Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Maybe i was just being Naive or hardheaded but the reaction to this ***** really solidifies that hiphop doesn't belong to "us" anymore, I mean white people raped the business from the get go. But at least the messages & trends were created by us & meant for us.

This new iteration where everything & anyone is welcome, this **** right here something new. The rules of hiphop are now created & geared towards 15 year olds , non black kids from the burbs. They've done the **** again :smh:
Maybe i was just being Naive or hardheaded but the reaction to this ***** really solidifies that hiphop doesn't belong to "us" anymore, I mean white people raped the business from the get go. But at least the messages & trends were created by us & meant for us.

This new iteration where everything & anyone is welcome, this **** right here something new. The rules of hiphop are now created & geared towards 15 year olds , non black kids from the burbs. They've done the **** again :smh:

When did this happen tho :nerd:
This Crunchy Black and DJ “Glad” interview is amazing. Crunchy was wilding out vegas. Paul & Juicy J did him a lor cruddy.

Classic interview. One of the first comments said CB talks like you just said "HUH?! CAN YOU SAY THAT AGAIN" :lol::lol:

And it finally came out why he really moved to Vegas...at first he said he moved cuz he wanted to be close to LA :lol: Yeah right, my man wanted to take his pimping to one of the largest markets in the country
Maybe i was just being Naive or hardheaded but the reaction to this ***** really solidifies that hiphop doesn't belong to "us" anymore, I mean white people raped the business from the get go. But at least the messages & trends were created by us & meant for us.

This new iteration where everything & anyone is welcome, this **** right here something new. The rules of hiphop are now created & geared towards 15 year olds , non black kids from the burbs. They've done the **** again :smh:
Hip hop does belong to us. We still dictate what matters. While this **** is bringing in numbers, it doesn’t matter. The streets still and will forever run hip hop. Our problem is that we’re just too inclusive and support those who don’t support us
I hate to admit it. He's scummy but

Hip hop does belong to us. We still dictate what matters. While this **** is bringing in numbers, it doesn’t matter. The streets still and will forever run hip hop. Our problem is that we’re just too inclusive and support those who don’t support us

Idk if i could agree with this anymore, literally all the principals & ruls of the Genre are now non existent.

In terms of mainstream hiphop & the "culture" around it as a whole...... nah this new iteration doesn't belong to us, no rules, no love for it, just souless sonic products that are marketed well.

Now of course there's always going to be amzing hiphop artist from the streets or who just have a authentic black experience to rap about. But in today's world that guy is now the outsider.

This is what the game has become, **** authenticity.... we don't even need you to be a real person to package up an image and sell music :lol:

If it's one thing that this pandemic has showed me.... people don't give a **** about ANYTHING in this world more than turning up, money & Sex. as long as your doing one of those three you will have a huge audience wlling to fight for you
If you liked his music before this sounds just like the other stuff. It'll be interesting to see how this moves, this is the think piece of all pieces in terms of how much people care about authenticity in rap
Idk if i could agree with this anymore, literally all the principals & ruls of the Genre are now non existent.

In terms of mainstream hiphop & the "culture" around it as a whole...... nah this new iteration doesn't belong to us, no rules, no love for it, just souless sonic products that are marketed well.

Now of course there's always going to be amzing hiphop artist from the streets or who just have a authentic black experience to rap about. But in today's world that guy is now the outsider.

This is what the game has become, **** authenticity.... we don't even need you to be a real person to package up an image and sell music :lol:

If it's one thing that this pandemic has showed me.... people don't give a **** about ANYTHING in this world more than turning up, money & Sex. as long as your doing one of those three you will have a huge audience wlling to fight for you

Apart of what I said is that we dictate what matters. Hip hop is global so of course it’s no longer exclusive to us but what we make pop is what matters. Case in point, them Griselda ****** seem like they shouldn’t be thriving in today’s climate but here they are doing there thing without all the extra *****. That’s what matters. This 69 **** while entertaining, doesn’t
finessence finessence ....your time is now...:nerd: :nerd:


had to log back in after a week to see this ***** malfunction

I forgot bruh was free :rofl:

The get indicted hotline indeed

Not the first nor the last time.

Something similar happened up here, minus flashing all the guns cuz up here they see 1 hammer and everyones door getting flown. Major raid happened a few mths later, something like 80ppl, 100s of charges, 100s of guns, damn near a mill worth of dope. All types of **** from shootings, robberies to crim org charges.

Ya big dummy

But you gotta be a damn fool to be all up in the videos showing your face, tats and anything that can identify you while you out here doing dirt. I get it though, buncha attention whores.
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