Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

Dude was prolly closeted gay and themself hatred became real.... isis seems tacked on by him to save face

Dude was a members of isis like those people who go to church on easter like they active church members
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It's actually going where it should go, a discussion on this guys mental health.

That's always lost

Republicans will concentrate on blaming Obama
Democrats will concentrate on blaming guns

It doesn't fit with either of those.

If he's just mentally off and has nothing to do with Isis, then that hurts the Republican argument
If he's mentally off the debate about guns will quickly be squashed, because he wasn't diagnosed and it seems to be a taboo subject among everyone.
anybody buying the theory that it was more than one person shooting?

I read somewhere that homey had to reload over a dozen times.

Unless he had some extended clips or drum mags.
Ahhhh yes, to humanize him and make him the victim. Excellent.

How is that making him the victim? It's actually a more probable catalyst toward him carrying out the shooting rather than "radical islamic extremism" further study the effects of how his psychiatric state got to that point and to implement possible treatments for individuals in the future may help them before they reach a point where they have to take such drastic actions and something like this happens again by someone mentally ill
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Ahhhh yes, to humanize him and make him the victim. Excellent.

By dehumanizing him you are only failing to prevent this from occurring again. When has dehumanizing anyone been beneficial? Humans can do terrible things. There is a clear mental health problem and a correlation between that and ALL mass shootings
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Ahhhh yes, to humanize him and make him the victim. Excellent.

How is that making him the victim? It's actually a more probable catalyst toward him carrying out the shooting rather than "radical islamic extremism" further study the effects of how his psychiatric state got to that point and to implement possible treatments for individuals in the future may help them before they reach a point where they have to take such drastic actions and something like this happens again by someone mentally ill

I see where he's getting at. Taking out the "radical islamic extremism" angle and look at it from the "homophobic" angle. Its more so saying that someone can't possibly hate people enough to kill them, it has to be a mental issue that allowed them to resort to it.
anybody buying the theory that it was more than one person shooting?

I read somewhere that homey had to reload over a dozen times.

Unless he had some extended clips or drum mags.

I'm not because I understand how that gun works.

People really think the cops would keep that kind of information from us or you think that all the agencies working on this are that dumb?

If there were other shooters we would know and Orlando would be on lock.
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I'm not because I understand how that gun works.

People really think the cops would keep that kind of information from us or you think that all the agencies working on this are that dumb?

If there were other shooters we would know and Orlando would be on lock.
got ya.

Makes sense.

I'm not too up on guns, so good looks on that.
I believe his targeted attack may have been influenced by his own insecurities concerning his sexuality and this could have caused his psychiatric condition to exacerbate after years of struggling with it, case in point there was something definitely mentally wrong with him, he was mentally ill according to accounts of people who know him personally...I don't think he was an average joe who just decided to kill a bunch of gay people one day out of hate
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Dude was prolly closeted gay and themself hatred became real.... isis seems tacked on by him to save face

Dude was a members of isis like those people who go to church on easter like they active church members
Bolded and enlarged for emphasis.  

If this whole thing about him being a regular at that club, asking a male friend to be his romantic interest and chatting it up with folks on a gay app turn out to be factual, ISIS has got a whole lot of explaining to do. 
got ya.

Makes sense.

I'm not too up on guns, so good looks on that.

Ball your fist and just keep squeezing your index like your shooting.

I know it's not a gun in your palm but it`s literally that simple with a semi.

And with the training he had reloading wouldn't cost him more then 10 secs.
anybody buying the theory that it was more than one person shooting?

I read somewhere that homey had to reload over a dozen times.

Unless he had some extended clips or drum mags.

No, because of cell phones and cameras. I haven't heard of gun shots coming from different directions or more than one person holding them hostage. With how quickly they moved in and interviewed people they were quick to shut everything from leaking unless they want it to.

I wonder if they have cameras inside the venue.
Ball your fist and just keep squeezing your index like your shooting.

I know it's not a gun in your palm but it`s literally that simple with a semi.

And with the training he had reloading wouldn't cost him more then 10 secs.


Had a CoD flashback.

How in the hell did he get into a club with a big *** gun like that, doe?
I assume he got i to the club becuase at 2 am doormen get real lax on gaurding the door thenjust want everybody out
These "Don't tread on me", I need to protect my family types are so transparent it's laughable. If anyone needs guns for protection it's minorities. But you never hear black people going on rants about how people are taking away our guns. We know about gun violence, it's not something to be proud of.
I want my ARs like I want my Skylines, **** off.
Dude was prolly closeted gay and themself hatred became real.... isis seems tacked on by him to save face

Dude was a members of isis like those people who go to church on easter like they active church members

Bolded and enlarged for emphasis.  

If this whole thing about him being a regular at that club, asking a male friend to be his romantic interest and chatting it up with folks on a gay app turn out to be factual, ISIS has got a whole lot of explaining to do. :lol:
That could finally be their undoing. As sad as it is, beheading innocent civilians didn't cost them support. But one of their exalted martyrs being a closet homosexual undermines their message.
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