RIP George Floyd

that’s why I said it, very familiar :lol: I’ve seen their interactions before and I have interacted with him too so it’s good to see that unity.

sometimes we specifically have to push things aside at least for a moment.

his politics may not align with mine but at the end of the day... like I said, we know what it is. I may not invite the brother to the function but I want the best for him and his health with no exception.
He is Black, and I know why he is what he is politically. I see it. We are all products of a oppressive system. I will never forget that.
It’s not as if he gained supporters since 2016. The Black demographic will come out for Biden heavy and possibly Latino as well. Biden will have to try hard to lose the election at this point.
that is if ppl keep the same energy come november
I need to catch up on the past 30 minutes but from what I can tell he still hasn't actually invoked the 1807 Insurrection Act, though his rhetoric certainly makes it sound like he did.

Deploying active military domestically does not require statutory authorization, however the Posse Comitatus Act makes it illegal for them to engage in "law enforcement duties" without proper statutory authorization, which would be the Insurrection Act.

Without that Insurrection Act's statutory authorization, this means that the deployed troops are only legally allowed to perform "security" activities, though I'm not sure what exactly that means. I assume that to be something like guarding government buildings.
In any case, it's 100% illegal for them to engage in any law enforcement duties until the Insurrection Act is formally invoked.
Wild a non American
be schooling Americans
on our own laws and ****
I always tell people Trump is cartoonishly evil. And he’s even worse than the worst you think of him.

He’s been embolden every step of the way. Laws ain’t nothing but paper. There’s nothing really stopping him, come election time....from flat out denying the results. He manipulated 2016. And may outright just contest it.
We all should of known the minute Donald F'ing Trump was elected to the highest office in the world, we were all completely screwed. Nobody follow this man's career? He cares about one thing, and that's him. His track record is clear.
I’m most blown away by how people continue to react as if they’re surprised. Even back in 2016. Just really confirms how simple the common person is.
It’s not as if he gained supporters since 2016. The Black demographic will come out for Biden heavy and possibly Latino as well. Biden will have to try hard to lose the election at this point.

Believe me I want you to be correct, I just think he's going to screw the election again. He'll probably have the military and his supporters kill off a bunch of those potential black voters with this move.
I need to catch up on the past 30 minutes but from what I can tell he still hasn't actually invoked the 1807 Insurrection Act, though his rhetoric certainly makes it sound like he did.

Deploying active military domestically does not require statutory authorization, however the Posse Comitatus Act makes it illegal for them to engage in "law enforcement duties" without proper statutory authorization, which would be the Insurrection Act.

Without that Insurrection Act's statutory authorization, this means that the deployed troops are only legally allowed to perform "security" activities, though I'm not sure what exactly that means. I assume that to be something like guarding government buildings.
In any case, it's 100% illegal for them to engage in any law enforcement duties until the Insurrection Act is formally invoked.

Illinois governor just said he can't do it, unless the states allow it.
Aye man I am not a miracle worker :lol:

I agree but I think you saw my point.

I see your point but I don't respect him and I think he cares more about due process for people that look like Roy Moore than people that look like George Floyd. He openly supports a racist President that wants more violence against people that look like him. I respect you and out of that respect I will drop it.
I always tell people Trump is cartoonishly evil. And he’s even worse than the worst you think of him.

He’s been embolden every step of the way. Laws ain’t nothing but paper. There’s nothing really stopping him, come election time....from flat out denying the results. He manipulated 2016. And may outright just contest it.
This is exactly what's going to happen.
Virtually every press organization is reporting that law enforcement used teargas and flashbangs to clear a peaceful crowd from the location where Trump had his photo-op. Curfew was bound to set in soon but the gas and flashbangs were reportedly around 20 minutes in advance.
How exactly does the leader of the Executive Branch and the Commander in Chief deploy "Civilians"?

...and just who are these "civilians" he's deploying?

Under what Executive Order is this madness???

Democrats in Congress better check this insanity RIGHT NOW!

These are the civilians clowns he's talking about
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