Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Was not aware how much this happens.

Just this morning I heard LL on the radio say Dre gave him the beat for what became Exxplosive. LL said he liked the beat, but just wasn’t feeling how it fit with the lyrics he had in mind, so told Dre he wasn’t going to use it. So Dre ended up using it himself.
The final product to most songs we hear goes thru ALOT …it’s rarely as easy as just go to the studio and put it out
Yeah, because one is a rapper/businessman who was elected spokesman for black America because of fame and money and the other is a former football player who became an activist. So yes, I was saying they aren't on the same level. The same reason people want Jay-Z to explain in full detail what he was saying about kneeling and using partial quotes, but not Kaepernick being able to fully explain the pig socks or the Che shirt.

or the reason he opted out of his last year with the 49ers when it was obvious what was going to happen or the fact he didn't want to really try out for teams.

So I would expect more of the activist and expect more questions posed towards him, from the people are boycotting something he and 70% percent of the players aren't.

And Kaep is doing the very same actionable items that he was talking about, because he sure as hell isn't speaking.

Most people in our community expect more from athletes and entertainers than actual politicians that are voted in, who's literal job is to serve the community. We got everything backwards. No other group goes to it's athletes and celebs like "you better do this and that and never say or do anything I disagree with!!" but will ask nothing of politicians who are asking US for our vote.
Most people in our community expect more from athletes and entertainers than actual politicians that are voted in, who's literal job is to serve the community. We got everything backwards. No other group goes to it's athletes and celebs like "you better do this and that and never say or do anything I disagree with!!" but will ask nothing of politicians who are asking US for our vote.

To piggyback off bruh, people don’t even hold their own friends, family or neighbors accountable! They expect more from athletes and entertainers but expect nothing of people they interact with on the daily
Most people in our community expect more from athletes and entertainers than actual politicians that are voted in, who's literal job is to serve the community. We got everything backwards. No other group goes to it's athletes and celebs like "you better do this and that and never say or do anything I disagree with!!" but will ask nothing of politicians who are asking US for our vote.
This just isn’t true. You expand need to expend your peer group b/c you be acting like that small & not even that loud minority make up the majority. Like that bonnet ****. You barely ever see it and when you its on a very specific type. Y'all gotta start watching your words b/c they're more prone to being weaponized the more ignorant they are.
This just isn’t true. You expand need to expend your peer group b/c you be acting like that small & not even that loud minority make up the majority. Like that bonnet ****. You barely ever see it and when you its on a very specific type. Y'all gotta start watching your words b/c they're more prone to being weaponized the more ignorant they are.

Nah I stand on what I said.
Dude playing RZA sounds like there's a delay when he's talking. RZA has a strong lisp and sounds completely different.

The **** is even worse this year. IDK if I can finish the series.

I stopped watching the series is S1, because of dude. He’s terrible

East playing Meth is believable. I the actor playing Ghost....and the RZA one was bad casting.
The dude that plays ghostface is terrible. And. The actor that plays Rza character always has a tendency to overreact in a moody way. Ruined it for me.

Homeboy from “dope”, that played Rae did his damn thing tho. Really kilt that character.
That's moreso what I hear. Not sure if it's something that's been recognized. I studder and it's something I pick up on from other people.
Yeah. RZA’s speech impediment is very noticeable but, I haven’t even watched the series but I can imagine dude struggling trying to recreate it.
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