Racists Getting Fired - Racism on Social Media

:lol: thanks for proving my point.

Everyone has opinions and nobody is completely void of those opinions upsetting someone else. I disagree with your opinion on homosexuality, but accept the fact you feel that way and wouldn't want to see you lose your job over it.

Now imagine someone more opinionated and malicious doxxing you due to posting this opinion in this thread and getting you fired over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You aren't going to change anyone's ignorant opinions by taking away their income and lively-hood.

What point did you prove?

My point was that it is ******* stupid...to say something that might POSSIBLY offend someone...with my damn name attached to it.

If you were an Apple employee...would you run up to Tim Cook and give him your views on homosexuality? Probably not right? Now...wouldn't it be equally as stupid if you tweeted it instead?

No, unless you're an employee of a gov't job, where tax dollars are paying you, you should be free to say whatever stupid things you want, as long as it's not interfering with job performance. You should get fired for performance, not for opinions.

People are no longer allowed to think freely. 1984 is happening!

No reason someone working retail or construction should be held to the same standard as a government employee. Plain and simple. Same with cops, they're seen as more important than the average citizen, yet they're held to the same standard as a normal citizen? C'mon.

Come on man think critically. It's not just about job performance that determines whether one can keep a job.

-he's a good teacher but he's sleeping with a student
-her facebook post shows her sniffing coke
-He came to work with dreads/braids and visible tattoos
If I owned a business & I found out my company was being linked to a fb, linkedin, or Instagram account of someone who was partaking in racist behavior, I'd fire that person in a heart beat & demand that the employee remove my company's name from their social media accounts. There is no shortage of qualified & respectable people looking for work.
:lol: thanks for proving my point.

Everyone has opinions and nobody is completely void of those opinions upsetting someone else. I disagree with your opinion on homosexuality, but accept the fact you feel that way and wouldn't want to see you lose your job over it.

Now imagine someone more opinionated and malicious doxxing you due to posting this opinion in this thread and getting you fired over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You aren't going to change anyone's ignorant opinions by taking away their income and lively-hood.

What point did you prove?

My point was that it is ******* stupid...to say something that might POSSIBLY offend someone...with my damn name attached to it.

If you were an Apple employee...would you run up to Tim Cook and give him your views on homosexuality? Probably not right? Now...wouldn't it be equally as stupid if you tweeted it instead?

No, unless you're an employee of a gov't job, where tax dollars are paying you, you should be free to say whatever stupid things you want, as long as it's not interfering with job performance. You should get fired for performance, not for opinions.

People are no longer allowed to think freely. 1984 is happening!

No reason someone working retail or construction should be held to the same standard as a government employee. Plain and simple. Same with cops, they're seen as more important than the average citizen, yet they're held to the same standard as a normal citizen? C'mon.

Come on man think critically. It's not just about job performance that determines whether one can keep a job.

-he's a good teacher but he's sleeping with a student
-her facebook post shows her sniffing coke
-He came to work with dreads/braids and visible tattoos

depending on the job, it is.

A teacher sleeping with a student is a conflict of interest.
Her doing coke and posting it on facebook is up to the manager/foreman, whoever the hell sees it. You could not feel your face for a month and no one would know unless you get drug tested or your boss sees your post.
Wait, but don't people on NT claim that racism is so vampant and blatantly obvious to everybody, in 2015?

Errrrrbody getting fired huh.

I'll admit, the type of stuff I see on facebook links at times is cringe-worthy. The type of disrespect and hate a person can contain within them is really disgusting. That type of racism is taught at home I think.

However, the type of stuff that tries to get passed off as "racism" here on NT is hilarious, and screams of insecurity.

Forreal tho... NT is full of armchair activists steady mashing their keyboards in rage but not doing anything irl. Hell... I even remember the one guy here who was holding it down for real during the Egyptian revolution of 2011 and ended up getting roasted and accused of racism/tomism because NTers thought he was denying his blackness.

It's almost comical how incredibly extremist and hypocritical some our members are. Sometimes this place almost seems like a Black version of Stormfront. :lol:
If I owned a business & I found out my company was being linked to a fb, linkedin, or Instagram account of someone who was partaking in racist behavior, I'd fire that person in a heart beat & demand that the employee remove my company's name from their social media accounts. There is no shortage of qualified & respectable people looking for work.

This. Now what if that employee doesn't claim any sort of allegiance or ties to your company?
Wait, but don't people on NT claim that racism is so vampant and blatantly obvious to everybody, in 2015?

Errrrrbody getting fired huh.

I'll admit, the type of stuff I see on facebook links at times is cringe-worthy. The type of disrespect and hate a person can contain within them is really disgusting. That type of racism is taught at home I think.

However, the type of stuff that tries to get passed off as "racism" here on NT is hilarious, and screams of insecurity.

Forreal tho... NT is full of armchair activists steady mashing their keyboards in rage but not doing anything irl. Hell... I even remember the one guy here who was holding it down for real during the Egyptian revolution of 2011 and ended up getting roasted and accused of racism/tomism because NTers thought he was denying his blackness.

