really good article about mj. An inside into why he seems so bitter

Great read

He's definitely an a-hole, but the things that make him an a-hole also made him the best to ever lace them.
I couldn't disagree more with this statement. Better stats maybe, but never better than he ever was; that's straight stupid talk.
When in Sports hasn't there been someone else that came along to become the best ever?

Why on earth you all believe that nobody EVER (long time) will be better than the current best is beyond me.
"He demands that loyalty," Whitfield says.

"Anywhere we go," Portnoy says, "he looks at people's feet."

"First thing he looks at," Whitfield says. "He looks down all the time."

"You know what's funny?" Portnoy says. "I do the same thing now."

"I do too!" Whitfield says, laughing. my favorite part, cause i do it too!
In other words you don't have a logic rebuttal. Cool. Just say that.
I just don't feel like going back and forth with you, your schtick on this site is tired and predictable.  Let's just agree that we don't see eye to eye on my opinion and leave it at that. 
But OP, you won't be able to understand if you didn't LIVE through a player's era. Yea you can watch tape/film, but you can't feel what it was like when that player was on top of his game unless you lived through his days. So you can't just look at stats and compare to someone today because you don't see the whole story. You just see numbers. You can't see the relationship to pop culture. You don't see the dominance like we see waking up every day saying, "Damn LeBron did it AGAIN."

So unless you were THERE, you won't understand.

The same way people who believe Jordan is the best ever can't really understand what it was like to live through Wilt, Russell, Kareem, Dr. J, and partially Magic and Bird. So when we have these, "Who is the best ever" conversations, it is all about when you were born and what you personally experienced.

The same thing we do with music, tv, cartoons, etc. Everything is "better" when you experience it as a child.

Based on HISTORY, there will be someone that a certain era will deem as the best ever. It happens. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE ELSE TO COME ALONG.
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Interesting to see what it's like to age while still being recognized as the best of something. The dude def has an addictive personality but like the article that his disease or what helped him get so far?
Interesting to see what it's like to age while still being recognized as the best of something. The dude def has an addictive personality but like the article that his disease or what helped him get so far?

i think the article says the answer is both

& he admits to being spoiled rotten, but actions speak louder than words
We all know he's a prick, but you have to admire him.

No, I don't. There's more to life than the 48 minutes you played on a basketball court a night. The type of person you are and how you treat people is what should define you. He's the greatest player ever, but I definitely don't admire him as a man. He doesn't even sound happy.
His friends, for instance, watched the Hall of Fame speech and laughed.

Jordan delivers his Hall of Fame speech in September 2009.

IN THE THREE and a half years since Jordan built his induction remarks around all the slights that pushed him toward greatness, the speech has become Exhibit A for those who believe Jordan is, as one basketball writer put it, "strangely bitter" and "lost, wandering." They're not wrong, not exactly, but something was obscured when the speech became a metaphor for swollen ego and lack of self-awareness.

The speech itself, if you watch it again, is an open window into what Jordan is like in private: funny, caustic, confident, sarcastic, competitive. He sees himself not as a gifted athlete but as someone who refused to lose
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