Racists Getting Fired - Racism on Social Media

Jun 27, 2007
I came across this website this weekend which is pretty much a blog dedicated to holding people accountable for their racist, violent, & bigoted posts on social media. The idea is that an anonymus user submits a screenshot of someone publically posting racist/ bigoted comments via social media. Once approved by moderators, the screen shot is than posted online for the world to see, where internet-detectives than try to find out where the racist poster is currently employed. They than send emails with a copy of the screen shot to the posters employer.


The "Gotten" part of the website displays the actions taken by the employers regarding their racist employee.

I personally think this is a great idea. Why shouldnt you be held accountable for what you say on social media?

Nt, any thoughts?
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The reason this site is useful would be solely for evidence purposes to save jobs of people treated unfairly in the workplace.

ie. got fired unjustly... use website as evidence.

or.. believe you should have gotten a promotion .... use website to build a case.

maybe for jobs such as HR and hiring, dismissal is appropriate 

but to just start cutting the means that someone needs to put bread on the table is in radical communist censorship territory. imo 

where do you draw the line?
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good idea. if i have a business i wouldn't want some racist person working for me...
I got mixed views on it.

This whole, "we caught you and are going to expose you" mindset we see these days sets a bad precedent.

A dude like a Donald sterling who has a long standing track record or an employer who has a history of discrimination should be exposed and outed because that's a whole other extreme.

This though has the potential to be abused and exploited. Someone making a tasteless racial joke shouldn't be blackballed and having that affect future employment.

What if someone said something stupid 5 years ago, someone digs up that Facebook post with the sole intent of sabotaging that person, not exposing racism. Said person matured and that poor lack of judgement isn't who they are today yet that dumb post comes back to haunt them.

Some people joke among their friends of other races. Someone unaware of that has the potential to twist that and turn it into something it's not.

Hell you might get people crying foul over the term "white boy" :lol:

Its just just too much of a potential for a bad precedent with this one. A bunch of people who have no real power will get hit and some may use this as a tool for revenge while the actual racists with a position of power to affect things with their racism go unaccounted for.
Well if people pulled thier pants up they wouldn't get killed. Right?
I know, right? The people that worry about "racism" all of the time are the real racists. Slavery is ended, get over it and stop using the race card.
Most employees are at-will anyway. You can be fired for any or no reason unless the reason falls into one of the statutory exemptions.
I thought about creating an app like this.

But as mentioned by cedric ceballos cedric ceballos & Chiron Chiron this sets a very tough precedence. I mentioned this idea to a chick I'm talking to, and she argued that what if someone took the time to dig up every insensitive comment we all made? I like the thought of exploiting bigotry, and racism. But we certainly have to be careful with things like this.
It's pretty simple to NOT say racist and vile things on the Internet. Just keep it between you and your friends.

It's not good for business to have people like that apart of your company. That's why you'd get fired.
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