Realistically, do you think you can blow $1 trillion?

I mean there's lots of things that you can buy for a billion, so if you dealing with that price tag alone you can do it.
Does it count as "blow"ing money if you are investing? It sounds like most of the things mentioned that would eat up the most cash would eventually make you a large sum in exchange. If you trying to go broke from a trill that sounds much harder.
A lot of great ideas though. Id probably end up like Biff from Back to the Futurte 2.

Well that's what I took it as, but you're right, the majority of things that really eat up money is really temporary and will probably end up equally a huge payout in the end.

Take that check to vegas and put the whole thing on 29 black. Done.
Man I could buy the Texas Rangers, Dallas Mavericks and The Detroit Lions and I would still have 97% off my money left.

I'd pay off Puerto Rico's national debt in exchange for 5 of the baddest *****es they have on the island :evil:
You would get tired of them chicks quick. Glorified black women that speak spanish. Do yourself a favor get you the baddest chicks from africa. Theyll suck you while they cooking u dinner.
If they are no rules to how it's gotta be spent.
100 billion to AIDS research.
100 billion to cancer research
100 billion to buy and renovate abandoned property in Detroit.
That's 3/10's and haven't even started getting things for myself yet.
If they are no rules to how it's gotta be spent.
100 billion to AIDS research.
100 billion to cancer research
100 billion to buy and renovate abandoned property in Detroit.
That's 3/10's and haven't even started getting things for myself yet.

Yeah, most of it would be spent helping 3rd world countries.

both of yall have death wishes loll. powers that be gonna get you day one and take all your monies.
i'd be selfish as hell with it and just lived a bruce wayne/tony stark life where i just did what the hell i want.

lol @ thinking the government and other profiting parties would let you get anywhere near **** like aids/cancer cures or ending world hunger.
Bruh, house inside a house in AT LEAST 10 different places (NY, SF, LA, Miami, etc.) Every single one of those with a giant car garage the size of a mall parking lot not to mention the cost of the cars. A trillion will be gone real soon. At least, that's how I would blow it.

Bruh what is this obsession with a house inside a house? Just buy a big piece of land with multiple properties.

Some of these plans in here are :pimp: while some are :rofl:::

Either way, a trillion dollars would allow you to single handled take over the entire United States :nthat:

The US Debt is hovering around $20T. How does this allow you to take over the entire US?

I think it's more difficult than most think.

Off the top of my head and being more realistic, I would buy a private island like Lisbon Island for $350m then develop that to something of a vacation spot with hotels, houses, mansions, castles, golf course, attractions, etc.. probably cost an extra $800m to $1b, make a theme park like Disneyland would be another $800m to a $1b.

That is barely cracking ~$2.5b, I'd have to do that 400 more times to spend a trillion.

Bruh - aren't you already a billionaire?

You would be killed trying to blow 1 trillion

You would destabilize the economy.

It's impossible.

you can only own one nba team at a time lol.

so you're buying 2 teams...what are you gonna do with the rest of the 998 billy?

The move is to cop all 30 teams and hand em out to your friends and family then it becomes your own personal fantasy league. Now that's a trillionaire move.
Probably not. If I buy up all the Hollywood studios and all the rights to every movie and show in America, how much would that cost?
More you think about it,it really is a crazy number....Just 138 billion would buy you all the outstanding shares of Apple.
i would blow it
making sure all my fellow african americans
have financial freedom
but damn
i just did the calculations
1 trillion divided by 74.5 million african americans in this country
only a lil under $13,500 per person
damn :smh:
i would blow it
making sure all my fellow african americans
have financial freedom
but damn
i just did the calculations
1 trillion divided by 74.5 million african americans in this country
only a lil under $13,500 per person
damn :smh:

this is why reparations seem so unlikely to ever happen smh
U have to take into account, you can't have residual income.

Buying buildings doesn't help if you're collecting rent money from em lol. But you can donate the money
both of yall have death wishes loll. powers that be gonna get you day one and take all your monies.

That's why you cop your remote island with overpaid security and top notch system in case theres a siege. You gotta run **** remotely until it comes to fruition and those types are overthrown. Most of the money is rebuilding your own mafia with some of the greatest tacticians, thinkers and enforcers, some willing to do things not exactly legal to make sure **** happens. You'll spend as much on the process as the product if you want it done right. At the end of the day the new black wall street will be actual wall street in a progressive America. Either get down or lay down.
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