Remember back in the day when you had dial-up, and your parents was like.....

I banged numerous @#%$!% after meeting them in the ancient MSN Chatrooms. ATL was the perfect place for such hijinks....... ASL?

Originally Posted by Lebronics

My fam was too cheap for AOL, we used Netzero.
i still use them for the e-mail

most likely if you logged in to netzero e-mail account now, it will work
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs


My dude... watchu know about changing your age just to match theirs? On some "Oh you 19? Oh me too!" When really, you're 12.
How about when that person who been calling all day finally gets through with the phone call and that aol dude would go "GOODBYE" and sign you off
shhh used to scare me sometimes when the volume was on blast
Originally Posted by baseballer10p

it was opposite for me. if i was on the internet and someone called, i would get disconnected and the phone would ring

I hated that.
Originally Posted by Lebronics

My fam was too cheap for AOL, we used Netzero.

We had both
I remember my boy internet used to trip so we would use AOL back in middle school, the chatroom lulz
Parachat, Yahoo chat and pic swapping like a goon before my mom gets home from work. 
I got my first date with some chick who lived like ten minutes away from meeting her on chat, seeing that remake of Psycho at the mall. Those were the days. She was dogging me on the phone for weeks, had my mom asking me "who is this chick?" and I just kept it quiet.
I had two phone lines at my old house when we had dial-up so I never had to worry about this.
Those 30 second clips were crucial. I figured out how to set it up so if we did get a call it would auto disconnect tho
AOL days. My my. Did any of you all use the member directory? I had all my personal information on there, as far as what school I went to, my real name. Got busy with a few young ladies who were too shy to speak to me in school, but hollered at me online through the member directory.

I guess you could say it was like myspace / facebook for the new jacks. We didn't have all that.

I've never been shy about talking to the women. One of the baddest chicks in school had AOL and she gave me her user name. So we used to talk online. One day one of my partners was over and saw me chatting, he asked me who it was and when I told him, he was like yo let me get her screen name. I was like hell no, and minimized the screen. I told him if you want it go talk to her. Son ended up hopping on my PC one day and grabbed the name. Next thing you knew they were BFF's. Lame dude.

What about this? You stay home from school, and are online and suddenly you hear that buddy list door open and it's a chick online. That means she's home from school too. Even if she wasn't all that, that's when I'd hit her with that, "You know I've had a crush on you for years line." Caught a few unexpected smashes like that.

The damn good old days. I appreciate the advances in technology but it's like the more things advance, the more complex life becomes. But I guess that's also due to getting older.
I had some ghetto packard bell 20 meg hd,, or atleast that's how much free space I had to play with, 66mhz, who knows how much ram, and a 14.4k modem. Everyone else had 56k. We only caught on like 2 years later. Sound card was so old it couldn't handle mp3s and this was when napster was hot.

I remember searching dat dere porn when no one was home, but it was actually faster to reset the computer quickly when I heard the front door instead of trying to close the windows. It would lag. Bsnude was my fav site LOL. (Britney spears).

Then on to the 56k days. Icq, getright, netzero, mirc, imesh, kazzaa, asianavenue rings bells.
netzero. man it was the love. free n %*%#. then i found out about that quota...then they reduced the quota...

i used to remember leaving my comp pull all nighters to DL a movie
Originally Posted by kilojules64

AOL chatrooms were my first source of online lulz

kilo you were like 6 years old around that time....quit lying. 
Looking at the average post count in this thread is funny. You can definitely tell this is some old school $$*$. You don't know til you know. I kinda feel sorry for these dudes growing up with cable modems and all that. You never knew what it was like coordinating those 30 seconds of privacy. 
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