Relationship advice....anger depression

I have a quick question about my current girlfriend. For some reason she has this real dark and angry aura about her. It’s weird bc she is typically in really good spirits and you can’t tell that she is this dark depressed person but it always comes out. For instance, she will say and do the most evil things. It has become apparent to me that something very wicked has happened to her in the past. I try to talk to her about what’s wrong but she never opens up. She always says it’s not me but she doesn’t want to talk about it. It’s become apparent to me that our relationship will be ending but I feel horrible not helping her. It’s also clear that everyone else in her life previously just gave up and bounced. Idk what to do. She has been to psychiatrists. Should I keep trying to reach out to her? How do I do so? Should I feel guilty for wanting out?

For example? :nerd:
She seeing a mental health professional? sounds like she has something going on and has yet to deal with it. It will be hard on a relationship if she hasn't, especially if ya'll are young. I wouldn't just leave every woman that has these issues as you'll be dead *** out here, but best to meet her when she's more mature and have started to deal with the issues. If you're strong enough to hold through these phases, godspeed.
This is a tough one. In these cases, its commonly easier for her darkness to spread to you than for you to lift her up. So its all about what you think you can endure.

And she has to want healing from whatever is afflicting her as well. So she needs open up some and if she is unwilling then won't be able to shed what's dragging her down.
Try to get her to trust you completely. Talk little by little and tell her you’re there for her. Tell her you won’t give up. Understand her and see if she’ll talk about herself to you.

If you can get along with her and both of you continue to love each other then fine.
you’re surprising by her rapid mood swings, her being irrational, petty, angry, and mean. seriously? that’s ALL females. haven’t you ever been with a female in your whole life?!

Fax b. This is how they pretty much all are. Women can be fickle, flightly, flaky and petty as ****.
OP just leave, I broke up with my ex last year. She was depressed, she was manipulative and I never knew what to expect with her. She also had that whole everyone left me backstory, I had to look out for myself and dip. Don't subject yourself to it fam, its draining. I told her if she needs help I'm always there. I still pray for her but I learned that some people have to beloved from a distance.
As others mentioned, consistent psychotherapy or seeing a mental health professional is the best way to address behavioral matters, assuming SHE wants to address it. It could be past trauma that hasn't been unraveled via breakthrough, or chemical imbalances. You can't do what's beyond your scope. Even if you were a licensed Psychiatrist yourself, you couldn't properly treat her because of your relationship with her, there are biases that can't be ignored and this affects both therapist and patient.

I agree with others, if she doesn't want to address these things then you have to right to dip out that relationship. Your only other option would be to live on as a hopeless hero.
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