Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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Ksteezy gettin down to th bottom of this.

If true, may god bless you and go out the best way you can.
SMH... trolling at its finest
I tried reading through the thread, but at this point I dont really have the mental strength too. Ive been through a lot these last few weeks.... Im still in ICU, thank god the staff allows for me to use my phone.
Too bad you're accessing the site from a Mac in Staten Island - and the exact same Mac used by "Fat Boy" and "Punishya."  (Author of this similar cry for attention:

Rather than feeling duped or foolish, I think every member who chose to take the time to offer kind words of support here should be proud of themselves.  I know I'm proud to be associated with you.  If there was ANY possibility that this story was real, you wanted to offer this person your compassion.  

He didn't make a fool out of you - because YOU showed us what's best in yourselves.  He made a fool out of HIMSELF and showed us all just how wretched and pitiful his life really is.  

In a way, I feel sorrier for him - the real him - than I do for the character he created.  The character, at least, sought to demonstrate courage and dignity in the face of hardship - qualities that the forum troll so desperately lacks.  

I have EVERY right to disclose your IP address to the entire community so they can contact your internet service provider and file an abuse claim.  

You'd better hope that ONE aspect of your little yarn holds true:  that this WILL be your LAST post ever on our forums.  I will not be this kind to you again. 
This wasnt even a good troll though. When good trolls happen you can sit back and laugh about the fact that you were trolled. This kind of stuff isnt funny at all.
My best friend got diagnosed with a rare form of cancer a few weeks ago, he just started chemo and its been rough.

This kind of trolling is not funny what so ever, and it is rather in fact very hurtful. Absolutely pathetic. What my friend is going through is horrible, and to see a joke like this being made makes me sick. I truly feel sorry for you OP.

:smh: I have a lot more I would say to you but it's not even worth it. Hopefully this fool is banned forever.
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