RIP George Floyd

As long as we live in America, in my heart, white supremacy will always be the systematic, structural power. Instead of waiting for white people to show up and make the change for us - I strongly believe that we/or of color, must do for ourselves and come together; financially, politically, education, etc.
America is currently 60% white. I believe there was some articles which calculated minorities will increase around 2050, they might become 50 to 60 percent majority. That's probably 1 way I see more racial representation. By having more minorities becoming more employed into systems of change. A balance of minorities.
Not at all. There needs to be major reform though. Adequate training, disciplinary action through a board, mental examinations, the list goes on.
More like destroy and rebuild what police are and what they do in our society
I'm just ignorant to the subject which is why I asked. To me abolish means dissolve, get rid of, end and rebuilding or reform is something different.
Is the idea of abolishing police mean getting rid of police all together?

the way I understand it, the Big Idea is around employing the right people for the right jobs:

- communities can largely self-police...piss off the neighbors and you won´t enjoy the results. ask Rand Paul.

- a drug overdose doesn´t require an angry mf with gunz show up...maybe have healthcare people respond?

- half-crazy mf swinging a knife in the middle of the street just needs to be tazed and talked to for a bit.

- a nonviolent crime--say, a suspected forgery--should have unarmed detectives respond. go. detect.

- only a life-endangering riot gets riot-type cops, otherwise TAKE OFF YOUR RIOT GEAR the end, how often have you called the Classic Cops and had them make things objectively better?

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he ain't getting reelected :lol:
the way I understand it, the Big Idea is around employing the right people for the right jobs:

- communities can largely self-police...piss off the neighbors and you won´t enjoy the results. ask Rand Paul.

- a drug overdose doesn´t require an angry mf with gunz show up...maybe have healthcare people respond?

- half-crazy mf swinging a knife in the middle of the street just needs to be tazed and talked to for a bit.

- a nonviolent crime--say, a suspected forgery--should have unarmed detectives respond. go. detect.

- only a life-endangering riot gets riot-type cops, otherwise TAKE OFF YOUR RIOT GEAR the end, how often have you called the Classic Cops and had them make things objectively better?
I agree with all that. Just wanted to be clear on what "abolish" meant when it's discussed.
Yo I think the reason a lot more white people are out there more than ever is cause that Netflix documentary 13th and things like that.

Had the inspiration and knowledge just waited for the spark
Arrived late to protest in San Jose, Bay Area yesterday and no free street parking decided to leave, they holding protests the whole weekend. Went to Fremont today since they have a free lot. Might go to one in Milpitas tomorrow.

Staging at Fremont Superior Court. Good turnout for a small city.

8 minutes kneel of silence

Marched couple blocks through the street to the police station.

The police captain is black so he understands what they are going through as he has been through it before. He offered to work with some of the speakers inside the station to get a better understanding of each other and what they can do together to make it a better community.

A girl tripped on the sidewalk and busted her nose/lip or maybe her teeth, there was spots of blood on the ground. Other than that, it felt great to be out there with the people.
😡😡😡😡😡😡 Dawg I'm hot
this happened December of 2018. Crazy to see what hasn't hit any type of social media. Many feel like it happened today and you're sadly releaved that it was the past. But then realize it hasn't hit the mainstream.

Was this posted already?

it feels like even minority cops are held to a different standard. They are thrown under the bus. I remember reading an article last year that they were sentenced to higher sentences than regular white cops. So cops alone isn't that normal standard. They arrested those Atlanta cops a few days back and 4/6 ended up being black. Coincidence? They'll throw the book at them and say we prosecute cops.

They join the force for the good fight and think they are one of the same, but they are consistently thrown under the bus.

The Minnesota cop who accidentally killed that white lady got 12.5 years? Even the cops and law enforcement arw held to different levels.

Not all cops have leeway to cause destruction. It does go back to skin color. Why do any non white public servants even exist? I applaud trying to turn it upside down from the inside. But they are IN the trap.
Tell me about that book my guy
Perkins talks about how america goes to other countries trying to "help" them. They tell these countries that it will benefit them, but in reality only america and their companies and the handful of evil and greedy elite in those countries benefit, while the masses end up worse than they were. The income inequality becomes even worse. He calls it corporatocracy.

Its a good read. He gives examples and goes in depth. He was involved in a lot of it personally.
I like Jake's too. Jake's is perfect. Karens and Jake's lol.

**** 12 flows so perfectly tho. Smooth as chocolate mousse.

I’m from LA so I always heard people call them the “1 time” or “the boys”

First person I ever heard call them “12” was Gucci Mane and he’s a good deal older than me so I dunno about the younger generation having come up with that. I know “12” has been big in the south for a while and maybe Migos made it take off nationwide...
I’m from LA so I always heard people call them the “1 time” or “the boys”

First person I ever heard call them “12” was Gucci Mane and he’s a good deal older than me so I dunno about the younger generation having come up with that. I know “12” has been big in the south for a while and maybe Migos made it take off nationwide...
1 time is a classic. And the boys is the international code for police. Can say it anywhere and dudes know you mean the boys in blue.

Precinct is the pig pen.

Old nickname for a cop car is the burp n berries.

Chopper is the ghetto bird.

I remember Dare came to our school when I was in like 5th grade and a piglet came. And they opened the floor for questions. I was a kid and interested. Back when cops and firemen and astronauts were cool and we didn't know real life situations. So I asked her what made her want to be a cop. And she snapped at me in front of everybody. And corrected me. 'THATS POLICE OFFICER'. uhm.. ***** I'm an innocent 10 yr old....that's go **** yourself. I'll never forget that. Fdb.
My 3pt plan to reduce police brutality:

-Officers are investigated upon every complaint, injury or death of detainee, and everytime their weapon is discharged. This must be done by an independent 3rd party task force that monitors law enforcement specifically. Every bullet must be accounted for an explained. This will discourage the environment of shoot first and ask questions later because they would need to be certain of a threat versus just "fearing for my life."

-Officers must live within the communities they patrol. This would bring familiarity and increase a level of trust as the community would know who they are dealing with and It would also decrease a level of anxiety for both officer and civilian as a repore is established locally.

-Any illegal acts engaged by police would result in an automatic 33% longer sentencing in found guilty. This would force more officers to consider the results of their actions before they commit them. They have more power and authority and with that they should have more consequences aswell.
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