Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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Jan 22, 2009
okay, so as most of you may know, I was diagnosed with a grade 3 brain tumor (about the size of a healty golden potato). Unfortunately, though, I dont have the money or insurance to help cover the expenses. At this point ive just decided to live with it, the doc said id be lucky to get a month.

So, ive been living life to the fullest. Went sky diving today, had ses for the first time last week (with a clean escort), even tried somethings that somebody in jail wouldnt do to another guy.

Also, ive done somethings I now regret..... got into a fight with somebody at a bar, filled up my gas tank and didnt pay, even robbed a bodega whos owned by people i know. :stoneface:

Its been a tough go, but I just want to encourage everybody, dont let stupid things with your family, or anything hold you back from doing what you want to do. Its up to you how you live your life, if you wake up and want to visit the Amazon, then do it.

life is short, well be dead when we realize the things we shouldve done. I can remember the last thing i said to mom before she had a massive heart attack in her sleep. I was upset because she wouldnt let me camp for the DMP pack, and told her i hated her and slept at my friends house. I came home to find her dead.

just remember guys, always respect your parents, theyre all you have, dont let stupid ish be any reason to fight with, or get mad at someone for.

hope you guys take something from this, i know im not the best writer but if this makes a difference then thats all i could ask for.
Wow. How are you doing? Are you have headaches or what? How much time do you have left and have you made peace?
Wow. How are you doing? Are you have headaches or what? How much time do you have left and have you made peace?

basically..... I always suffered from headaches, my whole life. The last few months I stopped remembering simple things.... If you guys have any doubt that something isnt tight up top, get checked out. It could save your life
Wow. there a way for them out?

All kidding aside you really made me rethink how I stand with some family. I'd feel terrible if our relationship ended on bad terms.

Stay strong bro. You're braver than most.
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God bless you. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm interested in anything else you would like to share.
basically..... I always suffered from headaches, my whole life. The last few months I stopped remembering simple things.... If you guys have any doubt that something isnt tight up top, get checked out. It could save your life
So your losing yourself as the month continues. I'm sorry to hear this. I suggest you try your best to make peace with whatever is important to you before its over.

He said a month :frown:

I meant how much of the Month does he have left.
Glad you lived your life how you wanted lately, OP. Life is full of curve balls, and sometimes it just isn't fair. I think we can all learn a lesson from what you wrote to us.

Bless your heart, your battle is almost over. Be at peace, OP.
Damn man, I dont know what to say.

Stay strong and unfair as life is, make the best of it now.

I read this before anyone had posted but I was literally too speechless to post. I hope nothing but the best outcome for you OP but in the interim I'm glad you're living your life to the fullest. Really sorry about your mom too. Keep your head up. there a way for them out?

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