Realistically, do you think you can blow $1 trillion?

Some of these plans in here are :pimp: while some are :rofl:

Either way, a trillion dollars would allow you to single handled take over the entire United States :nthat:
I don't think I'd be able to blow a trillion. That's way too much money.
I'm gonna be lucky to make 2 or 3 million over the course of my entire career (gross, not net, obv). Let's see... a billion is a thousand millions, and a trillion is a thousand billions... :wow:
Even a billion dollars is beyond my comprehension, much less a trillion, to be honest.
I think it's more difficult than most think.

Off the top of my head and being more realistic, I would buy a private island like Lisbon Island for $350m then develop that to something of a vacation spot with hotels, houses, mansions, castles, golf course, attractions, etc.. probably cost an extra $800m to $1b, make a theme park like Disneyland would be another $800m to a $1b.

That is barely cracking ~$2.5b, I'd have to do that 400 more times to spend a trillion.
You could prolly blow it but after blowing it you would prolly have at least 100 mansions over 500 cars starting at 100k and prolly 1,000 baby mommas with at least 5 kids by
I've always wanted to own a rocket ship..... and a luxurious submarine......
I'd pay off Puerto Rico's national debt in exchange for 5 of the baddest *****es they have on the island :evil:

This was easily the greatest response ever to a question like this. :lol:
Does it count as "blow"ing money if you are investing? It sounds like most of the things mentioned that would eat up the most cash would eventually make you a large sum in exchange. If you trying to go broke from a trill that sounds much harder.
A lot of great ideas though. Id probably end up like Biff from Back to the Futurte 2.
These dudes dont understand money :lol:

Talking about casually blowin a trilly :lol:

lol exactly. Like..if there was empty space, you can cop a continent fill it with countries. Soooooo many countries can be acquired with that trillion dollar check. You can be a world leader immediately. A trillion dollars changes the entire game. It rewrites the game :lol:
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