RIP George Floyd

They can but not sure they will.

Murder 1 - Planned it in advance
Murder 2 - Didn't pre-plan it but meant to do it
Murder 3 - Wasn't the intent but you killed a man by being reckless

Personally I feel he knew what the **** he was doing and would vote guilty on 2 but I kinda get it from the DA's perspective. They can't mess this up. Going with 2 is risky bc it only takes one juror to feel like he was just over aggressive but didn't mean to kill him and you get a hung jury. I'd rather them be conservative and guarantee a conviction than go a level up and run the risk of not getting a conviction. I understand those that want more, just know there are risks associated with it.
excellent points, actually. I think you're right. 2nd degree Murder might be difficult to convict him on. I don't see all jurors saying he meant to do it. It only takes 1 to F it up
I’m Mexican. But we don’t **** with those “I can pass” racist Mexicans out in SGV
I am glad that you said that. Considering that this is also a pandemic, I would never eat from a food truck, especially those of questionable hygiene. Would you?
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