Even though these are crazy limited, hopefully the hype with these shoes quiets down after a few months and resell prices on Ebay drop...Its my only shot at trying to get a few pairs.
There are so many kicks dropping this weekend guys. I'm sure most pairs will end up online & not sell out instantly. We shouldn't worry too much.
JW- rank the pairs- reply with your ranking. Here's mine

1 Alamo Kamikaze
2 Shaqs
3 MSG Questions
4 crocus
5 PE kamikaze
6 nets kamikaze
7 insta furys (trash)
Tell us how you really feel bro haha
this is how i express my feelings for my fav RBK pump shoe
So sad, 90% of those kicks will end up in re-sellers hands and I can only imagine prices, especially if they manage to get them signed. 
So sad, 90% of those kicks will end up in re-sellers hands and I can only imagine prices, especially if they manage to get them signed. 

Seriously, eff Reebok for this crap. If they think this limited stunt is going to drive sales towards the brand they are deadly wrong.

All this does is bring out reseller scum and the shoes will just change a few hands for about a year then languish on eBay for some ridiculous price after that.
Seriously, eff Reebok for this crap. If they think this limited stunt is going to drive sales towards the brand they are deadly wrong.

All this does is bring out reseller scum and the shoes will just change a few hands for about a year then languish on eBay for some ridiculous price after that.
I feel ya bro...even worst for me I live in Toronto we barely get RBK limited up in here...:frown: sad sad day....
I feel ya bro...even worst for me I live in Toronto we barely get RBK limited up in here...:frown: sad sad day....

I'm from the GTA too, and we aren't getting anything period (Limited, GR, etc...). Looks like both FILA and Reebok have scaled back immensely.

Have you seen Reebok.ca lately? It's a damn joke - they've got Answer IVs from 2 years ago on there at full MSRP along with holdovers from the summer.
I was at Token this morning.  4 days is a long time to hope they go unsold, especially with Shaq and AI there.

Everyone in line was buying 1 of each shoe: MSG Question, Crocus Question, RTA, Shaq.  ITjr not really moving.  Fury not moving. Brooklyn not moving.

Line was about 100 deep even though it was moving incredibly slowly.
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