Reactions to an Indian-American Woman Winning Miss America


Sometimes I really like "social media".  They're soooooooo many dummies in this country.
that's a bad biddy^^^

Lotssss of "non-ethnic" names on those twitter posts

Jared, Colin, Aubrey, Shannon, Luke, Wendy, Colton, Savannah, Jake, Javaris Jamar Javarison-Lamar or Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace?
I think this represents America beautifully...America is the melting pot of the world, people of all backgrounds are born here and as long as they are born here they are AMERICANS...people need to quit being ignorant and racist, guaranteed if she was a white girl, born in Russia NOONE would have noticed...GTHOH with that BS.... 'Murica all of a sudden is only white, blonde, blue eyes...**** racists ignorant people.

Btw she's pretty.
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The ignorance is absolutely incredible.

She's of Indian descent, so suddenly she's Miss Al Queda?

wut? :lol:

I guess people just like to group all brown people together. They probably think India is close enough to the Middle East.
When I made a post a few days ago about disliking generic American white culture, I was told "why don't you leave then?" Same type of people making that #ThisisAmerica @#$%@

I'm half Portuguese and half Indian but get away as a white guy with a tan/Latino cause my mom is an extremely light skin Indian (my dad is Portuguese and very tan). As a result I always hear slick @#$@ about Indians being terrorists or some @#%@ from people who don't know what ethnicity I am. I always end up embarrassing them by calling them out on it but it's still a tiring thing to do.

At the end of the day though, I can never get that upset cause for the most part immigrants are the ones making money and outperforming all the spoiled rich non identity having white kids in all subjects in school, and now they're beating them in pageants,presidential elections, etc. The saltiness is too obvious.

And of course not all white American people are bad. The Bay Area is home to a lot of open minded white people who enjoy mixing with other cultures (not that they have much of a choice since majority of the Bay is made up of an immigrant population anyway :lol: ) That's why I would never leave here for anywhere else in the US besides NYC
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They all deleted their twitters now, but one of those dudes was on there telling somebody there is no way she is Asian :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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I posted this on tumblr not too long ago..
Lol….perhaps maybe…just maybe..white people are starting to lose everything?  Lezz be real, mainstream culture is heavily influenced by black culture, the smartest people (on average) in this country are asian/of asian descent, hispanics are on track to being the largest ethnic group in the country, shoot…some of the most famous REPUBLICAN representatives are minorities (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Bobby Jindal…).  And now an institution that is a hallmark of white culture (white southern culture in particular) is won by a South Asian woman.

I dunno man…it seems like we minorities just might be taking everything….

(everything except nascar..because wtf..that **** is dumb and tedious as ****)
I'm sure they don't care about what they are loosing, especially since they still have the money

Lmaoo white people mad she won. Calling her arab and ****. I fail to understand y white people think america is there native country.

Oh btw she doesn't look that hot either
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Lmaoo white people mad she won. Calling her arab and ****. I fail to understand y white people think america is there native country.

Oh btw she doesn't look that hot either

people are dumb. They probably think nothing was here before the Europeans came over.

Like because shes not white, she automatically cant be miss america.

On a side note, I do think Ms Kansas was the prettiest girl, but that doesnt mean she should be the winner. Overall there were some real ogres in the pageant
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Lmaoo white people mad she won. Calling her arab and ****. I fail to understand y white people think america is there native country.

Oh btw she doesn't look that hot either
I'm white, not mad that she won, and America is my native country. Might not be my ancestors native country, but it is mine since I was born here in America.

History has shown that whites had to justify their dehumanization of Blacks and others by believing that they were racially superior. Many poorer Whites have held on to this belief, to maintain a sense of self worth over and against those who are racially different. However, I believe most Whites have gotten away from that. Maybe not the rednecks in the southern backwoods but most have I'm sure.
Lol if I didn't know some genuinely good white people and know everyone wasn't like that I would seriously be wild racist and hate all whites lol stupidity comes in all colors so I spread my dislike for idiots evenly.
Don't have a problem at all w/an American Indian winning and I didn't watch the pageant but why did she win? She isn't all that attractive (In MY Opinion)...I always thought these pageants were based on looks anyways...:lol:

Good for her though...
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