Remember back in the day when you had dial-up, and your parents was like.....

Jan 17, 2006
"Don't use the internet, i'm waiting for an important phone call!"

I remember I got in trouble at school and I was afraid they would call my house, so I just stayed on the Internet. lol
couldn't go online until 8:30
waiting 10-15 minutes for 1(one) mp3
waiting 20-30 minutes to fap to a 30(thirty) second clip from a scene
giving teachers my aol dial up number
No,but I remember being over my boy's house and every damn time someone called it was a WRAP
yeah i remember this one..
it took me almost an hour just to download sisqo's thong song
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

couldn't go online until 8:30
waiting 10-15 minutes for 1(one) mp3
waiting 20-30 minutes to fap to a 30(thirty) second clip from a scene
giving teachers my aol dial up number


Who also remembers trying to download something from Kazaa or Napster... and having to leave the computer over night in hopes that it finished?
Those dial-up days tho

Didn't even bother downloading songs. I just waited until I went to my friends house
kinda related but I remember buying a cd burner for 300 dollars thinking that I was doing it 

and since then, i've learned it's best to be patient when it comes to technology and price. Because they always go down in price.
pr0phecy718 wrote:

and since then, i've learned it's best to be patient when it comes to technology and price. Because they always go down in price.

That's true, but then you'll always be behind.
My great grandma had web tv.

But me and someone were just taking about AOL and dial up last night.
it was opposite for me. if i was on the internet and someone called, i would get disconnected and the phone would ring

EDIT - too many starcraft games were lost that way
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