Ray J need some attention Vol. I hit it first

I dont like anton because of the comments he has made about black women.... with that said

You guys are ODing

All he did was post a pic of a male sloot.

Way to derail a thread guise.

Nt has a bully mentality and it needs to stop
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Granted though...you guys have been jerking each other off quite a bit in this thread.

Yea, amidst the orgy of ignorance someone else had to be outspoken about this issue as I was. For the record him and I weren't the only ones sharing the same sentiment.
I dont like anton because of the comments he has made about black women.... with that said

You guys are ODing

All he did was post a pic of a male sloot.

Way to derail a thread guise.

Nt has a bully mentality and it needs to stop

HE derailed the thread

why you throwin on a cape for a black man who doesnt respect black women

c'mon ol girl you look silly right now
Classic response. "Orgy of ignorance".

The arguments in this thread are almost entirely opinion based. Those opinions are no more "ignorant" than yours. They just may not be worded as well. HA!

Pretty much no one in this thread is "right" and no one in this thread is "wrong". Everyone just has their view.

I didn't say you were the only ones that shared an opinion. Again, sometimes it's not what you do, it's how you do it.
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Damn Aldi...where they do that at? 

 at the gif ninja 
You're really trying to son me? You sound idiotic.

You mention Michael and Janet and the "70's" without realizing they were at their peak in the 80's and 90's. So you're already losing.

Stop it son. Just because you're living in an era where Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe are top of mind because of "blogs" and you watch their show religiously, doesn't make them bigger as a family than a musical group that was at the top of their craft that spawned solo stars who's personal lives were also front page news.

The 80's+90's were the era when tabloids exploded.

This isn't even debatable. Kim is best known for who she dates. And maybe for who her father is. Not for actually doing anything. Same with Khloe. Kourtney for being Kim's sister. Rob, same. You really think anyone cares about any of them besides Kim? More than Jermaine or Latoya....or Joe?

Bruce Jenner and Ribert Kardashian Sr. are actually the only accomplished members of that family that anyone knew before Kim had a sex tape.

The Jacksons had hits as artists, Michael is the King of Pop, family drama left and right and you want to compare the two?


I'm gonna continue sonning you.

I said 70's cause you said Jacksons.

I don't watch any of their 10 dumbass shows, but when I go to the store, they are always on the covers of magazines at the checkout. It's been that way for years. Any one of the family can be on the cover for some BS drama. The Jacksons weren't like that. It was mainly Michael and Janet.

Quote when I said any of them have talent or are accomplished.

Sure none of US care about them, but the masses obviously do since we all still know who they are and if you think nobody cares you're in denial for reasons I can't explain. They're successful socialites and as we all know, it pays. Just ask Mr. Seacrest.
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I'm gonna continue sonning you.

I said 70's cause you said Jacksons.

I don't watch any of their 10 dumbass shows, but when I go to the store, they are always on the covers of magazines at the checkout. It's been that way for years. Any one of the family can be on the cover for some BS drama. The Jacksons weren't like that. It was mainly Michael and Janet.

Quote when I said any of them have talent or are accomplished.

Sure none of US care about them, but the masses obviously do since we all still know who they are and if you think nobody cares you're in denial for reasons I can't explain. They're successful socialites and as we all know, it pays. Just ask Mr. Seacrest.

Yea, you said a whole lot of nothing. There's nothing worse than someone who swears he's sonning but ain't saying ****.

You said 70's and you proved how lost you were on my point. I said Jacksons as a family. Not the Jackson 5 as a group. That is what we're discussing right? The Jacksons as a family?

Did I say no one cares about the Kardashians? No. Did I say they don't generate money? No. You're flying off on tangents to try to prove a point and failing.

The Jacksons easily dominated the press/"tabloids". For decades. As a group. As individuals. The National Enquirer been going strong since then and before.

Mike's personal life. Gay or not. Marrying Elvis' daughter. The kids with the nurse. Janet doing the same. Joe beating them. Latoya does Playboy. She wildin' out. Random stories about the other siblings. Just the sheer number of them is part of the reason they dominated like they did. And the fact that they were successful artists/entertainers.

Maybe that's why Kim was running with TJ Jackson. HA!

You can say the Kardashians dominate them now and no argument. But anytime someone says "EVAR", and tries to put a historical perspective on current events, it's usually a childish fail. Keep it movin' new jack.
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Yea, you said a whole lot of nothing. There's nothing worse than someone who swears he's sonning but ain't saying ****.

You said 70's and you proved how lost you were on my point. I said Jacksons as a family. Not the Jackson 5 as a group. That is what we're discussing right? The Jacksons as a family?

Did I say no one cares about the Kardashians? No. Did I say they don't generate money? No. You're flying off on tangents to try to prove a point and failing.

The Jacksons easily dominated the press/"tabloids". For decades. As a group. As individuals. The National Enquirer been going strong since then and before.

Mike's personal life. Gay or not. Marrying Elvis' daughter. The kids with the nurse. Janet doing the same. Joe beating them. Latoya does Playboy. She wildin' out. Random stories about the other siblings. Just the sheer number of them is part of the reason they dominated like they did. And the fact that they were successful artists/entertainers.

Maybe that's why Kim was running with TJ Jackson. HA!

You can say the Kardashians dominate them now and no argument. But anytime someone says "EVAR", and tries to put a historical perspective on current events, it's usually a childish fail. Keep it movin' new jack.

Idk how to divide the quote up, but you did say "You really think anyone cares about any of them besides Kim?"

It is "EVAR" as you say. You have to take into consideration the fact that tabloids and gossip sites aren't what they were then.

Even back then the whole Jackson family was not on covers every month for years at a time.

It's like saying Mike would've had more youtube hits than Bieber if they had youtube back then. Yeah it's true, but they didn't, therefore Justin Bieber is #1 on youtube(not sure tho) just like the Kardashians are #1 in tabloids.

Add up the covers/blog posts each family has to decide a winner.
this girl has been getting around since she was in her early teens,

her dad made them rich, the mom cheated on him thats why they divorced,

the mom was just as bad as kim was probably even worst, she would leave rob in the car while she went out on dates.

the big snow yeti isnt even a kardashian shes from some white dude she cheated on the lawyer with.

they were close friends with OJ and nicole was her best friend kim was being passed around by the sons of jermaine jackson sons of la ball players and r&b singers.

basically anyone with a famous last name..

for gods sake she first started popping up on the radar because of the rappers that would flaunt her in exchange for sexual favors.

I think you know a little too much about Kardashian family history bro :lol:
i know alot about other pointless things.

yeezy is going to be quite upset when he realizes its reggies kid.
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^All that stuff has practically played out on tv for years now other than her being linked to one of the Jacksons. I really thought all that was common knowledge
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