Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Was listening to TBI (Wayno filled in for Schulz so it’s a good listen this week) and the topic of Drake being compared to Hov got brought up. Everyone in the room pretty much agreed that IYRTITL is Drake’s best work, but no one gives it its just due because that’s when we found out about the ghost writing. Valid point.

That made me think of a scenario. Let’s say your favorite album/tape from your favorite artist was discovered to be one where that artist had help with the rhymes. Would that completely reshape the way you look at them? For the sake of discussion let’s assume that it’s only that ONE a project that ghostwriting was proven, and they have more albums that you rock with. Y’all letting you person ride, or are they knocked down a peg?
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Was listening to TBI (Wayno filled in for Schulz so it’s a good listen this week) and the topic of Drake being compared to Hov got brought up. Everyone in the room pretty much agreed that IYRTITL is Drake’s best work, but no one gives it its just due because that’s when we found out about the ghost writing. Valid point.

That made me think of a scenario. Let’s say your favorite album/tape from your favorite artist was discovered to be one where that artist had help with the rhymes. Would that completely reshape the way you look at them? For the sake of discussion let’s assume that it’s only that ONE a project that ghostwriting was proven, and they have more albums that you rock with. Y’all letting you person ride, or are they knocked down a peg?

Yes...if a reference track of U Don't Know ever leaks...it would change how people saw Jay-Z as a rapper.
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