Racist Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma caught on tape.

Who cares about their names? These are some college frat boys who are pretty much worthless. Just a bunch of drunk idiots. Why focus your energy on them, kids with no power over you?

The real racism that oppresses minorities are those folks in a position of power. The upper management folks at corporations who don't promote people of color. The people who keep the power, and most importantly, the money, with the white. Focus our energy in that demographic. 

I could care less about a drunk frat kid. 

Because these are the people that graduate, work for those corporations and end up in upper management with that same racist mind set.
Who cares about their names? These are some college frat boys who are pretty much worthless. Just a bunch of drunk idiots. Why focus your energy on them, kids with no power over you?

The real racism that oppresses minorities are those folks in a position of power. The upper management folks at corporations who don't promote people of color. The people who keep the power, and most importantly, the money, with the white. Focus our energy in that demographic. 

I could care less about a drunk frat kid. 
You must of not have read my list of those in power from this fraternity

A list of those in power from this fraternity
U.S. Senate

Max Baucus - U.S. Senator from Montana (D), Stanford University
J.C.W. Beckham - Former U.S. Senator from Kentucky (D); youngest Governor of Kentucky; namesake of Beckham County, Oklahoma, Centre College
Jim DeMint - U.S. Senator from South Carolina (R), University of Tennessee
Pete Domenici - Former U.S. Senator from New Mexico (R), University of New Mexico
Peter Fitzgerald - Former U.S. Senator from Illinois (R), Dartmouth College
John J. Hickey - Former Wyoming governor and U.S. Senator (D), University of Wyoming
Johnny Isakson - U.S. Senator from Georgia (R), University of Georgia
Connie Mack III - Former Florida U.S. Senator (R), University of Florida
Larry Pressler - Former South Dakota U.S. Senator (R), University of South Dakota
David Pryor - Former Arkansas Governor and U.S. Senator (D), University of Arkansas
Mark Pryor - U.S. Senator from Arkansas (D), University of Arkansas
George Smathers- Former U.S. Senator and Congressman from Florida (D), philanthropist, University of Florida
Dennis Chavez - Former U.S. Senator from New Mexico University of New Mexico
Richard Russell - Former US Senator from Georgia University of Georgia
U.S. House of Representatives

Bill Archer - Former U.S. Representative (R), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, University of Texas at Austin
Andy Barr (U.S. politician) - US Representative from Kentucky (R) University of Virginia
David E. Bonior - Former US Representative from Michigan (D), University of Iowa
Allen Boyd - Former US Representative from Florida (D), Florida State University
Jay Dickey - Former US Representative from Arkansas (R), University of Arkansas
David Dreier - US Representative from California (R), University of La Verne
Hamilton C. Jones - Former US Representative from North Carolina (D) UNC Chapel Hill
Thomas W. Ewing - Former US Representative from Illinois (R), Millikin University
Paul Gillmor - Former US Representative from Ohio (R), Ohio Wesleyan University
J. Alex McMillan - Former US Representative from North Carolina (R), UNC Chapel Hill
Ralph Regula - Former US Congressman from Ohio (R), Mount Union College
John Shadegg - Former US Congressman from Arizona (R), University of Arizona
Charles Walter "Charlie" Stenholm - Former US Congressman from Texas (D), Texas Tech University
Gilbert Brown Patterson - Former US Congressman from North Carolina (D) UNC Chapel Hill

Sherman Adams - Former Governor of New Hampshire (R); Representative from New Hampshire's 2nd District; White House Chief of Staff, Dartmouth College
Haley Barbour - Former Governor of Mississippi (R); former chairman of the Republican National Committee, University of Mississippi
Joe Foss - Former South Dakota Governor (R); Medal of Honor recipient; leading USMC ace pilot, 1st Commissioner of the AFL, former NRA President, University of South Dakota
William L. Guy - Former North Dakota Governor (D), North Dakota State University
Gary Johnson - Former Governor of New Mexico (L), University of New Mexico
Paul B. Johnson, Jr. - Former Governor of Mississippi (D), University of Mississippi
John Lynch - Former Governor of New Hampshire (D), University of New Hampshire
Sidney S. McMath - Former Governor of Arkansas (D), Marine General & Renowned Trial Lawyer, University of Arkansas
Robert D. Ray - Former Governor of Iowa (R), Drake University
Robert D. Blue - Former Governor of Iowa, Drake University
Brian Sandoval - Current Governor of Nevada University of Nevada

Ivan Allen Jr. - Former Mayor of Atlanta (D), Georgia Tech
Jerry Sanders - Former Mayor of San Diego (R), San Diego State University
Other Notable Government Officials

