Relationship question. Vol. 1st one I ever did. Mature answers please

NT is maturing before my eyes...2 pages and nobody has asked for pics..

that is very disrespectful, i dont know if i'd be able to deal with it
Originally Posted by SharpiePoint

Originally Posted by ipitomi

maybe you should do the same to her and maybe it will show her that it isn't a cool get some of your girls that you know.................and lets say you and your girl decide to go to see a movie.............tell your girls that are friends to show up at a certain when you and your girl show up they're waitin' in line or in the area to see you and let them come up to you and say whats up and start to flirt with you the same way her guy friends flirt with her........and then see what her reaction is......and if she wants you to stop then you can be like ......why do i have to stop if you don't?? or somethin like that get the picture
Wow, yet again a solution that doesn't work no offense to you
She actually INSISTS on me hanging out with more girls and finding more girl friends since I mainly only hang with my close buddies who are guys. But do you guys think I should avoid these guys at all costs and not instigate by insisting hanging out with her when they call her to hang out??
My girl said the same thing but it was pertaining to her hanging with the wrong people if you get what I'm saying. It took awHile but she isunderstanding my lack of female friends has nothing to do with how I feel about certain dudes and situations.

Right now your girl is learning how to be in a relationship and she is at the stage now where everything is cool because everybody is her friend
. As time goes on if she is a maturing girl she'll start to understand thatwhat she calls playing is really disrespectful to you, her and the relationship. Pull your boys to the side and explain to them that you find it disrespectfuland if they respect you then they'll chill with the "jokes". This is a key reason why I'm very careful of who I hang with because some peopleinsist on being childish. Don't be surprised if one of them presses your buttons further
. I swear dudes be asking to get worked over something nasty.

This is really a basic problem, but these basic problems can grow into big problems so nip em in the bud QUICK.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

NT is maturing before my eyes...2 pages and nobody has asked for pics..

that is very disrespectful, i dont know if i'd be able to deal with it
I agree. But I would like to see some nice **** right now.
She actually INSISTS on me hanging out with more girls and finding more girl friends since I mainly only hang with my close buddies who are guys.
i would think a guy who only sticks with his close buddies would be a any girls dream. I dont think they are doing it to spite you, they arejust accostomed to that behavoir. Are you in high school, cause it sounds like that to me. I dont see grown people acting like this.
Damn where do they get down like this? I don't know in any country where it's fun or jokes to talk about another man's lady like that.
Originally Posted by Daonenonlyj

..Man-Up and voice that its foul to talk about your girl like that, friends or not.. Plain and simple

I agree. Thats just disrespectful.
Nothing good comes from a girl with a bf having guy friends. I can't allow that @%$!.

I also wouldn't have any girl friends if my girl didn't approve.

There's too many of these threads and it never ends well
they obviously think you are a lame. they dont give a s*** what it is you think and your girl is laughing at you behind your back, i guarantee it.
Originally Posted by socaking

She actually INSISTS on me hanging out with more girls and finding more girl friends since I mainly only hang with my close buddies who are guys.
i would think a guy who only sticks with his close buddies would be a any girls dream. I dont think they are doing it to spite you, they are just accostomed to that behavoir. Are you in high school, cause it sounds like that to me. I dont see grown people acting like this.
Not anymore bro. Not anymore
. Most of them don't havesense enough anymore to know how deadly encouraging your dude to have female friends is. They should talk to the women of yeateryear to remind them of how mostof us men used to be.
Nothing good comes from a girl with a bf having guy friends.
Pretty much sums it up. More often than not it doesn't end well.
Your girl is triflin. I had a similar situation with my current GF. Almost all her friends are dudes, and yeah, I could be uncomfortable and suspicious, butwhere would that get me? I trust the woman. The dudes, however, I do not. I know how we are, and how disrespectful we can be. So I always keep a close eye onthem.

