats are for lames on the real.

nothing but insecure males that need validation from other men, then they have to do some borderline gay ish to join.
Those idiots Just gave that University a black eye that will take years to come out from. Sad y0. And as a black man who has had white friends since grade school, it makes every single white person from that Uni look like a Racist. The fact that it took place in Oklahoma makes it that much worse. Students should be suspended for a year from school and forced to take sensitivity training. College kids make mistakes and they should pay for it, but expelling them would do no good in this case because they didn't actually harm anyone, just gave the Uni one of those old skool Mike Tyson Papa Joe Jackson black eyes is all.
A former SAE member set up a kickstarter for the house chef, who happens to be a black man. Link and description below:

View media item 1438993

"For the guy who has probably spent more hours at 730 College than any other man.
Today we received the news that some ignorant kids have quickly destroyed something that thousands of men built. Because of these kids' actions, many will be affected. None more so than Howard.

Those of you who lived in the house, undoubtedly came to love Howard and his infectious smile (if not his chili dogs). He was always there to chat with you and more importantly, to take care of Mom B.

Well, that man is going to walk up to the SAE house tomorrow morning and hear that he no longer has a job. He is going to learn who has been working for. And through some cruel twist of fate, he has to lose the job that he has held for over a decade. He is going to lose his job because of a bus full of racist kids.

You know and I know that this isn't the house we lived in. I'm positive Howard knows this too. I ask you to give some money to make sure he lands on his feet.

Thank you."

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Gotcha. Black people are not helpless, we just haven't had enough time yet to become collectively successful.

Precisely. And I'm coming from a place of privilege when I say that. I'm an engineer, my sister is a nurse and my youngest sister is in college studying anesthesiology. My dad went to college and became an electrical engineer. And I'm black. I understand where hard work can get you. But there are communities of black people stuck in poverty and their stuck not because of lack of wanting to work hard. These areas have underfunded school where not even the teachers care about the student's success. Where from a young age there surrounded by poverty and crime and where going to college is as foreign to them as the life that we see Terrance Howard and his kids living on Empire. It's more than just people blaming racism.
with any minorities not just blacks
Gotcha. Black people are not helpless, we just haven't had enough time yet to become collectively successful.

Precisely. And I'm coming from a place of privilege when I say that. I'm an engineer, my sister is a nurse and my youngest sister is in college studying anesthesiology. My dad went to college and became an electrical engineer. And I'm black. I understand where hard work can get you. But there are communities of black people stuck in poverty and their stuck not because of lack of wanting to work hard. These areas have underfunded school where not even the teachers care about the student's success. Where from a young age there surrounded by poverty and crime and where going to college is as foreign to them as the life that we see Terrance Howard and his kids living on Empire. It's more than just people blaming racism.
with any minorities not just blacks

Why do people always find this necessary to include this
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The same reason people wanted to change the "Black Lives Matter" to "All Lives Matter". Everybody wanna be a N but they don't really wanna be a N.
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Gotcha. Black people are not helpless, we just haven't had enough time yet to become collectively successful.

Precisely. And I'm coming from a place of privilege when I say that. I'm an engineer, my sister is a nurse and my youngest sister is in college studying anesthesiology. My dad went to college and became an electrical engineer. And I'm black. I understand where hard work can get you. But there are communities of black people stuck in poverty and their stuck not because of lack of wanting to work hard. These areas have underfunded school where not even the teachers care about the student's success. Where from a young age there surrounded by poverty and crime and where going to college is as foreign to them as the life that we see Terrance Howard and his kids living on Empire. It's more than just people blaming racism.
with any minorities not just blacks

Why do people all find this necessary to include
Cuz the bold part about minorities is true. If u look at San Diego county below the 52 free way the schools there aren't as great and the ones who do succeed in those schools are usually a certain minority ..
Gotcha. Black people are not helpless, we just haven't had enough time yet to become collectively successful.

Precisely. And I'm coming from a place of privilege when I say that. I'm an engineer, my sister is a nurse and my youngest sister is in college studying anesthesiology. My dad went to college and became an electrical engineer. And I'm black. I understand where hard work can get you. But there are communities of black people stuck in poverty and their stuck not because of lack of wanting to work hard. These areas have underfunded school where not even the teachers care about the student's success. Where from a young age there surrounded by poverty and crime and where going to college is as foreign to them as the life that we see Terrance Howard and his kids living on Empire. It's more than just people blaming racism.
with any minorities not just blacks

Why do people all find this necessary to include

Exactly, Show me another race that what was brought here against their will and have been treated like Blacks have been treated and still are being treated for centuries.
Gotcha. Black people are not helpless, we just haven't had enough time yet to become collectively successful.

