Repair my XI's Shoe Lace Loop

Nov 3, 2009
Hi, I recently was strapping my xi's on and pulled too tight and busted one of the shoe lace loops! How do you repair? Has anyone had this problem before?
Welcome to NT. This belongs in the sneaker care thread but I would imagine you just sew it back?
Its cool man Jordanhead thinks hes the Po-lice
All you need to do is take it to your grandma or your mother and ask her to help you stich it up.
LOL, that's cool! I'm gonna have the wifey handle it! I almost freaked when the loop busted! I'm glad that this is a quick fix! Next time Iwon't tighten so much!
Thanks Cowboy and Jordanhead!
Well seeing as cowboys is the most unhelpful person around here, you would see he just said exactly what I said. I told you to post it there because there is aguy in there who specializes in repairs and would tell you what to do, better than "taking it to you grandma". Thanks cowboys, you fail once againyou idiot
yeah i forgot dudes name but he show you how to patch that up in no time..
Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Well seeing as cowboys is the most unhelpful person around here, you would see he just said exactly what I said. I told you to post it there because there is a guy in there who specializes in repairs and would tell you what to do, better than "taking it to you grandma". Thanks cowboys, you fail once again you idiot


yea just sew it up and your good to go, and dont pull so hard lol...once i pulled so hard i actually ripped the leather connected to a loop on my mars4s
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