Report: Chris Paul Requests Trade To New York Knicks

nightruans wrote:

lol at all the hate...

Go worry about your own team because just like the Knicks every team in the league has their issues. Criticize your own team and stop worrying about our bench/lineup/coaching...

Stop being soft son.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

nightruans wrote:

lol at all the hate...

Go worry about your own team because just like the Knicks every team in the league has their issues. Criticize your own team and stop worrying about our bench/lineup/coaching...

Stop being soft son.

NBA straight trolling now,

One team has lebron james chris bosh and dwyane wade on the same team,

Another may have deron williams and dwight howard on the same squad,

Another team has ray allen, KG, Paul Pierce, and Rajon rondo on the same team,

And one may potentially have Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, and Amare stoudemire on the same team?
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

NBA straight trolling now,

One team has lebron james chris bosh and dwyane wade on the same team,

Another may have deron williams and dwight howard on the same squad,

Another team has ray allen, KG, Paul Pierce, and Rajon rondo on the same team,

And one may potentially have Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, and Amare stoudemire on the same team?
!$%@* ridiculous man.  they need to just say %@%* it and start fresh by having a fantasy draft 2k style. only way to fix this mess.
But if your team has had their star player toil away for years with average/OK supporting casts... which the Knicks had with Ewing, and if your team was crippled at the hands of a couple moronic GMs... which the Knicks had, then no one would make a peep about the state of the NBA. Ask fans of a team who had that star player struggle with bums around him, or had the GMs make wrong decision after wrong decision to put strong supporting casts around him, and see how much they care about the "new NBA".

Bottomline is you need multiple stars to win, and other than a few exceptions it's been that way for years. Players have made a demand to go to a team in the past and have decided to go to a bigger maker as a free agent too, so that's nothing new. I'll be the first to admit, the Melo's and the Paul's making demands in-season in their final year doesn't sit well with me. I won't blame them for wanting out, but honor your contract and deal with it one more year... then go to your team... so I'm in agreement with the annoyances there, but if multiple superstars/top players wanted to join any fans team, I think the fans not in support would be the minority. 
I can respect those who take the idealistic path and say "stick with the team that drafted you for a career and try to win it alone"... but I don't fault the fans who want a championship, even if it takes superstars taking the initiative and calling the shots. And judging by the criticism, a lot don't even think this situation would work out, so star players teaming up doesn't = championships... and if the ratings from last season are any indication, the fans seem to like it as well.
bro i want cp3 on the knicks too but i am a bigger fan of the sport as a whole than i am of one team. for the sport these superteams are awful and competitive balance is almost non existent. every year we know who the real contenders are before any games are even played. what other sports are like that? these players are getting out of hand they play a sport for a living they arent entitled to being on great teams and winning multiple championships.
Originally Posted by SCOTTY PIMPIN

Originally Posted by MaxElite

@ all those trade scenarios.

Seriously though $57m vs $73m contract. Screw this new CBA.

Yeah, cause we'd be eating if this new CBA wasnt in effect

Easy there bro. I said that bc as a NYK fan i want CP3 to pull a Melo so he can get his money from NY rather than having to stay in NO to get paid. Under the new CBA obviously he cant have both.
Originally Posted by abutta13

bro i want cp3 on the knicks too but i am a bigger fan of the sport as a whole than i am of one team. for the sport these superteams are awful and competitive balance is almost non existent. every year we know who the real contenders are before any games are even played. what other sports are like that? these players are getting out of hand they play a sport for a living they arent entitled to being on great teams and winning multiple championships.
when has competitive balance been existent though?

In the '80s when the Lakers & C's won 8 of the 10 rings in the decade?

In the '90s when the bulls & Rockets won 8 of the 10 rings in the decade?