It's almost comical how incredibly extremist and hypocritical some our members are. Sometimes this place almost seems like a Black version of Stormfront. :lol:
Bottom line is you do not have to post racist, homophobic, sexist, and many other offensive things online.

Correct. But what is "racist, homophobic, sexist, and many other offensive things?"

If that's the case, all you guys who have said "White people can't dance" should be fired from your jobs.
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Where is all this "going into someone's past to find dirt" stuff coming from though? I take the idea as find something that someone did recently.

And also some of you guys are acting like it's so hard to not say something racist. And I'm talking about the offensive type racist stuff you see on youtube comments and in facebook posts
i've seen it happen.  people go into a persons past, dig stuff up, stuff at times which is taken out of context all with the intent of trying to expose someone.  

we can all agree that people need to be much smarter about the stuff they put out there on the internet but at the same time barring extreme circumstances, a stupid post or comment shouldn't cause the hard work, classes, training etc a person put in to get to the position their currently at to go down the drain.   the path we're going on, one poorly timed tweet or post or something taken out of context has the potential to throw years of work and training down the drain.   that's a dangerous precedent, and with things getting more and more politically correct it won't be out the question for the most minor things being deemed as offensive.

this may be an unpopular opinion but if i went to a doctor, or wherever and i had a choice between someone who has said a possibly racist remark or 2 in the past, but can seperate their personal feelings from work and don't let their views affect the performance of their job and how they treat other groups, or someone who's a perfectly stand up guy but has nowhere near the abilities of the person who said a racist remark or 2 in the past,  i'll pick the guy who said the racist remark or 2 because i know their better at their job then the other guy. 

obviously there's circumstances where someone saying something or doing something racist should get them canned on the spot.   if someone provided poor service to folks of one race while providing exceptional service to those of another race and makes note of it, or if someone refused to rent apartments to those of certain races then yeah, they should be canned,  same as if someone blatantly discriminates in their hiring practices because that has a direct effect on others.   

some ignorant stupid tweet or post however doesn't warrant a persons name and livelihood being destroyed though in my opinion.
there was that dude who worked for nasa who broke down crying because feminists were bashing him because of his shirt

what if someone gets fired because they have the same graphical pattern on their fb profile? 

I've heard that plenty of companies request FB passwords in the interview to review things, never had it happen to me though.

End of the day, no matter your privacy settings social media is a public forum. If you wouldn't scream it in public, maybe don't put it out there attached to your name on the internet.
Correct. But what is "racist, homophobic, sexist, and many other offensive things?"

If that's the case, all you guys who have said "White people can't dance" should be fired from your jobs.
and that's the slippery slope this sets up.      

certain things are extremely offensive and some sort of discipline action should be taken in some circumstances.

if someone makes a white joke about white peoples dancing abilities or lack of dancing abilities, and said white dude makes a fried chicken joke back or whatever, both could be cool with the joke and its all love between the 2 of them, but someone on either of their friends lists might be overly sensitive and complain and said remark would be treated with the same outrage as something extreme.  

all in all this sets a terrible precedent moving forward.
If I owned a business & I found out my company was being linked to a fb, linkedin, or Instagram account of someone who was partaking in racist behavior, I'd fire that person in a heart beat & demand that the employee remove my company's name from their social media accounts. There is no shortage of qualified & respectable people looking for work.

This. Now what if that employee doesn't claim any sort of allegiance or ties to your company?

I would still fire that person, and most business owners probably would. The fact that an employee felt it was okay for them to go PUBLIC with their racist & bigoted outlook on current events, tells me that they do not care about the feelings of others & that their decision making skills on the job might be hindered by their own personal bigotry. Also, bigoted & racist employees are an extra liability that business owners don't need.
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Bottom line is you do not have to post racist, homophobic, sexist, and many other offensive things online.

It's that simple. If you want to keep your job, if you want to be a role model, if you care about the feelings of others, if you have dreams of opening up a business or being a company executive one day, & don't want to be haunted by something you said in 2014, DONT POST IT ONLINE, ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!!!
It's that simple. If you want to keep your job, if you want to be a role model, if you care about the feelings of others, if you have dreams of opening up a business or being a company executive one day, & don't want to be haunted by something you said in 2014, DONT POST IT ONLINE, ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!!!
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do you think someone who posted some reckless stuff in a bulletin on myspace as a 16 year old in 2005 should have that come back to haunt them in 2015 if that bulletin isn't reflective of who they are today.

not trying to argue or discredit your views either way, i'm just curious to your opinion on that. 

your right though, people should be careful about what they post.  i don't agree with the witch hunt mentality we see at times digging into peoples past, but knowing how things currently are now, people need to make adjustments and be careful about what they put out there. people 20 years ago didn't have to worry about a post from the past coming back to haunt them, but times change and people need to adjust and i'll acknowledge that.
It's interesting

People act the way they do online, because they think they're no repercussions.

