Relationship question. Vol. 1st one I ever did. Mature answers please

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by ericberry14

fam your girl has most likely been lettin all them dudes hitsince before your relationship. So why in the hell would she stop now that shes in a relationship. But if you can look past the fact that your girl is probably gettin her back blown out by several different dudes on a nightly basis, then you need to do 2 things:

1. you need to talk to your girl about how you feel her allowing it to happen is disrespectful to your relationship & all that good stuff

2. you need to check them dudes. dont talk 2 them or nothin like that, but the next time all yall 2gether. When one of them says somethin like that, just start swingin at him. You gotta whoop him tho, so they realize that you mean business & then they'll stop that !#@%

hey son you come with some funny @%$% ill give you that ... all thats left is for you to request a air her out thread contribution
i been thinkin bout startin up another one of them threads for the past couple days. either a air her out thread or a most embarrasing most sexualencounters thread. the last 2 joints we had were straight hilarity. how yall feel about the idea
I think its her fault for letting them tlk about her like that. I mean you can say all you want to them but if she isnt the one to let them know she doesntlike that then nothing will happen.
1. Not YOUR friends if they aren't respecting your gf OR your relationship. I'd reconsider the label you use for them.

2. As a female, the only dude I'll let speak to me in that way is one who I've fooled around with ALREADY or PRESENTLY (or else why would I be socomfortable) ... catch my drift?
Originally Posted by ericberry14

fam your girl has most likely been lettin all them dudes hitsince before your relationship. So why in the hell would she stop now that shes in a relationship. But if you can look past the fact that your girl is probably gettin her back blown out by several different dudes on a nightly basis, then you need to do 2 things:

1. you need to talk to your girl about how you feel her allowing it to happen is disrespectful to your relationship & all that good stuff

2. you need to check them dudes. dont talk 2 them or nothin like that, but the next time all yall 2gether. When one of them says somethin like that, just start swingin at him. You gotta whoop him tho, so they realize that you mean business & then they'll stop that !#@%
okay first and foremost I am not in HS for the guy who suggested I was, and my girl.. I was her first. TRUST ME, I FELT it
and I trust her as well.But this has been settled with an individual and dude understood now I just got more people to explain to. And these individuals are more of acquaintances tome than 'friends'. And honestly I didn't know it would become this much of a problem, and I didn't think much of it before we started dating.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

if your girl just giggles and laughs, she's not your girl.

She doesn't. Like I said, she says it's just 'jokes'. I got dirty looks from her friends before for saying something at her birthday dinnerto someone who made a 'joke'
but I did feel good about it after
2. As a female, the only dude I'll let speak to me in that way is one who I've fooled around with ALREADY or PRESENTLY (or else why would I be so comfortable) ... catch my drift?

thats straight disrespect. the only way they'd have a right to do that is if they're your DEAD BOY, like diaper dudes through everything, but i take itthey're not?
This is why you do your homework before...

and honestly...her guy friends are mad flagrant...she sounds like a pushover type chick...she prolly has self esteem/attention issues because those arentthings dudes would normally say to girls...much less those in relationships..

i still think you share her. Females know what lines are drawn in terms of comments. for them to be saying **$ lke that...hmph
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by ericberry14

fam your girl has most likely been lettin all them dudes hit since before your relationship. So why in the hell would she stop now that shes in a relationship.
all the signs point to this

what type of Twilight Zone *** $!@ is this when you say something to a friend who made a comment and YOU get a dirty look...

dump her now before worse news comes out.

you can tell ppl by the company they keep.
okay this is getting ridiculous. You guys on NT obviously do not know me but I do trust this girl dearly as much as she trusts me, which is a lot. But thehelp is appreciated.
I told yall a bunch of times these are 'jokes' that have been said since the past and she is forgiving and very easy going, reason why she doesn'tmind this crap.

FTR, her friends have never been my friends and they are acquaintances.
Ive been on both sides of this situation where I would always say sexually suggestive things to my best friend not meaning it or having intentions of doinganything, and when she got a bf I toned it down. 1. Because I looked at the sit. from his perspective and thought how I would feel if I was him and I had totake a step back and stop even this is my best friend who I had known way before dude came along. The bottom line was I had the respect for both parties inthat i was able to still maintain the same relationship and humor that I had with her but not always in the same way.

On another note Ive been in the same spot you are in now but for me it was both my friends and her friends. I dont know bout you but some of my friends at thattime were mad grimey. Both her friends and mine would things like "dam K*** them legs looking right for me tonight." What I did to put a stop to itwas let it be known in the beginning that these !$%$@! were not gonna be disrespectin me or my girl. It was even harder because her friend that did it the mostwas gay(one of those gay best friends that hates you with the passion)! So when he would say stuff he would rebuttal with the " i'm gay what are youworried about me for?" line. best believe I eventually put that %*#+ to a stop when he got left at home a few times when I was supposed to pick both ofthem up. if u show them u not playin and make them respect you, then trust that they will stop.
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