retro 6 for next year

white/black ones are my fav. gonna try and get multiple pairs of those. white/red are nice too. still debating on wether or not to get the black/reds injanuary. my bank is broke from christmas shopping
none of these arent worth retail. Coulda had Infrareds they give us Breds
same for the white/varisty reds why couldnt they just make them infrared???
those white and black ones are def. getting copped... the "piston" cw almost looks fake no?
wow. just wow.@ "freshestwhiteboy" i literally LAUGHED MY %!% off........... so original
i really like the black my ones with the patent leather toe but im not a fan of 6's they look to big one my feet that why im tryn to get rid of my carmines
Whichever Lakers edition that comes out, I'll probably get. Hopefully it's the BG version
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