Red Bulls, Monsters, 5 Hour Energy drinks are all made by satan

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

OP maybe you are very sensitive to stims...........

they effect individuals different.....those things arent even that serious. try a redline xtreme, endorush, SPIKE, NO shotgun v3, NO xplode, SuperPump250, White Flood, Supercharge, Shock Therapy......list goes on.

man lurking2long i tried a redline xtreme and let me tell you that thing had me going nuts
. i had that @** right after i worked out. never ever will i try that crp again.
all monster's are Gross excetp the og black and green can. OG Rockstar goes hard to (in a good way)
Each of the drinks will effect different dudes differently. Depends on what you're tolerant to.

5 hour energy before you about to smash something new, and she;ll be on IT.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

I took a 5 hour energy yesterday, and the after effects are horrible. Today I'm totally nervous for no reason, I'm literally shaking, I went to sleep at 3am woke up at 6am. This is horrible, I think since yesterday I only went pee once also. The after effects on these things are the worst.

Anyone else have these problems?

No, thats what u call crack, my brother.
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