-Racist moment or am I overreacting? (Even though I didn't react at all)- Vol: You dont know me fam'

Another reason why NT should not have any more threads on race. It always gets out of hand. Smh
Originally Posted by Wade187

Anything can be taken in offense though. So if that's your argument, you are correct sir. But a dude hungry imma go grab me something to eat, dudes better not offer me nothing or im catching wreck.

your arguments are so poor it hurts.


Another reason why NT should not have any more threads on race.
heaven forbid kids without perspective get annoyed by the lesson

Originally Posted by Wade187

Anything can be taken in offense though. So if that's your argument, you are correct sir. But a dude hungry imma go grab me something to eat, dudes better not offer me nothing or im catching wreck.

You want to split a bucket of chicken from Popeyes?Pls respond.
*asian kid walks into soul food resturaunt*

*waiter glances at him and says*

we dont serve sushi here.

how is that taken as racist?


since we're just trolling now....
Some of you guys possess so many of the traits you call "female"; it's pretty funny.
All the *&^% we put up with every day gets us labeled weak if we get upset but a comment about basketball shoes is offensive?
That's like me getting mad for a gamestop employee telling me that Mario Party 10 just came out
Give me a break!
I went to the Ikea in Red hook, Brooklyn the other day...it was my second time there and first time eating at their restaurant, usually i go to the one in Paramus, NJ....anyways we are ordering and we look to the side and there is a huge bowl filled with cornbread....I immediately thought of this thread and started thinking if that would b somewhat offensive.....being that ive never seen cornbread at any of the other Ikeas ive gone to....then we also noticed in the kids dept there were alot more black ragdolls than ever....i was a bit shocked.

for what is worth the cornbread was slammminnnn
CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:

Another reason why NT should not have any more threads on race.
heaven forbid kids without perspective get annoyed by the lesson


Curb, it's beyond that now. After reading threads on race here, I've come to the conclusion that no reasonable discussion can be had. It only turns into name calling, snarkiness, and sarcasm (exemplified by your comment above). What can one learn simply by reading a typical NT thread on race? What perspective can we offer them? It's nice to disregard one's POV and experience on racism and say it's their fault for being who they are in that situation and racism doesn't exist? That's the summation of a lot of NT threads about race. My take on it is that there are some responsible people on here who can have a civil discussion and not an immature back and forth shooting jabs at each other. I just think it only shows people's narrow minded views on race (as is the rest of our country). I also realize that some members that post are young and may not have a lot or any experience in a racist situation. But conversely, I do know that there are younger people who have a good perspective on it. I know I'm just tired of reading immature and uninformed comments.

Kilo's Big Butt - 1
Enphan - 0

Sorry if I offended you Kilo.
Welcome to the offensive party though.
hey dont talk to my pretend girlfriend like that

or imma tell alyssa

and kilo, nah, it would be like you walking into gamestop and them saying "we dont carry those dancing games here, sorry" before greeting you

good try with mario party 10 tho

and beh 235, you maybe right, but i still relish in every opportunity to explain perspective to those who dont have it......it matters not to me that it has to be on a sneaker messageboard....

ive actually had people acknowledge, apologize and agree with me. ive changed perspectives on NT before

but you right, a majority of it is like this....with feelings hurt and @##*...

idiot kids making unrelated comments that perpetuate the names they're being called.
He stereotyped you... All depends on his tone if he was saying it in a snarky/ or d-bag way then I'd go yes... If not then he stereotyped you, which is still #%$!@! up, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it racism..
If I was looking at a wall full of ONLY shooting games and he said "sorry we don't carry ____ games only shooting games" I can guarantee I would laugh and pick up whatever damb game I wanted anyway.
Getting upset about something like that basically gives you breasts according to NT standards of femaleness
why does he have to be emotionally upset to that of a female by saying he was offended?

if you walked into the store, looked at xbox games and they said "SORRY (black girl) BUT WE DONT HAVE THOSE DANCING GAMES IN HERE"

you would be offended

maybe not crying or demanding the person fired

but you'd be offended.

mario party isnt making an assumption about you based on your race.......

saying "we dont have dancing games" because obviously a black girl such as yourself is only interested in a game in which you dance....cause you know, black girls love to dance......is offensive.

if kay bursted into tears, hysterically crying...

yes, id call him a female

he asked if he was overreacting, tho

LMAO and he didnt even do anything but feel offended....LMAO
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

why does he have to be emotionally upset to that of a female by saying he was offended?

if you walked into the store, looked at xbox games and they said "SORRY (black girl) BUT WE DONT HAVE THOSE DANCING GAMES IN HERE"

you would be offended

maybe not crying or demanding the person fired

but you'd be offended.

mario party isnt making an assumption about you based on your race.......

saying "we dont have dancing games" because obviously a black girl such as yourself is only interested in a game in which you dance....cause you know, black girls love to dance......is offensive.

if kay bursted into tears, hysterically crying...

yes, id call him a female

he asked if he was overreacting, tho

LMAO and he didnt even do anything but feel offended....LMAO

I was talking about being a female not being black, THAT is where mario party came from.
I also wasn't talking about OP in my original post at all.
You can't assume that because a person doesn't agree with you on every topic that the person has no perspective.
As a light skinned Latino I've never had to encounter any racial issues (sarcasm) so maybe I just can't relate to the black mans struggle.

