Reply to ESPN blog entry: NBA Double Standard Kobe and Lebron

Nov 7, 2004
A Tale of Two Standards

Two seasons ago:
Kobe averaged 35.4 ppg, dropped 81 points, and carried his team with a starting line-up of guys like Smush Parker and Kwame Brown with 8 wins over .500 to the playoffs in the tougher Western Conference, yet he only finished 3rd in MVP voting.

This season:
Lebron's averaging 30, 7, 7 this season and has his team similarly 8 wins over .500 too but in a much easier Eastern Conference, yet everyone's calling him MVP.


Kobe keeps his team afloat in the tough West... not enough.
Lebron keeps his team afloat in the breezy East... MVP.

Double-standard, simple as that.

This season, when Kobe finally got the help he's been asking for, his critics still tear him down, claiming he is undeserving of MVP because he finally got help.

Kobe just can't seem to win.

How can he?

It's absurd that some would even say that maybe Pau Gasol should be the MVP. It has gotten ridiculously silly to the point that some people started questioning Kobe's value on HIS own team when the Lakers were atop the Western Conference early this season in January, including a 7 game winning streak, that it shouldn't be Kobe garnering the MVP, but Andrew Bynum!!!

Marinate in that for a moment.

Kobe kept his team afloat .500 by going 5-5 when Bynum went down, and before Gasol came on board.

No one seem to even noticed that both Bynum and Gasol are playing at a high (and higher) level this year because of... who else? Kobe. Their big FG% jump alone is more than indication itself.

But "NO", what Kobe has been doing is simply not enough. If Kobe carries his team to the playoffs - not enough. When Kobe finally gets his help and is #1 in the tough West - not enough. What's Kobe to do?

The media always has a love/hate relationship with Kobe.

But Bron Bron, never.

The media's love-fest for Lebron's stat line and the Cavs being 8 games over .500 mark in the breezy East is all that matters I guess.

Forget that Kobe once scored 81 points, and led the league with 35.4 ppg - the highest since Jordan, not to mention carrying his Smush/Kwame team to the Western playoffs in all the same season. Those are nothing compared to Lebron's back to back triple doubles (although one game being a loss) this season and the fact that he's also keeping his team afloat in the East.

If Lebron did what Kobe did 2 seasons ago, do you think he would've gotten the MVP?


Kobe vs Lebron?

Kobe has no chance because the "Double-standard" rule is in full effect.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

If that's true, then Ted Green is right (article). The award should be put on the shelf and never be dusted off again. Because MVP will just stand for "Media's Valuable Posterchild".

There hasn't been an MVP from the East since AI. That could change this year with KG or LeBron if they win ~50 games.

It's going to sad if LeBron gets an MVP before Kobe, it's a damn shame.
Because MVP will just stand for "Media's Valuable Posterchild".
No matter how you look at it there is a media bias against Kobe. How in the world do you get 22 1st place votes and still finish in 4th place. Themedia(especially in SoCal) blamed Kobe for driving Shaq away and tearing apart the dynasty. First of all, the problem with MVP voting is done by the media, Idon't know why they decided to change it back when the players were voting. If Kobe doesn't win MVP this year, he never will, it's as simple asthat. BUT, as a Lakers fan, it would be cool if Kobe wins MVP, but I don't really care. We're going for the chip baby
I think its just the fact that the media has been on Lebron slurp fest i keep hearing all these analysts picking Lebron for MVP just a few weeks ago and thatone girl who did the Cavs game on ESPN was on slurp mode the whole game.
Bron won't get it as the 5 seed in the east. No big deal. But that argument is exactly what Laker fans have been saying all season. He isn't doinganything this season that Kobe didn't do the last two except Kobe did it in the west.

Can we please get another Bron thread on page one?
ive come to realize on this subject with kobe and lebron. Who cares its the NBA. The worst run league there is right now. David Stren absolutely f'edeverything up. I dont really care about MVP's n %*$%, it just doesnt matter. I just wanna see a show. Which i havent been able to do in a while because ofwho? David Stern
Kobe doesn't need an MVP to cement his legacy. Most players and analyst think he's by far the best player in the game today. When he finishes playinghe will be one of the greatest to ever do it MVP or not
Lebrons not gonna get it this year

but it does seem like the media has been just eagerly waiting for the Cavs to be decent so they can start hyping Lebron as MVP

Kobe doesn't need an MVP to cement his legacy.

yeah he definitely does. there are two main reasons why people say he isn't one of the greats. 1) no regular season MVP and 2) no Finals MVP

if he never gets those before he retires, people will always say "one of the greatest scorers, but he never led his team to a championship". but ifhe gets one or both, people will be saying "top 10 all time".

those two things are the ONLY things eluding him right now
Correct. While Lebron's Finals appearance, clutch performances, and highly improved defense will be enough to get him an MVP, whatever Kobe does, he willalways have to do more.
If Kobe doesn't win MVP this year and his team is still 1st-2nd in the West then MVP means NOTHING!

It looks to be a double standard and if he doens't win it this year and the Lakers are a 55 win team (need to go 15-10 minimum), HE'LL NEVER WIN IT!
Nothing new, I've been saying this for the past 2 years, IF the Lakers somehow when 55+ games, which they are on pace to do, get a number 1 seed in thebest conference in years, and Bean doesn't get MVP cause Bron is statline seems more sexy, then
x 1,000,000,000 to the media for nothing but blindhate.
The medie is a joke and so is the voting. Kobe will never get MVP. He could average 40 points, get his team 70 wins and he still wouldnt win it. They shouldchange it to coaches to vote or something because they know who the real MVP is.
Personally, I think LB is deserving this year. But, thats also the way I look at this award. I thought Kobe was deserving the last 2 years.

It needs to go back to the players because the media is too fickle. I feel kind of bad for Kobe- fat, talking heads messing with his legacy.
if the lakers win the west and kobe doesnt get it then the MVP honors will not be as good next year and the years to follow
I love how the guy who wrote the article mentions how Kobe averaged "35.4" ppg, but LeBron's current average of 8.1 rebounds somehow rounds offto "7". Since he mentioned 35.4, he should've mentioned LeBron's averages and at least attempt to sound objective: 30.2, 8.1 & 7.4 (looksa little better than "30, 7 & 7", eh?), not to mention 2.0 steals and 1.0 blocks. Sorry, but these numbers are just flat out more impressive thanthe numbers Kobe had the year he averaged 35.4. Most people I've met say that MJ's most impressive statistical season was the year he averaged 32.5, 8& 8, not his 37 and 35 ppg seasons.
This season:
Lebron's averaging 30, 7, 7 this season and has his team similarly 8 wins over .500 too but in a much easier Eastern Conference, yet everyone's calling him MVP.

False. And its another classic case of creating an angle that suits you to write a story. Sure, we've heard people talk about Lebron having anMVP-like year so far. But to say "everyone's calling him MVP" ? Ehhhhh. All i keep hearing about is Chris Paul, Kobe, and KG all year beyondJames.
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