In the '00s when the Spurs & Lakers won 7 of the 10 rings in the decade?
Originally Posted by abutta13

bro i want cp3 on the knicks too but i am a bigger fan of the sport as a whole than i am of one team. for the sport these superteams are awful and competitive balance is almost non existent. every year we know who the real contenders are before any games are even played. what other sports are like that? these players are getting out of hand they play a sport for a living they arent entitled to being on great teams and winning multiple championships.
So before the superteams, we NEVER knew who the real contenders were and every team had a fair shot of winning? Basketball isn't like other sports, 5 guys playing at a time means one player alone can make your team a playoff contender... throw in another star player and third very good player and that's a championship team. You might have been joking when you said do a fantasy draft, but even if you weren't.. that plus the removal of free agency is the only way you "fix" this. Blame the players if you want, but all they've done is recognize a trend that's existed for years.. you need superstars/top players on your team to win. If you want incredibly restrictive free agency, a hard cap, and other severe rules in place to prevent player movement, then OK... but I don't think that benefits the game.
Superteams don't mean we don't have exciting rookies coming into the league each year. They don't guarantee a Finals appearance. They don't mean every single star player will leave his small market team. Maybe if you're afraid of your star player leaving and joining up with other stars, don't sign bums to extravagant deals or make panic moves. By no means am I saying this is the greatest thing EVER to happen to the NBA and there will be NO negative consequences.. but let's not pretend the opposite is true, either.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

NBA straight trolling now,

One team has lebron james chris bosh and dwyane wade on the same team,

Another may have deron williams and dwight howard on the same squad,

Another team has ray allen, KG, Paul Pierce, and Rajon rondo on the same team,

And one may potentially have Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, and Amare stoudemire on the same team?
Boston is washed up. They can get to the playoffs but they aren't championship threats anymore unless they find the fountain of youth.
As for the others...they'll have 2/3 superstars with the rest of the squads being composed of TRASH and at the end of the day they'll lose to the squads who are strong from top to bottom.
I think the mavs last year taught everyone that you don't necessarily need one of those super teams with 3 superstars to win a championship
And I don't think we'll ever see this competitive balance thing. Personally I think that would be terrible for sports. You want to see every team be decent and go 41-41? %+@#!. Every year there are gonna be great teams and !$%%+% teams. Thats just how it is. Being competitive starts with the front office and the owners. Perfect examples are guys like Donald Sterling who dont really care how well the Clips do as long as they're operating at a desired profit. 
Originally Posted by tim teufel

It's either they take whatever the Knicks give them or deal with an unhappy player that will walk anyway and receive nothing.
If the Nets were willing to give up young talent/players/picks for D Will with no guarantee of him signing an extension, I'll be willing to bet money that another team will be willing to do the same thing with CP3. He doesn't have all the leverage in this situation...If I'm NO, I'd rather let him walk then to take back the Knicks trash (and I'm not even a NY hater)
mike antoni coaches the knicks

minimal defense shall be played. no need to be worried at all.
What magical fairytale land do some of you people live in? 

All this good for the sport, competitive balance @#$%^&* gotta go man. 

This ain't Rudy, people.  The NBA has, and FOREVER WILL BE, the best 1-2 players on a team carrying that team all the way thru.  Been that way since the peach basket. 

Mikan, Russell, some weird NBA-ABA merger in the 70, Magic/Bird, MJ, Shaq/Kobe, Duncan. 

Damn near every title, just in these dudes names, with a small group of exceptions.  That's it.  That's the list.  PERIOD. 

Andrew Bogut and Corey Maggette aren't winnin the title, no matter the team, or the market.  Joe Johnson and Josh Smith, fun team, solid, no chance.  Pick a city, they ain't winnin. 

It absolutely does not matter after the teams that have the best players.  Outside the top 5-7 guys, it's over, period. No matter the market, unless it's a once in a generation run like the 04 Pistons.  We might see another one of those in a couple decades, but please everyone quit with the cryin about players want to go here, go there, boo hoo this team or that, it's all pretty much pre ordained anyways.

Paul's ONLY shot, is to join a friend or two of his, that is almost as good as him.  Bron/Wade/Bosh, same thing.  KG/Pierce/Allen, never did a gosh damn thing individually, then they teamed up, and made some runs.  It will always be this way.  When Rose and Blake G team up in a few years, they will run things, Durant and Dwight Howard, titles.  John Wall, and some JR in high school right now in the league in 8 years, title chance. 

The rest is just fodder.  Plain, and simple, fodder. 

This is the NBA.  If you love the NBA already, then you  have the wool over your eyes, and haven't realize how it really is.  Cuz it's been this way forever.  No CBA gonna change that.  Unless you start giving out 10 year, 200 million dollar deals to the Alpha dogs to stay, and only 1 year, 2 million dollar deals if they leave, then they gonna go play where they want, with whom they want, and figure out how to make up the extra money elsewhere.  30-40 million that CP3 may lose is a lot, but there are other ways he can make it up, and if he wins somewhere, then he can make it up even faster.  If he wins alot, then he might make even MORE than he could make playin in NO forever, never winnin nothin. 