Honestly if you read Kays post thoroughly he acknowledged that he was a bit surprised with the lack of certain items that you would expect a sporting good store to carry. Who knows what look he had on his face.

Kay mentioned he was wearing Pradas. If dude wouldve approached Kay on some "I'm sorry, the Gucci store is across the street", it really wouldn't be an issue right?
Cause at this point he would be assuming this is a fly black dude and we all know stereotypes and assumptions are allowed only when they revolve around a compliment.
Originally Posted by goDie

You can't assume that because a person doesn't agree with you on every topic that the person has no perspective.
As a light skinned Latino I've never had to encounter any racial issues (sarcasm) so maybe I just can't relate to the black mans struggle.

Honestly if you read Kays post thoroughly he acknowledged that he was a bit surprised with the lack of certain items that you would expect a sporting good store to carry. Who knows what look he had on his face.

Kay mentioned he was wearing Pradas. If dude wouldve approached Kay on some "I'm sorry, the Gucci store is across the street", it really wouldn't be an issue right?
Cause at this point he would be assuming this is a fly black dude and we all know stereotypes and assumptions are allowed only when they revolve around a compliment.

but saying the gucci store is across the street isnt an assumption based on race, it would be an assumption based on his choice of shoes.....

saying mario party 10 is an assumption based on your gender (which isnt okay either)

again, those arent assumptions based on race...which is why it was offensive...

the very definition of an assumption based on race is a stereotype.

being stereotyped is offensive to humans.

like, these are facts im typing right now...how are you gonna disagree?

i dont assume everyone i disagree with lacks perspective

however, when i say things like "what about the child born to a crack head" when discussing personal responsibility

and people say "thats his fault man, he has the same opportunities i have"

that's when i say "you lack perspective"

or if we're talking about an employee assuming something about you based on race, and you tell an anicdote about how they serve different foods in different geographical areas....

thats lacking perspective.

and yes, that was a clear shot fired, not sure he is sharp enough to have caught it.


ftr, i look hispanic...im light skinned with straight hair.....i got prejudiced and stereotyped responses from both black people and white people growing up...actually, still to this day.....

as much perspective as i have on the topic i will never truely know what its like to be "black" as in dark/brown skinned....

just like you stated, yourself

but i do have enough perspective to know what a stereotype is.....and to accept the fact that being stereotyped is offensive to human beings....

and im not gonna come in here and troll a guy asking if he was overreacting by being offended he was stereotyped

and thats regardless of the intent of the employee....that ##++ is irrelevant to the discussion.

the discussion is, did he overreact by taking offense to being stereotyped based upon his race....


(madd typos cause im typing fast at work)
Yo my man why you always gotta go at Steezy though? I'd post laughing emoticons but i don't want you to think I'm taking things serious. I really am laughing though.

What if Kay just looks like a basketball player? Why does it have to be based on race? Black people by nature are just more athletic looking (nobody could get offended cause this is a positive stereotype and we all <3 those)

Kay real talk, how tall are you?
If my dude is over 6'3 can you Enphan admit that maybe it was an assumption based on his height and not on his race?

Cause what it seems like you're saying is that assumptions are ok as long as it's not about race.
my @!@%%@# God.....this dude is gonna make my balls touch the ground.....he just cant help himself.

stereotypes are not offensive to everyone. its all based on your personality and the type of person you are.

there have been times when i walk into a patients room to administer drugs, i get into small talk with patient, he/she asks where im from, I say Colombia....he/she then says "ohh yeah im getting the good drugs im I not" or something along those lines, with a huge grin on their face....i seriously laugh and keep it moving, it doesnt offend me one bit, i cant be the only person in the world who is acceptant of stereotypes, if we go about our day dissecting every stereotype we would drive ourselves crazy, stereotypes are a part of life....get over it.

i found what i saw at the Ikea in Brooklyn a bit surprising because it caught me off guard, but I personally dont think it was offensive.
nah man, assumptions always have the compacity to offend the person you're making assumptions about

why make ANY assumptions at all? ESPECIALLY in a professional atmosphere where professionalism is REQUIRED and EXPECTED?

if you ask a dude with a wedding ring on about his wife that's not offensive...he has a ring on.....