Can't say I feel sorry fro them.

do you think someone who posted some reckless stuff in a bulletin on myspace as a 16 year old in 2005 should have that come back to haunt them in 2015 if that bulletin isn't reflective of who they are today.

not trying to argue or discredit your views either way, i'm just curious to your opinion on that. 

your right though, people should be careful about what they post.  i don't agree with the witch hunt mentality we see at times digging into peoples past, but knowing how things currently are now, people need to make adjustments and be careful about what they put out there. people 20 years ago didn't have to worry about a post from the past coming back to haunt them, but times change and people need to adjust and i'll acknowledge that.
Should people wrongly accused by racists and stifled in work and education because the color of their skin be haunted by the stigma and stereotypes for the rest of their lives?

do you think someone who posted some reckless stuff in a bulletin on myspace as a 16 year old in 2005 should have that come back to haunt them in 2015 if that bulletin isn't reflective of who they are today.

not trying to argue or discredit your views either way, i'm just curious to your opinion on that. 

your right though, people should be careful about what they post.  i don't agree with the witch hunt mentality we see at times digging into peoples past, but knowing how things currently are now, people need to make adjustments and be careful about what they put out there. people 20 years ago didn't have to worry about a post from the past coming back to haunt them, but times change and people need to adjust and i'll acknowledge that.

You can expect reckless behavior from a teenager. Teenagers go through all types of stages. Chances are the 16 year old in 2005 is not that same 26/ 27 yr old now, thus it would be unfair to hold that person accountable.

EDIT: I'm talking more about adults. Even though adults go threw their own personal stages in life - an adult at any age should know better than to go public with that stuff.
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Prepare for a world where you can work your entire life to attain a position and then be arbitrarily fired from it because someone took umbrage interpreting something you said.


I mean if someone just looked at a lot of our NikeTalk accounts, a lot of us have said some pretty controversial stuff. I'm not even talking racism, I'm talking having a legitimate stance on religion, society, politics etc.

I for one have voiced my thoughts about zionism, I have no personal issue with the Jewish religion but I believe zionism is fundamentally wrong and the way Israel conducts their business with Palestine is terroristic and I feel there's a double standard at hand.

A lot of folks would view such a stance as anti-semitic even though I in no way have any ill feelings toward people of the Jewish faith, I just do not believe in zionism.

Likewise I've voiced my opinion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the aerial bombings, the false reasoning given to us as to why we're in those countries, etc. A lot of folks could take that and construe that as me being against our troops which couldn't be further from the truth. I wholeheartedly support our troops when I feel the cause is just. When politicians throw around slogans like "freedom isn't free" when nobody is actually compromising our freedoms I take exception.

Would I want my stance on these issues unfairly scrutinized and twisted? Absolutely not. I have an opinion on these things and I believe it's my right to voice my opinion without persecution.

Do I believe people should be held accountable for their words? Absolutely, but it should be done in the correct manner for the correct reasons. This seems like it has the propensity to turn into a witch hunt.
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how hard is it to not say racist **** though?

imo i have no remorse for someone who is clearly racist and expresses it on social media. if you are that dumb and ignorant then you deserve to get fired.

but then again I don't say racist **** like some of the people on twitter so I don't really see it from their point of view. 
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how hard is it to not say racist **** though?

imo i have no remorse for someone who is clearly racist and expresses it on social media. if you are that dumb and ignorant then you deserve to get fired.
but then again I don't say racist **** like some of the people on twitter so I don't really see it from their point of view. 

It's context my friend. context.

Sometimes a viewpoint that is not explicitly racist may be construed as such.

There's a difference between someone throwing around the N word or speaking about an ethnic group in a hateful and inflammatory manner and someone voicing a legitimate stance.

I may not agree with an individual's opinion but I will defend their right to voice their opinion (if viewpoint is a legitimate stance on an issue and done so in a tasteful and retrained manner),

This is America, people have a right to speak out even if someone else doesn't agree with the message. Hate speech isn't protected by the constitution and people should be held accountable for spewing it. But actual legitimate opinions, however controversial or unpopular, should be allowed to be expressed without people fearing persecution or backlash.

Again this has the propensity to turn into a witch hunt.
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You can expect reckless behavior from a teenager. Teenagers go through all types of stages. Chances are the 16 year old in 2005 is not that same 26/ 27 yr old now, thus it would be unfair to hold that person accountable.

EDIT: I'm talking more about adults. Even though adults go threw their own personal stages in life - an adult at any age should know better than to go public with that stuff.
i can't argue that. that's reasonable.

to each their own, but if i was in the shoes of an employer, i would try and look at what was said, and the type of person i know the employee to be.   if it was a stupid joke in poor taste but an isolated incident i would have a serious talk with them and let them know if this happens again their gone.   if they were a bad employee or said some wild stuff like "i hate all n words" or "kill all muslims" or something extreme like that then that's an entirely different extreme and they gotta go.

hell people gotta start being more responsible with social media these days though there's no arguing that.

**** i need to delete any drunken or foolish pics i have from years ago just because i don't want an employer to be like, "you got your masters, your resume looks decent, but these drunken strip club pics of you from 2009 with a bottle in one hand and a strippers butt in another hand are a poor reflecton on our company" 
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