Remember the hype of the Dead Serious Hoody? Whatever happened to LRG?

Nov 22, 2003
Everyone went crazy over this hoodie.  Does anyone actually still wear this hoody?  Do people still rock LRG?  I remember everyone used to rock this brand.  
Originally Posted by willsndvl

times change.

and i'm sure some people still wear LRG.

this.My brother wears his every so often. I wear my Jason hoody everyday , so much its fading
Yea the hype of that hoody died off quickly and quietly. I remember seeing a lot of variant ones pop up at mom and pop shops. People still rock LRG but the brand is a lot more mainstream and somewhat whored out now though. I may be wrong in saying this but I feel like back 4-5 years ago, LRG had a novelty feel to their brand and lot of their shirts were pretty 
 in terms of creativity and look but now 95% of their shirts is just a variation of "LRG" plastered on the front in different colors/fonts. That said I still rock their jeans, straight fit ftw . Not skinny and not baggy  
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by willsndvl

times change.

and i'm sure some people still wear LRG.

this.My brother wears his every so often. I wear my Jason hoody everyday , so much its fading
Dang, forgot about that Jason hoody 
. I've noticed LRG doesn't seem to drop loud clothing like that anymore. They've become more of just a casual everyday wear type of clothing pieces which is fine with me since I'm not into the loud and attention getting style of clothing anymore now that I've gotten older. 
I used to love LRG now I wouldnt wear any of it. Who remembers Pepe Jeans though? That was a trend that took over everything.
Good gosh I leave NT for 5 years and what do I come back to?  I'm guessing Rich Yung is done too?
never had any of those hoodies.. werent my style.. but on the other hand i have plenty of LRG an still buy it every chance i get hoodies pants shirts jackets and belts oh yea and socks lol.
Funny this comes up because I saw a dude in the club with it on tonight.

Still got mine in like a 17XL or sum in my closet.
real life...

what story was it ere dude said he swaggin in school and people were yelling to him...

I can't lie, I remember getting the Dead serious because I saw Jonas and Ye' wearing them. Made it look so official so I copped.
I also copped the Jason hoodie.

Now they're both in storage though, collecting dust
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