-Racist moment or am I overreacting? (Even though I didn't react at all)- Vol: You dont know me fam'

Originally Posted by goDie

Fam aren't you always bragging about your LIGHT SKINNED African American girlfriend (Redbone)?

You got some nerve bro.

What does having a light skinned girlfriend have to do with him being racially stereotyped?
You NTers never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.
Maybe he had had a lot of customers come in since they opened looking for bball shoes? Obviously I wasn't there but if you looked like you were disinterested or didn't see what you were looking for coupled with the fact they don't carry a style of shoes that are in high demand, he probably just assumed.

He probably wouldn't have made that comment if you were a 50 year old white guy but I don't think he had any malicious or racist intent behind it. Having worked at footlocker for a few years back in hs there were definitely different purchasing habits in general depending on the demographic.

When Heely's first got big every time a soccer mom looking lady would come in with a certain look, that "I've been to every store in the mall and still haven't found a pair" look, I probably preemptively said "you must be looking for Heely's " or something similar in a joking manner many times and was usually right. It might have been unprofessional on the part of the salesman but some of you talking about how the guy needs to lose his job over something like this are overreacting imo.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by goDie

Fam aren't you always bragging about your LIGHT SKINNED African American girlfriend (Redbone)?

You got some nerve bro.

What does having a light skinned girlfriend have to do with him being racially stereotyped?
You NTers never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

What does the lady being white have to do with being "stereotyped"?For someone whos so sensitive about skin color he sure does his fair share of pointing out skin color.Word to the countless "red bone" comments I seen from dude.Have a seat Daytona.
Originally Posted by green rhino123

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Black people say way more racist stuff about other races and are quick to try to make up double standard ridden logic to justify it. If you have a problem with perpetuation of racial stereotypes in the media, first place to start would be the images both created and consumed by black people, ie rap music, athletes, music, ebonics, everything. We don't even present ourselves in a good light, what the hell else should other races think?

very true

Some self-hating people in this thread 

You're telling me that if a black person has problems with stereotypes, he first has to fix the stereotypes other black people perpetuate?

What is he supposed to do, call up Soulja Boy and say " Yo, that swag stuff has to stop"?

Contrary to popular belief, the "black community" doesn't have meetings on the regular.

Scientific Method, you are not only a disgrace to your username, but to the human race as well.
I agree with some of you guys on the tone part, we can't tell if he came off racial. Yea you can assume and all, but the employee wasn't professional on his part. He can't just throw it out there. Plus the OP said he was rocking no basket apparel. The employer should of asked what he was looking in particular and not say that we have no basketball shoes because he was black
Its like a white dude walking into footlocker and the black sales associate telling him "hey man, we don't have any hiking boots"


The skinny woman shopping for clothes when the associate comes up and says "the petite section is over there"

Not even a "hello" or a "what can I do for you?"

I'm with DC on this one, I'd call them out on it. Why didn't he suggest running shoes? or golf cleats? or flip-flops?
i guess he could have started the convo off differently...
its sad that these things come to mind so quickly. sometimes stereotypes are so ingrained in people
Wow, I can't believe how many of you guys actually find this acceptable or want to try and find a way to flip this on KayCurrency.

This is no different than a black man walking into a restaurant and the first thing said to him is, "I'm sorry we don't serve fried chicken here."

I wonder where some of yall live.
I guess I will repeat my question. If you were balling with 9 white guys and they picked you first, would you address it?
its a sports authority and they don't sell bball shoes. I'm pretty sure he probably tells a lot of people that cause it doesn't make any sense... reachin
Originally Posted by B Town Legend

Wow, I can't believe how many of you guys actually find this acceptable or want to try and find a way to flip this on KayCurrency.

This is no different than a black man walking into a restaurant and the first thing said to him is, "I'm sorry we don't serve fried chicken here."

I wonder where some of yall live.

Not the same IMO. If the salesman had people coming in looking for basketball shoes and they didn't sell them and that was a recurring thing, I can see sorta where he'd be coming from. Basketball shoes fit a specific need and if somebody is looking for that they aren't going to be willing to buy a running shoe instead. Not too many people would be so hellbent on fried chicken that they'd leave and go to another restaurant.

I mean, if the salesman said it with an attitude or came across as a jerk than I can see why somebody would be offended and why it's inappropriate (either way it's unprofessional). But I can also see how he could have said it in a tone like, "Yea man, I see that you're not really finding anything you like, it sucks because we only have running shoes and a lot of people come in looking for bball shoes." He might have just been trying to sympathize with him. Nobody else sees it that way?
reminds me of a time i walked into a barber shop and the old dude just said "sorry we dont do those jungle cuts here"
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

for the record, i just wanna state, kay's girl is dope.

that's all.


