Racists Getting Fired - Racism on Social Media

It's context my friend. context.

Sometimes a viewpoint that is not explicitly racist may be construed as such.

There's a difference between someone throwing around the N word or speaking about an ethnic group in a hateful and inflammatory manner and someone voicing a legitimate stance.

I may not agree with an individual's opinion but I will defend their right to voice their opinion (if viewpoint is a legitimate stance on an issue and done so in a tasteful and retrained manner),

This is America, people have a right to speak out even if someone else doesn't agree with the message. Hate speech isn't protected by the constitution and people should be held accountable for spewing it. But actual legitimate opinions, however controversial or unpopular, should be allowed to be expressed without people fearing persecution or backlash.

Again this has the propensity to turn into a witch hunt.
well said. 

the intent behind this is what gets to me too.

is something like this really being used to better things or is it being used to settle scores?

we all knew that tattletail kid in school who would get you in trouble for the most pettiest things that had no effect on him.  he didn't do it to help the teacher but rather to get people in trouble.  i could easily see something like this being exploited.

hell the case mentioned in an earlier post where some girls spiteful ex bf made a fake page of her and was saying wild racist stuff.  people were trying to get her fired from her job even though it wasn't her that said that stuff.
Aint it funny how some of the same NTers in this thread that are actively against exposing racist comments said on the Internet, are in every NT race thread speaking foul about minorities or constantly being accused themselves of being racist? :lol:
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Aint it funny how some of the same NTers in this thread that are actively against exposing racist comments said on the Internet, are in every NT race thread speaking foul about minorities or constantly being accused themselves of being racist?
That reverse racism move is their version of the Jordan fadeaway.

You can always count on it 
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Can a mod please explain why my post are being deleted from this thread? :nerd:
Maybe I'm reaching but I could see that reverse racism stuff being exploited in cases like this.

This would open up a Pandora's box and people could reach and cry racism on the most smallest things and when Im saying this I can see people pulling that reverse racism stuff on stuff which isn't even that serious and getting people in trouble with their jobs.
I wonder if NT would be fine with people getting fired over "I hate white people" type posts.
Clearly not. NT only thinks one way, and all opposition are labeled racists. This type of thing is about far more than racism though. It's about freedom of speech, and if it starts here, where is it allowed to end? Should people be fired for cursing outside of work also? But of course it's a tumblr, the site with the biggest leftists, and social justice warriors on the internet. Anyone who visits that site will never move their stance. 
you are free to say whatever you want...this just makes you accountable.
Clearly you don't understand free speech. If a North Korean is killed for talking about their leader, is that your opinion of 'free speech' and him just being held accountable? 
Clearly you don't understand free speech. If a North Korean is killed for talking about their leader, is that your opinion of 'free speech' and him just being held accountable? :rolleyes
That's not free speech sir...
At all actually.
Prepare for a world where you can work your entire life to attain a position and then be arbitrarily fired from it because someone took umbrage interpreting something you said.
Still better than a world where having an 'ethnic' name won't get you hired. 
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What a shock dudes don't want to be held accountable for the nonsense they say online :lol:

"But we need a way to let our hate out"

You don't wanna be held accountable for it don't say it or how about just stop being racist, etc.
Aint it funny how some of the same NTers in this thread that are actively against exposing racist comments said on the Internet, are in every NT race thread speaking foul about minorities or constantly being accused themselves of being racist? :lol:

Always the usual suspects in here talking about "freedom of speech" :lol:
I'm talking about freedom of speech, so don't lump me in the basket with other posters.

Thanks, appreciate it.

Freedom of speech does not = freedom from consequences. No one is going to go run and tell your employer that you disagree with the war in Iraq or the healthcare law, unless you're going on some uncensored bigoted rant calling the troops a bunch of socipathic thugs or the president a monkey n-wod, etc....

A private institution has the right to decide whether or not they want to associate with an employee who does these things and posts them on the internet for the world to see. That type of stuff is bad PR and can **** with profits. This isn't as big a slippery slope as people make it seem. It's pretty damn simple. Don't wanna get fired? Then don't post racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic rants on the internet for the everyone to screenshot and display publicly. Everything you post on the internet is public whether you like it or not. Privacy settings mean nothing.
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People have freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want. Now, if what you say makes someone not want to work with you tough.
Yall know damn well the word "free" as a slightly different meaning in Murica.

Go to an Airport and say got a bomb, see what happens.
Freedom of speech does not = freedom from consequences. No one is going to go run and tell your employer that you disagree with the war in Iraq or the healthcare law, unless you're going on some uncensored bigoted rant calling the troops a bunch of socipathic thugs or the president a monkey n-wod, etc....

A private institution has the right to decide whether or not they want to associate with an employee who does these things and posts them on the internet for the world to see. That type of stuff is bad PR and can **** with profits. This isn't as big a slippery slope as people make it seem. It's pretty damn simple. Don't wanna get fired? Then don't post racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic rants on the internet for the everyone to screenshot and display publicly. Everything you post on the internet is public whether you like it or not. Privacy settings mean nothing.

And if you read what I posted you'd know I already stated that hate speech is not protected by our constitution and folks should be held accountable for such speech.

IDK if you were addressing me or what, but, if you're going to come into a thread talking about usual suspects, name names. Don't pile everyone in the same basket, that's all I'm saying.
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And if you read what I posted you'd know I already stated that hate speech is not protected by our constitution and folks should be held accountable for such speech.

IDK if you were addressing me or what, but, if you're going to come into a thread talking about usual suspects, name names.

Don't think I've ever seen you in the threads im talking about so you need to relax bruh.
Yall know damn well the word "free" as a slightly different meaning in Murica.

Go to an Airport and say got a bomb, see what happens.

Ehhh, that's more of a security thing. I can't go into a mall and say "I have a gun" either.
And if you read what I posted you'd know I already stated that hate speech is not protected by our constitution and folks should be held accountable for such speech.
People like you don't understand what free speech is. You say/act like you do, and then say that certain things shouldn't be allowed, and should have negative consequence.

That is the opposite of free speech. 
People like you don't understand what free speech is. You say/act like you do, and then say that certain things shouldn't be allowed, and should have negative consequence.

That is the opposite of free speech. 

**** are you talking about b?

Do YOU even know what freedom of speech is and what is and isn't protected by the constitution?

Because your half-baked BS idea of freedom of speech means jack **** to me or anyone else. Miss me with that ****.
Why the ambiguity though? Be clear in who you're addressing.

man im not bout to come in here derailing the thread and get into an endless unnecessary argument wit dudes like ME66. ill address em if i wanna address em. fall back, gettin your jimmies all rustled and **** over somethin that ain't even about you.

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