RIP George Floyd

Where is the lie? :rofl:

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Now that folks are FINALLY actually
Acknowledging police brutality
and cops killing my people
Are we ready to have the convo
On how the doctors are killing my people as well
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Especially my black women
Bro, it's time to pull the entire curtain back. I need a true revolution. If they aren't all accountable, it's just a bandaid.

Cops been murdering.
Doctor's been murdering.
Judges been murdering.

Record labels been robbing.

Banks been denying.
Companies been denying.
Black names been getting rejection letters.

City officials been redlining.

Been getting followed around stores.
Imminent domain been taking what's yours.
why r police called "12"?

I like Po Po, 5 0, the Boys, and the Jakes . 12 is cool too, but I think it was created by the younger generation
Narcotics division code. All cops became 12.

Old Atlanta ****. It’s based as a heads up. Like “12 o’clock” means “straight ahead”. It comes from that. Means police are nearby. Police are at 12 o’clock. Over became just 12, in the streets.

This is so inspiring.

I'm not sure how long this can last, but I'd say at least til July 25th, which is when the emergency unemployment money is running out. As of now, people are out of work and still getting paid so they can pay bills whole protesting. I'm guessing the white house hasn't figured that out yet. The bigger sacrifice comes when they have to choose between going back to work and protesting social injustice. I believe they can. Just curious how determined this generation is to make change. Right now, it's convenient.
SWAT Raids, Stun Guns, And Pepper Spray: Why The Government Is Ramping Up The Use Of Force

basically don’t none of y’all know the real answer :lol:

You’re right. Ive always thought it was radio/law code - such as ‘211’,‘187’. Maybe it’s all of the above :lol:


I'm warning all the white people I know...things might be drastically different for them when the world opens back up. These events are the battery in the back for a lot of Black folks to start telling em how we really feel :lol:

Also, I know we aren't supposed to put much stock in entertainers. But I really wish **** Gregory was alive/Paul Mooney was in his right mind to see the things they were advocating for (for decades) come to fruition
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