Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Jaylin pulled out his gun when they first start tussling.
I can see that but I want to see did he have anything in his hand when DaBaby shot him the camera doesn’t show that.
It appears someone knocked Baby to the ground he gets up and fires a shot and starts talking ish..
Keep in mind a female in the video walked up and hits Jaylin in the face
Would she really be bold enough to do that if he had a gun in his hand at that moment.
Don't pull out your gun unless you're going to use it.
I can see that but I want to see did he have anything in his hand when DaBaby shot him the camera doesn’t show that.
It appears someone knocked Baby to the ground he gets up and fires a shot and starts talking ish..
Keep in mind a female in the video walked up and hits Jaylin in the face
Would she really be bold enough to do that if he had a gun in his hand at that moment.

It don't matter if he had it out or not. She and everyone else could CLEARLY see he was letting it be known he had a gun. Look at what he's doing when she swings on him. He wasn't scratching his balls.

And how did that movie end?

His brother dead and him shortly after.

Lock DaBaby up!
F him

Be honest you hate Dababy so you're not being objective with this lol.

I wish prison on no man.

The Rolling Stone article said 46 or 48% of the residents in North Carolina have at least one gun.

Dude was dumb to just pull his gun out. He broke rule number one.

Taking out a gun with no intention of firing has always been dummy behavior. Cause now you just gave the other party cause to fire on you.
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Sorry...but you're not trying to diffuse a fight while clutching a pistol at the same time. Even if you didn't brandish it. He wasn't even slick about it...he was clearly letting DaBaby know he had it on him.
That’s America 2022. No accountability and just pointing the fingers at others.

Looks like he stepped in to a fight amongst dababy and his boy, and started clutching his gun. Dababy supposed to just be like ok cool?

Bad situation overall, especially in a ****en Wal mart out of all places :lol:
That’s America 2022. No accountability and just pointing the fingers at others.

Looks like he stepped in to a fight amongst dababy and his boy, and started clutching his gun. Dababy supposed to just be like ok cool?

Bad situation overall, especially in a ****en Wal mart out of all places :lol:

Going to take a guess there aren't many Walmarts where you live .

This is standard WalMart behavior :lol:

The evidence on this one is soooooo light (so far) :lol:.

There are entire hashtags and social media world, dedicated to 304s and RPGO.

I can’t imagine they’d crack down for real. Seeing as the ppl in this are willing participants and adults.

What’s his IG?
Pimpin online (or any illegal activities) when you already a public figure is a wild look and always a head scratcher :lol: :smh:

Didn’t another former rap cat just get jammed up too for the pimp ****? They gotta find a better way to still make some money
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