My advice is to just keep an eye on the situation. Your girl needs to put them in their places for the sake of your relationship.
Originally Posted by SharpiePoint

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Daonenonlyj

..Man-Up and voice that its foul to talk about your girl like that, friends or not.. Plain and simple

Word. You need to lay down on this or let the broad go. No offense but sounds like they treat her like a jump-off.
Well I'm actually her first, and first bf as well. And I always felt that way and I mentioned it to her before and she brushes it off becuase they are 'jokes' and they are her friends.. And the reason why she lets this slide is b/c she is a very easy going girl and can tolerate a lot including this bs (jokes to her but bs to me
honestly its only gonna get wrost because a. they prolly think you soft b. they jealous and c. they wanna c how far they can push because reallyno dudes like their gf male friends because they ALL are tryin to smash your gf she jus too dumb to realize and dont understand men
pics of the guys?

but really....those guys know youre weak if they can say that kinda stuff around you.
They're being disrespectful and even if your girlfriend doesn't think so you need to let the guys know exactly how you feel. You need to be a man aboutit and let them know that you're not going to tolerate those comments. If they continue and your girl still doesn't care then I suggest you findanother girl, one that will respect you.
thats straight up disrespectful

i would tell the friends first to chil out

and then if it continues

do what grimlock said.
put your foot down and tell them dudes you dont appreciate it. you can either pull them to the side or tell them as soon as it happens again idk, but if theycontinue to do it you got to handle yours
Go for an ugly chick next time, but for real maybe youshould man up and say something to those clowns. You say you're cool with them so I pretty sure you can talk to them about it and what not.
here's the thing though...

you got with her knowing that was the way her guy friends acted around her...
it's not like you were blind to the situation before going out with her.

understandably the situation is different now that you're going out... but you definitely knew beforehand it would be an issue.
that's very disrespectful. you're not overreacting. it sounds like they are her friends but you are cool with them. and since she thinks its cool, youshould flirt with women they come with or any female friends you have. its really on her to dead that cause they her people. if you try talking to them andthey don't listen, you're gonna get salt thrown on you behind your back.
when i first started goin out with my girl my best friend acted like it was his responsibility to complement her ... i dunno what the deal was but the mainthing was dude would always say something about her eyes ... like "damn are those contacts?" or "i know i saw you with beautiful brown eyes lastweek, why change?" ... i had to let cuzzo know to cut that %@%@ out ... at first i let it slide cuz im me and why would i care, but it was happening sofrequently that it made my girl uncomfortable so i had to speak up ...

theres a fine line between acting like a %!%++ and defending your relationship ... if your girl is letting it happen then i would say its on here and to keepyour mouth shut ...
fam your girl has most likely been lettin all them dudes hitsince before your relationship. So why in the hell would she stop now that shes in a relationship.But if you can look past the fact that your girl is probably gettin her back blown out by several different dudes on a nightly basis, then you need to do 2things:

1. you need to talk to your girl about how you feel her allowing it to happen is disrespectful to your relationship & all that good stuff

2. you need to check them dudes. dont talk 2 them or nothin like that, but the next time all yall 2gether. When one of them says somethin like that, just startswingin at him. You gotta whoop him tho, so they realize that you mean business & then they'll stop that !#@%
Originally Posted by ericberry14

fam your girl has most likely been lettin all them dudes hitsince before your relationship. So why in the hell would she stop now that shes in a relationship. But if you can look past the fact that your girl is probably gettin her back blown out by several different dudes on a nightly basis, then you need to do 2 things:

1. you need to talk to your girl about how you feel her allowing it to happen is disrespectful to your relationship & all that good stuff

2. you need to check them dudes. dont talk 2 them or nothin like that, but the next time all yall 2gether. When one of them says somethin like that, just start swingin at him. You gotta whoop him tho, so they realize that you mean business & then they'll stop that !#@%

hey son you come with some funny @%$% ill give you that ... all thatsleft is for you to request a air her out thread contribution
Originally Posted by ericberry14

fam your girl has most likely been lettin all them dudes hitsince before your relationship. So why in the hell would she stop now that shes in a relationship. But if you can look past the fact that your girl is probably gettin her back blown out by several different dudes on a nightly basis, then you need to do 2 things:
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