Nobody is denying that. 
Real talk Kay, your lady is bad.

My point is (correct me if Im wrong) 

every time Kay posts or talks about his wifey, 

he somehow finds a way to mention her light skin or throw in the term "red bone."

So for someone who is making a thread 

which is in some way talking about being judged by skin color, 

its just a little baffling considering how you always 

mention skin color when talkin bout your girl.

I guess stereotypes are only acceptable when they 

revolve around a compliment?



like i said, you're missing the only important thing here

and that's that shes bad.....as *#$@.

all this other #%%@ is irrelevant.

i thought kay was like middle eastern or some #%%@ anyway

the arguments being used in this post are beyond ******ed.

the guy assuming since he's black he's naturally looking for basketball shoes wasnt offensive to kay because kay often describes his girlfriend as "redboned"?


great logic there.

you should get paid to make arguements.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


like i said, you're missing the only important thing here

and that's that shes bad.....as *#$@.

all this other #%%@ is irrelevant.

i thought kay was like middle eastern or some #%%@ anyway

the arguments being used in this post are beyond ******ed.

the guy assuming since he's black he's naturally looking for basketball shoes wasnt offensive to kay because kay often describes his girlfriend as "redboned"?


great logic there.

you should get paid to make arguements.

CORRECTION: Kay often uses the term red bone implying that her light skin is what makes her more attractive.
Nothing wrong with it but either we lookin past skin color or we not...Cant have it both ways bro.

You should get paid to stop argUing,
you make that implication, not him.

and your logic is still weak, sir.....regardless of what you say about kay OR me....

so, continue.

......and his girl is still bad.

(its obviously a typo because its spelled right a sentence above it.....*golf claps*)  


i had to edit

seriously, you come into a post about an incident and bring up how he describes his girlfriend as if it has any impact on the incident or how the incident made him feel?

thats dumber than any argument youve ever seen me make


"you describe your girl, whos attractive, as a redbone, which i assume you say because its a stereotype that redbones are attractive...."


i'd never argue something that ridiculous.....i couldnt make myself look that dumb, b.
Oh this is the part where you start to excessively use your smiley emoticons to appear as if youre not catching a bit more feelings than you should be over the internets?

I seen you play this card before homie.

Like I said before, either we looking past skin color or we not. Cant expect to have it both ways.

Dude already said hed have no problem getting picked first for a bball game among a group of 9 white guys.

So stereotypes are only acceptable as long as they revolve around a compliment? If you dont see the hypocrisy in that Im not going to hold your hand through that.

Have a good day good sir. 

And fam if you talking *#@@ about me on twitter you an even bigger coward than I thought.
Originally Posted by goDie

And fam if you talking *#@@ about me on twitter you an even bigger coward than I thought.

 yes im talking @### about you on twitter, sir.

thats whats happening.


again, how is the choice of words he uses to describe his girlfriend, OR him NOT being offended by being picked first in a game of basketball related in any way, shape or form to him being offended that, since his skin is black, a white man assumed he wanted basketball shoes?


here's another emoticon, just for you, b


here was my tweet alyssa told you about, that you internalized as "talking @### about you on twitter"

"this guy made an inappropriate assumption based on my skin color......but i describe my girlfriend as redboned so i cannot be upset" oh.

7m ago

 via Seesmic



see how %%$!!@! silly that sounds, silly?

also, i dunno why you dudes always resort to challenging me on some tough *@$@

im a bigger coward than you THOUGHT?


and i wanted to smoke a blunt with you in NYC man

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

again, how is the choice of words he uses to describe his girlfriend, OR him NOT being offended by being picked first in a game of basketball related in any way, shape or form to him being offended that, since his skin is black, a white man assumed he wanted basketball shoes?

But why must we assume he mentioned bball shoes cause hes black?
Maybe he mentioned them cause dude is younger than most of his clientele at that store. Or cause Kay has more swag than your average frat snowboarding type?

Why in 2011 we still making the worst of assumptions when maybe just MAYBE Kay is that SINGLE dude thats walked in that store in the past month that employee feels he could talk about the NBA strike with?

Kay has the right to feel any way he wants but may the lord strike all 3 of us with a lighting bolt if Kay has never made a positive or negative stereotype in his life.

White girl says black man has a BBC, black man smiles with confidence.

White girl offers black man half of her watermelon, THATS RACIST.

This world is real bro... but some people love embracing stereotypes if it makes them look good yet they the first ones calling HR if it puts them anywhere near a negative light.

For the record, Id still smoke a blunt with you.

Ill even tweet about it.


You kids be safe.
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