Ran into @ksteezy in the train

I do it all da time, as soon as commercial vehicle parking it's over it's no problem driving all over Manhattan, hello I live in Washington Heights which is in Manhattan. traffic is only bad below 60th Street between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
i’m still good. only time I drive into manhattan is if it’s late at night and I gotta pick someone up. other than that if I got a function to attend i’m taking the subway or an uber.
Another thing. If I’m going somewhere in the city for an evening or weekend outing. There’s a good chance Ima be sipping. Makes sense for me to take the train there. Possibly pour something in my McDonald’s cup or whatever and Uber back if needed.
nah, took me 5 mins to find parking, side streets? forget about it... they're eeeeeeverywhere.

unless you daily a H1 or a suburban, you shouldn't have any problems looking for parking once commerical parking rules let up.

i drive every day to work, i cant even conceptualize riding da Subway anymore unless its a raaaaaaare metro North/LIRR trip.
Not even gonna front Ninjahood is right about the parking. I’ve only driven into midtown a couple of times with my moms cause she prefers to drive and we found spots with ease. But it doesn’t defeat da luxury of taking the railroad and getting into penn in 15 mins and just walking to whoever I needs to be in midtown. He’ll even if I’m going uptown id rather just take the railroad to penn and go for the long walk or get off the f or the r in the 50s or 60s and just see the city. Manhattan too beautiful to be strictly driving in.
my niece lives in NY now and she said she sees minor celebs (like people from snl) on the train once in a while. why do they use the train if driving is better?
my niece lives in NY now and she said she sees minor celebs (like people from snl) on the train once in a while. why do they use the train if driving is better?

Because they live in the city? Or downtown Brooklyn or just the neighborhoods proximal to the city?

doubt any of these celebs living out in the north Bronx or somewhere in Long Island or parts of queens and making the choice of riding the train for 1hr +
Because they live in the city? Or downtown Brooklyn or just the neighborhoods proximal to the city?

doubt any of these celebs living out in the north Bronx or somewhere in Long Island or parts of queens and making the choice of riding the train for 1hr +
ahhh i see. i don’t live there so i’m clueless.
the one time i visited there i caught cabs wherever i went.
keep it a buck is the heights really “da city”

I wouldn’t consider it “da city” I barely recognize Harlem as “da city” once you go passed 96th street then to me that’s when you enter da city and start dealing with the hassles of driving within the city.

i can find parking with ease in the heights and in Harlem.
Oh def not a necessity.
I prefer driving over the subway but in reality subway is easier 98/100 in NYC
Yup, that’s the truth. Now cats that are spoiled and are used to living a certain way might not be able to deal with basic communication with other people that’s somewhat required if you use public transportation
I don’t mind the taking the train to go out part. 116th or 125th to wherever Ima go isn’t too long of a commute.

I’m more of a bar hopping person. Really don’t care too much for clubs. But late night when I’m trashed and trains run like ****, uber is a godsend.
my niece lives in NY now and she said she sees minor celebs (like people from snl) on the train once in a while. why do they use the train if driving is better?

we takin anecdotal takes from your niece in regards to SNL b-list celebs taking da train sometimes as a mark of excellence in regards to MTA?

keep it a buck is the heights really “da city”


when I get mail to my house it says New York, New York 10033.

that's about as New York City as you can get.
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