Henry M. Paulson - Former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Former CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, Dartmouth College
Michael Geppi - Former Harford County Councilman (R), Towson University
L.Q.C. Lamar - Statesman (D), Justice of US Supreme Court, University of Mississippi
Wilson Livingood - Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives, Michigan State University
Richard Myers - Former Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, Kansas State University
Eliot Ness - Prohibition agent, University of Chicago
Charles B. Peatross - Judge of the Louisiana Court of Appeal for the Second District in Shreveport, 1996-2011, Tulane University
Charles Price II - Former Ambassador to the United Kingdom University of Missouri
Donald Evans - Former US Secretary of Commerce, University of Texas at Austin
Richard Riley - Former US Secretary of Education, Former Governor of South Carolina (D), Furman University
Pat Robertson - Christian leader, 1988 Presidential Candidate (R), Washington and Lee University
Kenneth Schissler - Former Maryland State Delegate (R), Salisbury State University
Mark Taylor - Former Georgia State Senator representing the 12th District, Former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, Emory University
Louis R. Tobacco- New York State Assemblyman representing Staten Island's 62nd District (R), University at Albany
Guy Vander Linden - Member of Iowa Legislature and former Brigadier General US Marines, University of Iowa
GEN Charles C. Campbell, USA (Ret.) - US Army General (Retired), former FORSCOM commander, and last continuously serving Army officer with Vietnam experience, Louisiana State University
Edmund Kirby Smith - General, Confederate States of America, The University of the South
Bruce L. Castor, Jr. - Former District Attorney and current Commissioner of Montgomery County, PA; noted trial lawyer, Lafayette College
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Why not? We have "alleged" rapist/sexual assaulters on campus getting their names out whether they did it or not.

At least in this instance we have the proven racial bigotry and evidence supporting. Not saying should release the names, but I'm sure the students are identifiable by others on campus.
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another reason for me to hate OKC... First the harden trade and now this racism :smh:

Don't forget senator james inhofe... This ignorant fool threw a snowball onto the senate floor a couple of years ago saying since it was cold outside, climate change was something made up... :smh:

Stupid is, is stupid does.

I will throw a parade when senator inhofe leaves Congress for GOOD. I would laugh about some of the things that come out of his mouth if he weren't a politician and not undermining the progress of this country.
they should make posters of every kids face with "racist" written in red on their forehead and post them all over campus 
Because these are the people that graduate, work for those corporations and end up in upper management with that same racist mind set.
I agree there are a ton of people who join fraternities, graduate, and move on to hold positions of power. That is part of the point of joining a frat right, in addition to smashing sorority chicks, building that network after college?

I actually joined a frat in college. And honestly, there were a bunch of douchebags there. I would say at least half of them were. But a lot of the ones who weren't, a lot of the guys who were solid, genuinely good guys, ended up successful. A few of the douchebags did well too, but a lot of them amounted to nothing. My point is not all of these clowns end up becoming the CEO of Goldman Sachs or the President of the United States. Some do. Some don't. And not everyone who joined a frat and became successful professionally is a racist. Generalizing all frat boys like that would be like a white person saying every black kid who went to Oakland Technical High School will become a car thief. Flawed logic.

My whole point is finding out the name of some dumb college kid and harrassing him, or making his life miserable, isn't going to do anything about the bigger problem of racism and oppression. The only way to change is to compete head to head with these frat idiots in the professional world and make an impact. I'm a minority and I worked my *** off to get promoted into a management position in a white dominated corporation. I had to work harder than a rich white kid with connections. Now I have rich white kids who just graduated college reporting to me. I wouldn't get here if I harrassed them out of anger. I can't change racism that has been ingrained in some ignorant kids mind since he was born by his ignorant parents. The best I could do to enable change is be the best me that I could be. 
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My whole point is finding out the name of some dumb college kid and harrassing him, or making his life miserable, isn't going to do anything about the bigger problem of racism and oppression. 
So then what difference does it make if their names are or aren't out there?
I agree there are a ton of people who join fraternities, graduate, and move on to hold positions of power. That is part of the point of joining a frat right, in addition to smashing sorority chicks, building that network after college?

I actually joined a frat in college. And honestly, there were a bunch of douchebags there. I would say at least half of them were. But a lot of the ones who weren't, a lot of the guys who were solid, genuinely good guys, ended up successful. A few of the douchebags did well too, but a lot of them amounted to nothing. My point is not all of these clowns end up becoming the CEO of Goldman Sachs or the President of the United States. Some do. Some don't. And not everyone who joined a frat and became successful professionally is a racist. Generalizing all frat boys like that would be like a white person saying every black kid who went to Oakland Technical High School will become a car thief. Flawed logic.

My whole point is finding out the name of some dumb college kid and harrassing him, or making his life miserable, isn't going to do anything about the bigger problem of racism and oppression. The only way to change is to compete head to head with these frat idiots in the professional world and make an impact. I'm a minority and I worked my *** off to get promoted into a management position in a white dominated corporation. I had to work harder than a rich white kid with connections. Now I have rich white kids who just graduated college reporting to me. I wouldn't get here if I harrassed them out of anger. I can't change racism that has been ingrained in some ignorant kids mind since he was born by his ignorant parents. The best I could do to enable change is be the best me that I could be. 

Bruh... What in the holy hell are you talking about?

"Some of them do"...

Which means SOME of them do... Which means they STILL go on to hold positions of power.

#ntextremes with presidents and CEOs though.

Imagine the lives that could be ruined if ANY of these dudes become a judge...

And nobody is saying ALL frats are racists... It's just THESE guys who we happen to have on video.

