Ralph Nader calls newly elected Barack Obama an Uncle Tom

That's the second time in 2 days that this FRAUD Joe the Plumber has been owned. I wonder what he's doing right now seeing how his home state of Ohiowent to Obama

Shepard doesn't belong on Fox News, he's too good
Very true. He's seems to good of a reporter to be surrounded by so many idoits.
Props to that anchor for holding it down for Fox. That negates any stupidity that will come out of Sean Hannity's mouth tonight.
Originally Posted by ESPNonthescreen

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by sStutter

I don't get what the issue is. Nader didn't call Obama an Uncle Tom but rather explained the two paths that Obama could legitimately walk down that would ultimately define his legacy as president.
to Shepard.

QFT, I don't think he was wrong at all in what he said... Could have used some more tact, but still not wrong...
*$%!+... even if you agree with his point, why did he look in the camera and say he wasn't sorry for saying "Uncle Tom"? how is there any excuse for that?

Ralph Nader is an idiot

Ralph Nader is smarter than you.
Saw this when CNN was on a commercial. As much as I dislike Fox News, Shepard gets some props.
"You were reduced to complete irrelevance here"



Why do they even dignify this clown by calling him a presidential candidate? He's a clown.
I can see the point he was trying to make. It just came out all wrong.

That J-Lo slip up was hilarious.
Nader isn't white.

I don't know why this surprises people. Nader isn't always the most PC person out there.
You all know about Sheppard Smith, don't you?

He's on the rainbow team.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Replace "Uncle Tom" with any other reference, and his message would have been so much more accepted.

This is what happens when you try to add shock value to an already valid point.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

I see the point Nader is trying to make but he came off like a real prick and this is pretty much a wrap for him. I doubt anyone will want to hear his opinion anymore.
Nader's attitude has always been "prickly".
Mine would be too if I was running around the nation for the last 20 years warning of what's going to happen and it came true.
The truth hurts doesn't it? He wasn't calling him an Uncle Tom, he simply stated that if Obama continues on that path that favors large corporationsand neglects the poor, in this case Blacks and Latinos, he will be considered an Uncle Tom. Sounds like a valid point to me. I'm Latino and a Democrat ifit matters
I disagree with the choice of words but the point is valid. Democrats and Republicans are both run by big business. He did not call Obama an uncle tomthough, he posed it as a question that Obama has to answer.
Nader's attitude has always been "prickly".
Mine would be too if I was running around the nation for the last 20 years warning of what's going to happen and it came true.
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