even if a dude is just tall as hell and you tell him "we dont have basketball shoes here"

theres still a compacity for offense to be taken, right?

the tall guy is like "what, because im tall its gotta be basketball?"

you ever clown a tall @$# dude who doesnt like basketball about basketball? they take offense...cause they have that stereotype placed on them daily.....

you seem to think there are positive and negative stereotypes and one is permissable and the other isnt...

its just when someone is giving you a compliment, you tend to not take offense to it

unless its like "youre pretty for a black girl" or some #+%% lmao

race is touchy in this country....and for good reason.....

i mean, even nazi germany criticised the USA's treatment of black people (on some trolling #+%%, but still)

as far as going in on steezy man....come on...look at that dumb @$# #+%% he posted in here...

even you, his friend, can admit thats ignorance....right?

i tried to give dude advice, no feelings from any past dealings involved, in the thread where he's being trolled for posting so many pics

and he took offense to it..."why you gotta mention my name man" and #+%%

"im so important you talk about me on twitter"

like i dont talk about/argue with 100s of people on twitter everyday

when i was actually offering him some support in the post...

hes a little too silly for my tastes...

at least me and you can disagree but still have discourse, with a mutual respect,....after, of course, you called me a coward cause a GIRL told you i was TALKING BEHIND YOUR BACK....you female, you.... LMAO  

my @!@%%@# God.....this dude is gonna make my balls touch the ground.....he just cant help himself.

stereotypes are not offensive to everyone. its all based on your personality and the type of person you are.

there have been times when i walk into a patients room to administer drugs, i get into small talk with patient, he/she asks where im from, I say Colombia....he/she then says "ohh yeah im getting the good drugs im I not" or something along those lines, with a huge grin on their face....i seriously laugh and keep it moving, it doesnt offend me one bit, i cant be the only person in the world who is acceptant of stereotypes, if we go about our day dissecting every stereotype we would drive ourselves crazy, stereotypes are a part of life....get over it.

i found what i saw at the Ikea in Brooklyn a bit surprising because it caught me off guard, but I personally dont think it was offensive.

, look at your boys face, man....


this is why i clown him.

hes a clown.
Originally Posted by goDie

What if Kay just looks like a basketball player? 

son, if you walked into the store to check it out and some white dude walks over to you, and before greeting you like a professional, and he just casually says "hey, amigo, we dont have soccer equipment in here"

that wouldnt offend you b?

you look just like a soccer player man....not that your hispanic...you just sorta smell like you play soccer and @+@*....

there has never been any sort of mutual respect between me and you and im not gonna act like I even take any of your trolling !@%@*+!% serious, I can go about my business and you aout yours, just get off my %*@ and you will never see me acknowledge ANYTHING you post again.....ANYTHING....you can even go on twitter about your rants and clown me with a whole other group of lames just like yourself, have a feast, just dont act all high and mighty on here, when in reality you are just a troll, you keep saying im a fool, i lack perspective, i this and the other, sorry to break it to you, but you are swinging hard off my pubes....%%++ hurts you so much i already told you what to do, shoot me a pm, i would gladly discuss that %%++ with you....but nah...you wont do that because this is all a show, a way to boost your ego by getting quoted by a couple of stans on the "lets hate ksteezy" bandwagon.....bunch of lames. this Dude enPhan gets a stiffy everytime hes quoted....get off my back.
inb4 - "look at him, he mad"


you really think you are DOING IT....you really think you are "clowning" me.....you really dont see how pathetic you look everytime you bring me up in every topic of discussion.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

there has never been any sort of mutual respect between me and you and im not gonna act like I even take any of your trolling !@%@*+!% serious, I can go about my business and you aout yours, just get off my %*@ and you will never see me acknowledge ANYTHING you post again.....ANYTHING....you can even go on twitter about your rants and clown me with a whole other group of lames just like yourself, have a feast, just dont act all high and mighty on here, when in reality you are just a troll, you keep saying im a fool, i lack perspective, i this and the other, sorry to break it to you, but you are swinging hard off my pubes....%%++ hurts you so much i already told you what to do, shoot me a pm, i would gladly discuss that %%++ with you....but nah...you wont do that because this is all a show, a way to boost your ego by getting quoted by a couple of stans on the "lets hate ksteezy" bandwagon.....bunch of lames. this Dude enPhan gets a stiffy everytime hes quoted....get off my back.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

inb4 - "look at him, he mad"


you really think you are DOING IT....you really think you are "clowning" me.....you really dont see how pathetic you look everytime you bring me up in every topic of discussion.
son, nobody cares man.

lemme continue talking to people who matter, b.
nobody cares, but you cant seem to stop adressing me


son you gotta be the corniest dude on here....ill let you keep clowning yourself.
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