Like.... How did you get " all white frats are racists " from "the dudes screaming racists remarks of video should be exposed"?

So then what difference does it make if their names are or aren't out there?
With their names out their people are gonna invest time and energy in making their lives miserable. Which is cool, I could care less about the frat kids personal life. My whole thing is I think our time, and anybody's time in general, is better spent investing in themselves rather than investing hatred toward some idiot. I think that has a stronger impact on change, big picture wise. 
The two that have been expelled, will eventually have their names be made public. They're ****** going forward.
So then what difference does it make if their names are or aren't out there?
With their names out their people are gonna invest time and energy in making their lives miserable. Which is cool, I could care less about the frat kids personal life. My whole thing is I think our time, and anybody's time in general, is better spent investing in themselves rather than investing hatred toward some idiot. I think that has a stronger impact on change, big picture wise. 
anyone who wastes their time trying to make other people miserable is not going to be doing anything productive anyways. so it really doesnt hurt anyone to have their names out in public. 

hopefully these idiots miss out on a bunch of career options because of this 
With their names out their people are gonna invest time and energy in making their lives miserable. Which is cool, I could care less about the frat kids personal life. My whole thing is I think our time, and anybody's time in general, is better spent investing in themselves rather than investing hatred toward some idiot. I think that has a stronger impact on change, big picture wise. 

Bruh. It's not about finding out their names and then spending hours and hours harassing them. When a potential employer Googles their name, THAT should be the first thing to pop up. That's how you punish them for this. Not by sweeping them under the rug. Not by working hard or being the best you. Not by letting them transfer, graduate with absolutely no consequences.

I don't know how you could possibly think that releasing their names will in any way effect how hard a minority works towards success. Completely unrelated.
Everybody know the only GSU that matters is State :pimp:

:x yall dont even have a campus. lol all love

Man Im actually surprised two got expelled over this! wow, in my personal opinion thats kinda harsh but aye, thats what ya get for being a bigot

A highly sought after offensive tackle who pledged to play for the University of Oklahoma football team today rescinded that commitment, a day after a racist video from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and other Sooner students came to light, reports The Huffington Post.

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Why do people always find this necessary to include this

Bruh you do know black folks are not the only group struggling in this country. right?

Brah when have I or anyone else in this thread or NT asserted otherwise?

But this is not about other groups. It is about black people

Whenever race threads pop off about black people there is always someone coming in with a deflection: "What about black on black crime" "everybody racist, we all gotta do our part" "other groups got it bad too", etc.

These things have nothing to do with the topic at hand. So I don't see why it is so important they get acknowledgement

All dude was doing was some drive by trolling/deflecting on some "Asians do well, why can't blacks" steez
Whenever race threads pop off about black people there is always someone coming in with a deflection: "What about black on black crime" "everybody racist, we all gotta do our part" "other groups got it bad too", etc.
Sad thing is that it's usually black people making those types of comments...
Parker Rice has been unmasked as one of the UofOklahoma frat boys singing the racist chant.
Man all frats probably aren't bad but SAE

The "House Mother" who condemned the video was on getting her Paula Dean on strong.


And apprentalty another chapter killed a black guy an couple years back. :smh::smh::smh:


And of course racism is a tradion, this went down in 1982.


They. I don't mind the names getting releases and this following them around for a while. None of these dudes should never hold a position where they have power of a black person.
With their names out their people are gonna invest time and energy in making their lives miserable. Which is cool, I could care less about the frat kids personal life. My whole thing is I think our time, and anybody's time in general, is better spent investing in themselves rather than investing hatred toward some idiot. I think that has a stronger impact on change, big picture wise. 

Bruh. It's not about finding out their names and then spending hours and hours harassing them. When a potential employer Googles their name, THAT should be the first thing to pop up. That's how you punish them for this. Not by sweeping them under the rug. Not by working hard or being the best you. Not by letting them transfer, graduate with absolutely no consequences.

I don't know how you could possibly think that releasing their names will in any way effect how hard a minority works towards success. Completely unrelated.

sadly, these kids probably already have the connections to bounce back from this.

here's info on the kid
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Yeah Rusty, sae has a pretty sorted history as all frats/sororities do...
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^^^ Now I'm seeing rumors about ties to the KKK :x

And I couple of my friends said they same thing another poster said, that on other campuses the frat is known for racism and raping :smh:

Man, every school across the country with a chapter needs to look into them

A highly sought after offensive tackle who pledged to play for the University of Oklahoma football team today rescinded that commitment, a day after a racist video from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and other Sooner students came to light, reports The Huffington Post.


:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Brah when have I or anyone else in this thread or NT asserted otherwise?

But this is not about other groups. It is about black people

Whenever race threads pop off about black people there is always someone coming in with a deflection: "What about black on black crime" "everybody racist, we all gotta do our part" "other groups got it bad too", etc.

These things have nothing to do with the topic at hand. So I don't see why it is so important they get acknowledgement

All dude was doing was some drive by trolling/deflecting on some "Asians do well, why can't blacks" steez

Because that's exactly where its going...
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