Richard Sherman vs Skip Bayless

If we want an example of how do it then watch the one with Mark Cuban. I never saw it, but I heard it on the radio after it was done and he went in and made skip look dumb and circle his words simply by talking schematics and disputing everything Skip threw at him. I don't remember hearing any personal attacks.
If we want an example of how do it then watch the one with Mark Cuban. I never saw it, but I heard it on the radio after it was done and he went in and made skip look dumb and circle his words simply by talking schematics and disputing everything Skip threw at him. I don't remember hearing any personal attacks.

Not at all, mark cuban avoided questions thrown at him by skip and tried to say it wasnt lebrons fault he choked, it was the defense by the mavs. dont get me wrong, the mavs deserve some credit, but lebron choked away that series, and about those schematics, when skip answered the question, cuban just asked another question, all while stephen A. was just shaking his head at another person trying to get at skip.
Let's stop debating this. Sherman embarrassed himself on national television. Sherman let his jimmies get rustled and ended up looking like a school girl on television. "I'm better than life at you". Are you kidding me? Look at him! He could have handled himself way better.

Lets just agree on that, he embarrassed himself. Let's also agree that Cari Champion is a man :x
If you're going to attack Skip like that, you also need to do the same to Stephen Smith. He's almost as much a troll as Skip.
Cats in here comparing skip to fox news?

:lol: I swear I think some of y'all just go off what others say.

Again... skip has opinions just like everyone else. Sherman avoided every question and got personal .

He only said Sherman wasn't as good as revis .. Then life comparisons came about...

Y'all don't think that was petty . Skip said he "wasn't in his class"... Sherman replied 'I'm better than you at life"...

Two totally different levels...
I cant believe i missed this. And i watch FT as much as i can cause its fun as hell to watch . But everything Skip says should be taken with a grain of salt.

And after watching this. Richard Sherman is a ****** tool. With that stoneface tough guy act. I officially hate that smug ***. I hope someone trucks the hell out that dude
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ESPN and FT in particular are about shock value. Skip is legitimate 75-80% of the time but often trolls the other amount to create attention and draw viewers. He's obviously paid his dues as a journalist, but also annoyed many athletes along the way. Troy Aikman's sexuality was out of line as well as the blatant disrespect for Chris Bosh's family name.

For the record, I like Sherman's game but don't find him to be better than PP or Haden.

He came off too strong and too personal for a highly educated individual. Although the act was premeditated, the delivery and message weren't presented as calculated. Sherman is smart enough to find other avenues of response. Completely disregard Skip's jibes, "Pawn can't check a King." Two, troll back. "Stephen A. is a better journalist than you. That's why he's my boy." Third, warning shot. "Don't make me cook you like Jalen."
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