Return of the NikeTalk Fitted Cap. Help us decide our size distribution and order quantities!

What fitted cap size are you MOST interested in?

  • 6 7/8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 1/8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 1/4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 3/8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 1/2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 5/8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 3/4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 7/8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't really want a hat, I just wanted to click something.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Snap backs? Y'all want propellers on top too?
Yeah with my
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Ya know, I wanted a fitted at first but I may just vote my size for others that wear it so more may be made in that size.
If you a lurker... Why do you even want a hat smh. Just take advantage of members who missed out? Disgusting [emoji]128128[/emoji]
This whole "senior priority" thing is a little lame. You miss it, you miss it. You cop, congratulations.
at wanting a 6+ year old sign up date to grant you special privileges.
I don't care about whether you joined in 1999 or today. If you indicate your size in the poll, you are doing your part to make sure supply is there.

With that said...

There SHOULD be a way for the members who are voting in the poll, to have access to buy one hat before the general release. After all, we are the ones driving production numbers and saying we want to buy them.

Some of us have already missed out the first time, have been asking for another run, and now it's happening and we are voting in the poll for our size, even willing to pay for a pre-order and you're right, it's going to be "if you miss it, you miss it. you cop, congratulations" situation apparently. Which sucks, and honestly, I feel like more can be done to give some of us a fair shot.
I can't see who voted in the poll.  Voting gives you a direct benefit already.  Your vote is a request for us to produce more caps in your preferred size, and increase our overall order quantity, thus giving you a better shot at the end product.

Everyone having the same chance seems pretty fair to me - at least, compared to asking for special considerations for a select few. 
Join date > post count.
Ive had like 10 SN's and so have others so that complicates things. Ive been a poster since 06
1.  We're not going to create an arbitrary "cutoff" point for "haves" and "have nots," like X posts or Y years.  It's not fair and it's not practical.  According to some of these proposals, I couldn't sell a cap to Nelson C because he has less than 2,000 posts.  Suffice it to say, we're not going that route.  

2.  If we were, we wouldn't reward people who got themselves banned.  We'd reward people who followed the rules.  Ten bans isn't a badge of honor. 
If it's for charity, why not have everyone pledge a certain amount of money to for the charity and have that for a certain time period? Similar to the badge model we have when it comes to donations. That way you raise money you need and would have taken inventory of who participated and asked for their hat size? It works. It's non exclusive and you have to log in to contribute. That probably would have been the best idea. 
The reason the badges work as an incentive for our charity drives is because they're digital and require no cost on our end (save for the labor required).  With the caps, we're talking about substantial production and shipping expenses that we then couldn't recoup because all the funds were donated directly to charity.  

You can't do it as a Kickstarter campaign, because Kickstarter doesn't allow you to raise money for charity.  

Even if you do try some sort of crowdfunding, you're left with the preorder problem, and that's difficult to get around.

We've done this before.  Delays are always a legitimate possibility.  Then you have the potential for materials to go out of stock.  What happens if the cap you paid for six months ago ships with a grey underbrim instead of a green one, because we couldn't get green material?  Or the whole cap gets pushed back six months because they somehow ran out of black.  Then you have a much bigger problem on your hands than you would if, say, 50 people were unable to buy a cap this time around in a first come, first served scenario.

Remember, the world isn't scheduled to end in January.  The possibility exists that we can continue to produce caps in the future.  

Disappointment is possible no matter what.  The question is:  what's more responsible?  Disappointing someone who tried to buy a hat, but found them sold out, or disappointing someone who trusted you and paid six months in advance?  It's not reasonable to assume, "oh, if there's a major change or delay they'll be cool with it."

If we took your trust in us that liberally, we wouldn't deserve it.  
if you miss out just get at this dude and he will make you one 
It's flattering to see that someone's created a counterfeit version of our product.  That's a new one for me.  

I can't say I approve, but it's certainly a novel experience. 
@Methodical Management

Are you guys going to use the same materials as the first cap? I managed to luck out and cop one but after a couple of months parts of the black material all around started browning out. I tried using some cleaners but it didn't help.
I don't know enough about New Era's production process to say, with any certainty, if their sourcing is 100% consistent with the materials used on the original release.

What I can tell you is that we're making the same exact material requests we did with the original, and that's for a high quality cotton twill.  
thing is im on here all the time and didnt see the thread til this morning. not everyone is on NT all the time like some of us.

i think Meth needs to just go in and place an order for 2,000-2,500 hats. i know hes gonna hate the idea but eventually they will all sell rather quickly. Will all 2,000 sell in one day? no but i bet they go within a week if everyone knows about it.
People said that about the NKETLK t-shirts, too.  We saw all the people clamoring for t-shirts, noted what sizes they most wanted, and went all in.  We made over 1,000 of the original shirts.  

The first 250 or so just BLEW out in a couple of hours.  The next day, orders dropped off substantially.  Then we'd get maybe one an hour.  Then one a day.  Then one a week.  There's a reason why they never went out of stock while we had our webstore up.  We over ordered because we said, "well, for everyone who says they want one, there's probably two or maybe even three other people who'd buy one.  As long as we sell enough to cover the production costs, anything else is icing."  In hindsight?  Stupid.    

Even today, Steez still has BOXES of those things left.  I'm trying to get a hold of the remainder, so we can make them available to you guys as giveaways, but the point is this:  it's free to say you want something.  Paying for it is a different matter entirely.  

We're going to respect the time and resources of our friends at Cap City.  This is something you do as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Make as many people happy as you can in a short span of time, then move on.  It's not something we can ask Cap City to commit to for weeks on end.  They're the ones who will have it the hardest come launch and they have a business to run.  This isn't something they're doing for profit.  To drag it out over an even longer period to eke out as many sales as possible is not fair to them.  

Last time, if these numbers are any indication, we had, say, 400 people vying for 144 caps.  We didn't know that size 8 would be more popular than size 7 & 7/8.  We made the minimum order, not knowing what the demand would be.  Based on the anemic response to the 10th anniversary t-shirts, we had good reason to be conservative.  

We're going to make the adjustment, but we're not going to get carried away.  

If we make more, you will have a better chance.  If we adjust the size distribution to this specific audience, you will have a better chance.  

I can't come to your house and deliver it to you.  I can't promise you that you'll get one.  I can give you the best chance I can while remaining respectful to our partners at Cap City.  

Two weeks ago, all you wanted was a chance.  Now, suddenly, you want a guarantee.  

I don't blame you for asking, but that's just the point:  asking is free.   


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