[/Rihanna Breaks Her Silence - Full Interview\]

Every interview I ever heard her on prior to this I could tell she had a nasty attitude and was a (*bark* that word)

She's gonna milk this thing for what she can until she gets in another failed relationship and she gonna get aired out for who we think she is.

All CB had to do was dump her before it got as crazy as things did.

she is dead wrong if you can go thru all this time with out sayin nothing why do it not it makes him look bad but it also do the same to her

any man with sense can see its some under handed stuff going on here
I know CB got mad dirt on this broad. I can smell manipulative women like her from a mile away...

He just playing it ultra safe and doesn't want anymore attention than he already has on himself.

But he need to let it out already.
RiRi knows doggone well she's one of those crazy, possessive chicks. She looks like she could put up a good fight too.

Anyways, I feel bad for her because that leaked picture must have been humiliating.

And Chris won't do JACK he's too scared of Jay.
I'm not condoning what CB did, but..

@ The timing of the interview.

It's true. Any publicity is good publicity.
This %$+* ain't ever yet?! Damn man....get over it, he beat you up, whatever. You shoulda came out with an interview when it first happened, buttcrease.
She hit him first from what he OG report said.

She could have been broken her silence ...weak @@@ advisers and record label wana wait until she drops her album to boost the sales. She a dummy for lettingthem comtrol her anyway
I feel as if the REASON that he beat her up, is more important than anything.

Rihanna probably smashed the homies ( Kanye, Timberlake, or Gucci )
Originally Posted by Shadyo5o

The incident should not have gone down but I couldn't even watch the whole video...this broads a dummy...she can sing...but her vocab...needs work
The hell does that have to do with anything?
Hopefully he pushes back his album, creates some better material, and gets a better album cover.
18th letter wrote:Man %+!!#%$ get beat every day

why when i read this i could hear cam's voice

it seems like cb is really not trying to mention the situation and keep it moving, but now riri is about to tear him apart he might wanna go back and re-do hisinterview. i dont think his albums sell will be hurt %%#***# love cb
The dudes not joking in this post are relentless...

I'm definitely going to tune in tomorrow night for 20/20, though.
Rhi would sell regardless of the interview

Her accent is so sexy, and im jamaican. I swear she has the softest skin ever.
You can tell every response is scripted.

She's playing the role model for little girls role, but realistically people want to know what happened in the car, and what drove CB to rage.
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