Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Em need to go back and listen to some of his own bars…

“So while you’re in it try to get as much **** as you can
and when your run is over just admit when its at its end”

Em need to go back and listen to some of his own bars…

“So while you’re in it try to get as much **** as you can
and when your run is over just admit when its at its end”


He’s been wack since his old flows are gone. He’s almost 50, probably got one or two more albums in him. Still going multiplatinum, young white kids love his new ****.
I feel like Eminem was kinda cringey to me by the time Marshall Mathers LP came out, and I was a teenager then. Hearing this just makes me wonder again if the first two albums were even worse than I remember.

Need to make it 100%

I think there’s people in here in their early and mid 20s. I also think there’s way bigger issues in hip hop than Em dropping an album every 2-3 years.

How old were you when you were listening to Eminem?

Em was rapping about politics, poverty and pain. I don’t think a lot of his music was for kids besides a catchy single or two he made for the album.
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