Recommend me a book NT

The Infinite Plan by Isabel Allende
One hundred years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
For Whom the Bell Tolls- Hemingway
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - Michael Chabon
Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
The Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

- Tical.
Night by Ellie Wiesel - The only book I found amazing in High School. Story of a teen's struggle to escape a concentration camp and the Nazis. TrueStory BTW

Trust me! The book>The movie. Mad graphic and Tyler Durton seems crazier in the book.
Stumbling on Happiness

People metioned Tipping Point and Freakonomics - read these 4 books and you're good.

Marching Powder is the story of Thomas McFadden, a small-time English drug smuggler whowas arrested in Bolivia and thrown inside the notorious San Pedro prison. He found himself in a bizarre world, the prison reflecting all that is wrong withSouth American society. Prisoners have to pay an entrance fee and buy their own cells (the alternative is to sleep outside and die of exposure), prisoners'wives and children often live inside too, high quality cocaine is manufactured and sold from the prison, and all the police from the governor downwards can bebribed. Under the surface is a frightening level of violence - Thomas's life was often in danger and one of his friends was murdered by the police when hethreatened to expose the corruption in the prison. Thomas ended up making a living by giving backpackers tours of the prison - he became a fixture on thebackpacking circuit and was named in the Lonely Planet guide to Bolivia. When he was told that for a bribe of USD5000 his sentence could be overturned, it wasthe many backpackers who'd passed through who sent him the money. Sometimes shocking, sometimes funny, Marching Powder is an always riveting story ofsurvival.

Condemned for a murder he had not committed, Henri Charriere (nicknamed Papillon) was sent to the penal colony of French Guiana. Forty-two days after his arrival he made his first break, travelling a thousand gruelling miles in an open boat. Recaptured, he suffered a solitary confinement and was sent eventually to Devil's Island, a hell-hole of disease and brutality. No one had ever escaped from this notorious prison - no one until Papillon took to the shark infested sea supported only by a makeshift coconut-sack raft. In thirteen years he made nine daring escapes, living through many fantastic adventures while on the run - including a sojourn with South American Indians whose women Papillon found welcomely free of European restraints! "Papillon" is filled with tension, adventure and high excitement. It is also one of the most vivid stories of human endurance ever written. Henri Charriere died in 1973 at the age of 66.
the easy rollins series is good devil in a blue dress, white butterfly, bad boy brawly brown, and other ones
Ham on Rye-Charles Bukowski
Kurt Vonnegut-Breakfast of Champions
Fahrenheit 451-Ray Bradbury
the book in my Avatar
Oral Biography of Buster Case (RANT)-Chuck Palahniuk, the guy who wrote fight club and i second that comment about Fight Club the book>The movie
Also forgot Feed by M.T. Anderson
Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States"
Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations"

oh yes and DIGGNATION
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