Razor Scooter on Campus?

Nov 29, 2008
What do you guys think about people using scooters on campus?

School is starting...so I'm thinking about getting one so I can get around campus quicker.
What do you guys think about people using scooters on campus?

School is starting...so I'm thinking about getting one so I can get around campus quicker.
Why the heck does it matter what we think.

The reason you want to buy one is the reason you see people using them around campus.
If you're using one people will probably think you're a nerd but you're not there to impress them, so what they think doesn't matter

If you want one get one
If you don't care what people think get a scooter if you care what people think get a longboard skateboard
You should cop a yoyo as well to keep you busy in between classes 
Most people at my school use longboards and skateboards, but a Razor seems a lot more practicable.

I use to judge people my freshman year, but then as I grew up I realized how smart the people using them are :lol:
I had one when I lived on campus.... Probably only used it like twice to get to class though 

Used it way more to ride around in the hall ways at the dorms when I was drinking though
Do you bro..I know ppl that rode bikes from their dorms that were ride across the street to class lol
There was a kid in my dorm with one freshman year
He also wore socks with flippy floppys
I respected that
Do you scooter kid
thats for losers on the mathlets and debate team

you look like a dork from high school on a razor scooter on campus.

off campus minus whale its acceptable 

get some nike free's and track pants and just jog to classes on campus you'll look cooler and you'll be healthy. 
Get a Lucky scooter. My lil cousin has one. Thing is like 200 bones but really nice. But at your age, prepare to get your flame suit. 
I remember when I was in school a lady had one and her dog was pulling her with the leash. Couple of juke moves here and there and....pow. Face plant :lol:

want to get around campus faster? leave earlier. never break out a scooter on campus. might aswell break out a rolling bookbag.
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