Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

What's going on with him. His second joint was a big disappointment.
Idk, I'm thinking him and someone else in TDE was supposed to drop last year, but Covid. As for his 2nd project, I see why you said that. I doesn't start well w/ that skit & drags at the end. I added the 2 promo singles for the album to the front of it record, and it fixed all of the problems for me. I don't understand why he didn't use those 2 instead of 2 of the records at the bottom:
“Twirlanta” ...???? SUS AF :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who gives these dudes guidance? Gotta be they G-Ma or auntie....

“twirl-lanta” :lol: :lol:

Ain’t nothing gangsta about that
KD and Bron knew what they signed up for. They would’ve eventually won chips in Cleveland and OKC respectively...
KD may gave gotten one in OKC. Dont forget, they did trade Harden in what was essentially a salary dump (disagreement of 3 million per year). So admittedly I understand his decision to leave. Just didnt agree with the destination.

I'm not convinced LBJ grabs one of he never leaves Cleveland. East was trash. Celtic big 3 came along and only had the 1 season of triumph followed by injury and old age catching up. So he would have gotten back to a Finals, maybe. Bulls had injury concerns and Knicks with Melo never put it together. Pacers...as a Bulls fan, I didnt fear that Pacer team. Bulls literally went 4 years undefeated against them. When they finally beat a DRose team in Indy there was a massive celebration over it...for a regular season win.

Much like Durant, LBJ had to prove to ownership that they needed to act to keep his services, not just reap the benefits of the Lebron economic system. So I definitely get it for both of them.
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