Precisely. And I'm coming from a place of privilege when I say that. I'm an engineer, my sister is a nurse and my youngest sister is in college studying anesthesiology. My dad went to college and became an electrical engineer. And I'm black. I understand where hard work can get you. But there are communities of black people stuck in poverty and their stuck not because of lack of wanting to work hard. These areas have underfunded school where not even the teachers care about the student's success. Where from a young age there surrounded by poverty and crime and where going to college is as foreign to them as the life that we see Terrance Howard and his kids living on Empire. It's more than just people blaming racism.
with any minorities not just blacks

Why do people all find this necessary to include
Cuz the bold part about minorities is true. If u look at San Diego county below the 52 free way the schools there aren't as great and the ones who do succeed in those schools are usually a certain minority ..


The ole "Why can't Blacks be more like Asians" schtick
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Why can't people who have had their culture systematically destroyed and kept from them get it together like people who still have their culture and native language together?
Why are people even shocked or bothered by this?It goes on and it happens all the time.
It's just a reminder for the few who like to forget that big university's like that love you when your catching,shooting or running while representing them because that turns into $$$ during the school year when Robert,Becky,Andrew and the likes buy items to show their school pride while getting drunk and doing things they usually enjoy doing like reciting racist chants.

If it wasn't _____ that they said it would of been replaced by something else like 'fat girls','Gays' or'Mexicans' it just happen to be _____ turn that day.Because it's a running joke,'Every body wants to be a _____ but really no one wants to be a ______'.If it's not one thing it's another and it's all wrong but at some point people have to stop letting others predict the outcome of our actions after something like this surfaces and start acting on things like this ourselves and not with no more pointless marches,lighting candles holding hands and praying for a better tomorrow.
We as blacks(excluding others,if u want to join cool if not cool)need to hit em where it will actually hurt and that's in their wallets;just think what would happen if every black student at that university decided to switch schools in one week their public relations department and the head of that school wouldn't know what to do or say but we know that there would be some chances fast cause those negroes have got to help us win in that game next week,next month or next year.lol

That's the only way to change things,people will have their opinions,say what they say,think what they think but as soon as you affect their lively-hood their lifestyle they will convert to whatever from a klansman to a rasta all in the name of a dollar.
I just choose to look at things from a real perspective rather than sugarcoat a thing or make something it's not.Unity MLK freedom fighters is cool to a certain point,that got us to a certain point and no matter what's going on race keeps coming up whether it's something that happens or is said and it's not coming from one direction,it's just there.For some it's the big bad wolf,for the many it's just life and other's its the reoccurring front page headlines in the news;but it's there.
The past year or so RACISM has been bought out into plain sight now days. Before it was behind closed doors and it was dirty looks and the occasional harassment. Now its F U nigra or chicano and thats it. If we look at the officer involved shootings toward blacks the past 3 years the count is well over 50 and nothing has been done about any of it through the system..... . ALL SEEM TO BE JUSITIFED in the eyes of the law. It isnt enough people in the US to rally up and get whites to like other races. Im black BTW and I live in Oklahoma AND Racism IS STILL PRETTY PREVALENT HERE OF COURSE. Honestly a great majority of Racism is STEREOTYPED AND MEDIA HYPED until they get to know you and realize you are the cool black guy or the respectful black guy etc.... And not all whites are racist... and not all blacks are racist... again this is my opinion, but i dont understand HOW ONE PERSON OF ANOTHER COLOR CAN MAKE U HATE AN ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE. IF I GOT OVER ON U, THEN HATE ME NOT EVERYONE YOU SEE THAT IS MY RACE... RACISM IS JUST STUPID AF
I can't stand them and I don't trust them

Y'all really have to understand that white folks as a hole ain't on that ...

You just have to be cautious, but seriously, let's not bucket an entire group of people into one category...

It wouldn't be as ignorant as these cats, but it would still be pretty unfair...

I agree stuff like this does make you question the white people you interact with, but please don't jump to conclusion on everybody
Why can't people who have had their culture systematically destroyed and kept from them get it together like people who still have their culture and native language together?
I don't know, they must not have been raised right. lol   /astoldbytom
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