Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Conceptually guilty conscience is cool. He was rapping. But I never want to hear Eminem ever again past maybe 5 songs

My 7 year old is into Hamilton now and they rap like Eminem on there. I be trying to be a good dad but it’s annoying

They rap like new Eminem, not 99-05 Em
Drake would be wise to drop music/albums with no features going forward. He won’t be able to help himself :lol: but IMO that should be the move from here on out
Drake would be wise to drop music/albums with no features going forward. He won’t be able to help himself :lol: but IMO that should be the move from here on out

Best move for him is to make strictly EDM and Pop songs. Stay in that lane where no one cares if you’re a pedophile and a culture vulture that doesn’t write his music. Embrace the Katy Perry, Doja Cat and Macklemore comparisons some people have made for years.

buddy ready crash out, this summer finna be excellent

threatening the DJ but not the ***** that made the song is crazy :lol:

“You gon’ make a ***** bring back Puff,
let me see if 40 really crash somethin’”

I did not expect Kendrick to completely destroy this man. Worst beating hip hop has ever seen. Man cried on record and said he was done and taking a vacation for mental health and went on to make EDM music.

Kendrick a Civil Rights hero
Drake would be wise to drop music/albums with no features going forward. He won’t be able to help himself :lol: but IMO that should be the move from here on out

his features are built-in once he takes the song from the ghost writers :lol:
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