Stop the complainin, sit back, enjoy the show, see where the chips land.  You'll all be entertained when it's over, you'll all get a show, you'll have David vs Goliath's to root for and against, be happy with it, it's better than arguing/fussing over BRI and mid level jobs all summer. 
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by tim teufel

It's either they take whatever the Knicks give them or deal with an unhappy player that will walk anyway and receive nothing.
If the Nets were willing to give up young talent/players/picks for D Will with no guarantee of him signing an extension, I'll be willing to bet money that another team will be willing to do the same thing with CP3. He doesn't have all the leverage in this situation...If I'm NO, I'd rather let him walk then to take back the Knicks trash (and I'm not even a NY hater)

The Nets just missed out of Carmelo, Utah quick mobbed them in the 25th with that come outta here with something deal, stole all the assets they got together for Melo without any promise of an extension.

Nets did it cuz they had to do something to compete in Brooklyn/attract FAs. This is that shortsightedness backfiring. Other teams won't forget that, especially after dude turned down an extension with the C's....they figured get ____ here and we can talk him into staying...

Maybe not so much anymore.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

As much as I hate the Miami Heat, they'd be smart to come outta nowhere and offer Bosh and Chalmers for CP3.

yeah, like pat riley really wants to see LeBron and Wade standing on opposite ends of the court watching CP3 go to work... if you think LeBron is a spectator without the ball in his hands now imagine giving it to paul for the first 10 sec of each shot clack
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

mike antoni coaches the knicks

minimal defense shall be played. no need to be worried at all.
Far from a D'Antoni supporter but ehhh, not buying it. His Suns' teams were in the middle of the league's team defensive rating during the seasons. The playoffs are a little different, but still.. there's actually a defensive assistant this season, plus there's no lifetime contract for D'Antoni either so he doesn't have to always be here, and if this were to happen, Chris Paul can play some defense. Will the Knicks ever be an all-time great defensive squad? Of course not, but bring in a leader like Paul, get some defensive minded role players, and let's see what happens.
That Chris Broussard article is one of the dumbest things I've ever read..Did this guy really suggest Lebron for Dwight? That's just stupidity. You're gonna risk pissing off your best player (Wade) by trading away the guy that he convinced to leave his hometown to play with? Come on man..Then before that he suggests Carmelo for CP3? Yeah, the Knicks gave up the majority of their best young prospects for a player that only ending up playing 20 something games...Great idea Chris.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by tim teufel

It's either they take whatever the Knicks give them or deal with an unhappy player that will walk anyway and receive nothing.
If the Nets were willing to give up young talent/players/picks for D Will with no guarantee of him signing an extension, I'll be willing to bet money that another team will be willing to do the same thing with CP3. He doesn't have all the leverage in this situation...If I'm NO, I'd rather let him walk then to take back the Knicks trash (and I'm not even a NY hater)

The Nets just missed out of Carmelo, Utah quick mobbed them in the 25th with that come outta here with something deal, stole all the assets they got together for Melo without any promise of an extension.

Nets did it cuz they had to do something to compete in Brooklyn/attract FAs. This is that shortsightedness backfiring. Other teams won't forget that, especially after dude turned down an extension with the C's....they figured get ____ here and we can talk him into staying...

Maybe not so much anymore.
I understand why the Nets did it, but what I'm saying is there is always going to be at least one desperate team who's willing to take that risk. Orlando could put together a package better than what NY is offering, and they'd be willing to take that risk because if they can't field a competitive squad it's a wrap for Dwight in a Magic uniform. Highly doubt CP3 and Dwight would leave Orl for a large market under those circumstances...
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by tim teufel

It's either they take whatever the Knicks give them or deal with an unhappy player that will walk anyway and receive nothing.
If the Nets were willing to give up young talent/players/picks for D Will with no guarantee of him signing an extension, I'll be willing to bet money that another team will be willing to do the same thing with CP3. He doesn't have all the leverage in this situation...If I'm NO, I'd rather let him walk then to take back the Knicks trash (and I'm not even a NY hater)

So u would let him go away for nothing and disrupt any kind of chemistry on that team? Makes no sense. If anyone gives up anything to rent him is an idiot.
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